Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

Crea e scarica nuovi dungeon, oggetti, mostri e ambientazioni
Usa l'editor dei dungeon per costruire avventure e sfide del tutto nuove da risolvere per altri giocatori. Riempi il tuo dungeon di rompicapo, trappole o anche oggetti completamente nuovi, mostri e ambientazioni con grafiche e suoni personalizzati! Clicca qui per ulteriori informazioni.
Editing core aspects of the game
Is it possible to do something like fully removing resting, or at least editing how the rest system works? Or reducing the player party from 4 characters to 1? Haven't seen any way to do anything like this in the editor and I haven't found been able to find anything online stating if you can. Figured maybe someone more experienced in the editor might know around here. Thanks for any information you can give!
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These things are definitely possible through scripting, but they're not trivial. I haven't personally done either of the things you're asking about, but I've seen them mentioned on the official forum
Most of the active modders hang out in that forum, and there are a lot of helpful people there if you're interested in scripting.
Ultima modifica da Billick; 20 nov 2012, ore 5:19
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