Torchlight II

Torchlight II

PhantumJak  [developer] Sep 12, 2014 @ 10:39pm
How to convert from your current load order to NO MERCY
Want to use this mod pack but already using another?
You can still use this mod pack! Here's how!
1. Load your saved game with your current mods.
2. Put EVERYTHING you don't want to lose in your SHARED STORAGE
3. Save and exit.
4. Download this mod: Mod Unbinder
5. Remove your old mods from your load order. Enable this mod package AND enable the Mod Unbinder. Put the Mod unbinder at the VERY TOP of your load order.
6. Your load order should be like this:
Mod Unbinder
[whatever mods you want, but my package covers a lot so this may not be necessary]
Synergies HIGHLOOT
7. Load your character and click CONTINUE when asked.
8. Once you've loaded in, save and exit!
9. Remove Mod Unbinder from your load order.
10. PLAY!

Did the above method not work??? Try this

1.Download this program. Torchlight II Rapid Respec[]
2. Open the program, click on "LOAD CHARACTER"
3. A window will pop up, select your save file.
4.Go to the LAST tab that says "Mod Bindings"
5. Under "Character Mod Bindings", click "Select all"
6. Click "Strip Mod Bindings"
7. Click the BIG RED BUTTON that says "RESPEC"
8. If successful, close the program and start up your save file.
9. PLAY! Remember your stuff is in your SHARED storage ;D