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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Red Phantom Games  [developer] Sep 23, 2021 @ 6:18am
In the first instance, please report bugs and issues here:
(This is the best way because it will allow me to collate, manage and prioritise issues across all versions of the game more easily.)
However, I will check for bugs posted on here, just so you've got an alternative option. (Please don't post to both.)

If you want to report here then please provide the following information:
- The precise nature of the issue and where it occurs in the game.
- What the steps are to reproduce the issue.
- A note of your CPU and GPU specification.
- Any changes you can make to the Visual options in the game to fix the issue.
(This discussion channel is for performance/frame rate issues only.)
Last edited by Red Phantom Games; Sep 23, 2021 @ 6:28am