GameMaker: Studio

GameMaker: Studio

Concave Shooter
zulmetefza  [developer] Apr 16, 2015 @ 4:46am

WASD to move
Mouse Wheel or 1-2-3-4-5 to change weapons.
Left click to shoot, right click to teleport to mouse's location.


You cant win this game. But maybe unlocking the last weapon -currently ricochet gun- is a good target to reach. You will hear a pickup sound when you unlock a new weapon by killing enemies. The enemies gets a bit faster and more numerous with each enemy you kill, so surviving until eternity is not possible.

Difficulty and weapon unlocks only got updated with the enemies you kill, not by enviromental hazards (e.g explosions). With that in mind, try to increase your high score.

Current highscore is 18500, from my friend Lacosa. Let me know if you can beat him.


The only interesting weapon is sword when it comes to usage. Ever played fruit ninja on mobile? Sword works exactly like that. Click and drag to swing. You cant swing all day long, so release after a while. The harder you swing, the bigger your swing's trail will be.

Shotgun is a low range weapon. It is an old shotgun, so it is heavy.

Machine gun is a conventional gun, that lets you take full control of topdown shooting mechanisms.

Plasma gun has piercing ammo. But the weapon itself is really heavy.

Ricochet bullets can kill you. Be careful.


Green Crabs die with 5 damage. They just wander around, bounce off from walls, and from other big enemies.

Bombs die with 5 damage. When they die, they explode, and kill others, including you. If you get too close to them and wait there, they will self detonate. They also follow you around field but they are slow, so this should not be a problem.

Worms die with 1 damage. They follow you around and they are fast, so they may swarm you if you take your time.


I know this is an amateur project and all, but I really try to balance it well, so that not only I am learning something but all players at least wont feel like they wasted their 5 minutes. As always, let me know about your suggestions.
Last edited by zulmetefza; Apr 16, 2015 @ 8:44am