Steam Greenlight
Amburger 2013년 12월 10일 오후 7시 08분
Lord of the rings: Battle for middleearth 2
Definately a "retro" game that is inevitable to miss, I see steam already got EA games. Best stategy game ever in my opinion!
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4개 댓글 중 1-4개 표시
Gorlom[Swe] 2013년 12월 10일 오후 8시 36분 
N&J님이 먼저 게시:
Definately a "retro" game that is inevitable to miss, I see steam already got EA games. Best stategy game ever in my opinion!
Steam has not gotten any new addition of EA games since Origin launched. (EAs own competing distribution platform)

Secondly I belive that the studio that made this game lost the license and can therefor not reprint physical copies to sell or sell any additional digital copies. (but don't take my word for it... I've only heard it second hand)

There has alreayd been numberous threads on this game. Did you try to use the Search function?

Lastly you seem to have missed this part of the Greenlight FAQ:

I know of a game that should be on here? What do I do?
Go contact the game developer and suggest that they submit their game for consideration.
Gorlom[Swe] 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 12월 10일 오후 8시 39분
yodaskywalker 2013년 12월 11일 오후 8시 21분 
I would love to have LOTR ME II in Steam too,very good game but not the best ever.....
C0untzer0 2013년 12월 17일 오전 3시 24분 
Meh, the shuttle launch won't be delayed...
Gorlom[Swe] 2013년 12월 17일 오후 4시 49분 
It's not up to Valve (Steam).
Normally it's up to whoever owns the rights to the game (that would be EA, which are a direct competitor to Valve and therefor will not sell any new games through Steam. "New" as in not alreay on Steam) but they unfortunately lost the licensing rights to sell the game so you need to talk to whoever holds that.

It's much easier for you to buy the game on ebay or something.
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4개 댓글 중 1-4개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2013년 12월 10일 오후 7시 08분
게시글: 4