Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Menu Framework (Dev Preview)
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
shqke  [developer] Feb 27, 2017 @ 9:38pm
How to use this framework
  1. Use long (10+ symbols), unique and descriptive name for your RadialMenu and files just to make sure it wont interfere with other addons!
  2. If you need more radialmenus - consider using pseudo-namespaces instead. It's basically has the same functionality.
  3. First section of your include file should be named "RadialMenu"
  4. If you're using this framework you CAN'T have /root/scripts/radialmenu.txt now as it may override framework file thus making it impossible to use target feature of this addon. Instead, you've to move it into /root/scripts/radialmenu/MYINDEX.txt, where MYINDEX has to be reserved in this thread.
  5. Make sure your addon has this framework as dependency (you can add it using "Add/Remove Required Items" on the right side of your addon page)
    It also wont hurt if you make a collection of your addon and this framework as this approach might look more convenient with option "Subscribe to All".

Addon RadialMenu Example
There's no need to change file contents at this point as it will be read normally.
"RadialMenu" { "YourMenuName" { "Center" { "command" ";" "text" "" } "North" { "command" "echo You've selected a top option" "text" "Select Me" } } }
Last edited by shqke; Mar 2, 2017 @ 9:45am