

9. kvě. 2016 v 23.18
Big 3D-Coat Challenge Has Started!
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Zobrazeno 18 z 8 komentářů
OMG. Am I seeing this? You guys are posting on Steam!?
yep sound odd, but why not if they really maintains a support on steam.
yava 11. kvě. 2016 v 23.40 
Hi al! Please, note: contest theme updated to 'Steampunk Vehicles'.
Shame they also didn't offer a bit of a discount on the Education version. I know some people will say its worth the current price but we like discounts.
I would so of joined this if i knew sooner,but had to get a laptop,and just bought the personal vr of 3d coat and learning it to do my projects.
Wont make it in time to post for this contest...however,this contest is awesome.
better now
мой ник, мои интересы, мой профиль, как раз по теме)
да только уже не актуально как два года)))
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Zobrazeno 18 z 8 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 9. kvě. 2016 v 23.18
Počet příspěvků: 8