Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

Crie a baixe novos calabouços, itens, monstros e ambientes
Use o Editor de Calabouços para criar aventuras e desafios inteiramente novos para outros jogadores resolverem. Encha os seus calabouços de quebra-cabeças, armadilhas ou itens, monstros e ambientes totalmente novos com gráficos e áudio personalizados! Clique aqui para saber mais.
Ongoing Project (Dungeons of Garmuk)
Greetings! I've recently begun working on a small project in LoG, and I need some testing, input, suggestions and comments. Anyone interested in testing out the first level, follow this link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=102938500

I'd appreciate that any and all criticism, suggestions etc end up in the projects page. Happy dungeon crawling!