

123 个评价
Fix common problems with the Steam client
由 Black Blade 制作
Had a problem with the Client.. cant connect? these is common way to fix problems with the client
Notes abut the guide
I am working on it.. and collecting fixes.. soon i will also add what is the best fix for different type of problems
If something here dose not work for you or you have a problem i did not put here feel free to comment and il do my best to help

Also if you feel these guide was useful feel free to translate it, or use it as you please
Fix messed up layout or Community/Store not loading (Windows)
If your store layout looks like these or dose not load at all:

Follow this setps
  1. Go to your main Steam window
  2. Click on Steam top right
  3. In the menu that open go to Settings
  4. Select Web Browser from the side menu
  5. Click on Delete Web Browser Cache (and for good measure you can also do Delete All browser cookies)
Refresh Steam files
(note these will not effect your games)
{Read all before performing}
Exit completely from Steam
Go to the folder were Steam is installed then delete all files in there except (Do Not delete these next files):
  • steamapps [Folder] (were your games are at)
  • userdata [Folder] (were your games saves are at)
  • skins [Folder] (Were your Steam skins are at.. no reason to lose them for these)
  • Steam.exe [App] (Main Steam program needed for later)
  • ssfn files.. there may be more then one, it will be called ssfn_____ and some numbers (keep it so you will not have the 7 days trade cool down)
If you have controller config saved you may also want to keep:
  • controller_base [Folder] (I think its controller cnfigrations, may also be cloud saved)
    If you have VR you may also want to keep:
  • config [Folder] (This is where your VR setup is saved your home regardless is saved in the Steamapps folder)
After you are done and left only with these 3 folders and program run Steam.exe and it will need to download the client

These fixes most of the problems with the client if nothing else works

Note: you may get a 7 days cool down on the Client after doing it (if you backed-up the ssfn file it dose not need to give a cool down)
How to fix Videos not working in Steam client or Over-lay
1 - Go to
2 - Select Windows 7 / Vista / 2008 / 2003 ( or whatever it is your system )
3 - Select " Flash Player for Other Browsers " <-- Make sure you choose "Other Browsers" (Adobe seem to have change these, so pick "opera and chromium" that will be for Steam)
4 - Untick any bloatware that shows up ( McAfee, Chrome, etc )
5 - Download & Install
6 - Restart Steam

{Thanks for Alf for posting these on the forums}
How to connect Steam support
Jimo made a guide abut it.. explains much better:

{Please read under on when to connect before doing so}

For first time you will need to make a Steam support account (note: on the support site you do not use your Steam account but a separate Steam Support account

You can creat a Steam support account here:

Then you can create your ticket to send to support here:

And view it here:

You are best to put every thing in one ticket. posting a second time on the same ticket will put you in the back of the waiting list and opening more tickets will just slow down support


Dose Steam support help me with game problems
If its not a Valve game you will be better to try to connect the Support for that game, or ask on the game Hub on Steam

Will support remove my VAC ban
Valve all ready reply on there support pages they cant/will not remove VAC bans

How long dose it take to support to replay
Most of the time from abut 2 days to 2 weeks depending on there ticket load
Archive process: Fix messed up layout or Community/Store not loading (Windows)

First of all exit Steam

And the refreshing did not fix your problem, try these fix:
1. Press the Windows button + R

2. type in the Run window

3. Your control panel will open, there you will want to open "Display" or "Appearance and Personalisation"

4. Open "Folder sittings" or "File Explorer Options" then go to the "View" Tab and look for "Hidden files and folder" mark "Show hidden files, and folders and drivers"

5. navigate to: C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Steam\htmlcache
(replace "<Username>" with your Windows account username)

6. delete the htmlcache folder

7. press on Windows button + R again and then type in:

8. Start up Steam see if the problem is solved

0. You may want to set folders as hidden again when you are done

Thanks for @Teutep for this info
Source: Steam doesn't load store, community or profile(s) (Topic, Steam Community Forums)
202 条留言
Black Blade  [作者] 2022 年 1 月 5 日 上午 12:57 
ow ok great :D glad to hear it was fixed
lochbessie 2022 年 1 月 4 日 下午 6:21 
I just removed the "myapps" folder and deleted the entire steam file, then I re-installed Steam and put back the myapps folder and that seems to have fixed it.
Black Blade  [作者] 2022 年 1 月 4 日 上午 12:12 
lochbessie 2022 年 1 月 3 日 上午 9:33 
Please help I tried this out but now whenever I try opening up Steam it says the message "failed to load steamui. dll"
Black Blade  [作者] 2021 年 4 月 15 日 上午 10:24 
Gladly mate.. as much as it was XD
Soviet Arsonist 2021 年 4 月 15 日 上午 10:06 
no problem at all
thanks for the help
Black Blade  [作者] 2021 年 4 月 15 日 上午 9:36 
Well at least its fixed :D:
Anyway factory reseting the PC once in a while can help fix some over all issues and all, but to fix the clinet for the most part, you don't need to go so far

Anyway glad to hear its fixed :D: have fun mate, sorry was not able to find a fix before it was fixed :P
Soviet Arsonist 2021 年 4 月 15 日 上午 6:39 
so i recent factory reset my pc and somehow that fixed it? so if push comes to shuv id do that again if this happens
Black Blade  [作者] 2021 年 3 月 11 日 下午 5:24 
It should still work most times
You try to clear Web Browser Cache?
Try also to possibly restart your interment and see if that helps or/and do you have the same issue on the browser?
Soviet Arsonist 2021 年 3 月 11 日 下午 12:54 
idk if its just me but this but i followed the steps and my Store page is still messed up, (is this outdated ?)