Steam Greenlight
Favorite type of gaming.
My questions is what are you're favorite type of games, I have seen a lot of 2D Side scrollers pop up here and there but I personally can't stand 2D side scrollers. Granted there are a few exceptions like FTL which I find entertaining. So what intrigues people about 2D side scrollers. Or any game really.

Thanks for the replies.
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1-15 / 62 のコメントを表示
huh? How is FTL a sidescroller?
asdfg 2013年7月24日 15時32分 
That's true Mindwedge.
GorlomSwe の投稿を引用:
huh? How is FTL a sidescroller?
I'm trying to remember if FTL does any kind of scrolling at all. Do the backgrounds even move?
Skoardy の投稿を引用:
GorlomSwe の投稿を引用:
huh? How is FTL a sidescroller?
I'm trying to remember if FTL does any kind of scrolling at all. Do the backgrounds even move?
Nope, they are static. Not even the ingame spoken text scrolls. The only scrolling I recall is the credits... but that isn't sidescrolling.
最近の変更はGorlom[Swe]が行いました; 2013年7月24日 20時21分
GorlomSwe の投稿を引用:
huh? How is FTL a sidescroller?
I was considering the 2D aspect of FTL not necessarily the sidescrolling part...
最近の変更はLord Caradocが行いました; 2013年7月24日 22時22分
Mindwedge の投稿を引用:
You see a lot of 2D platformers because they're generally easier to make. That's fine for lighter/less capable platforms like phones, netbooks and tablets.

Yes I agree with that assumption, they would be easier to make and would need less talent in the development process. Literally a team of 1 to 2 could make it. But what is the appeal on the market. Games are driven based on player desires, so obviously people enjoy 2D Sidescrollers (disregarding FTL since apparently we established that isn't a Sidescroller). I am trying to determine the appeal that drives people to continue playing them.
Mindwedge の投稿を引用:
Darnen の投稿を引用:

Yes I agree with that assumption, they would be easier to make and would need less talent in the development process. Literally a team of 1 to 2 could make it. But what is the appeal on the market. Games are driven based on player desires, so obviously people enjoy 2D Sidescrollers (disregarding FTL since apparently we established that isn't a Sidescroller). I am trying to determine the appeal that drives people to continue playing them.

PCs (and consoles to a slightly lesser extent) offer a much richer experience IMO, but a lot of people spend more time with their phones, tablets and such as they are more mobile. So it really depends on where you are as much or more than anything. Why would a person choose a less rich experience while on a PC? Well, for some it's nostalgia. For others it might be a preference (possibly based on what they play while on the go) or it could be a matter of economy or connection speed. We get spoiled with our cable modems and forget that some still use modems. As the AAA devs make more multiplayer and fewer single-player products, the choices narrow.

That's probably the short version. I expect some other folks can expand on those ideas and beyond.

My wife is hooked on solitaire. If she plays at all that's all she plays.

Okay, I can understand the nostalgia of relating to older games. Thanks.
I like shmups. Shmups shmups shmups shmups. Also shmups. Shmups! :D:

(Oh, and Dungeon-Crawler RPGs)
最近の変更は393Grooverが行いました; 2013年7月25日 1時27分
ekbmrb の投稿を引用:
I like shmups. Shmups shmups shmups shmups. Also shmups. Shmups! :D:

(Oh, and Dungeon-Crawler RPGs)

Darnen の投稿を引用:
ekbmrb の投稿を引用:
I like shmups. Shmups shmups shmups shmups. Also shmups. Shmups! :D:

(Oh, and Dungeon-Crawler RPGs)

A contraction of "Shoot em ups" such as 1942, U.N. Squadron R-type, X-out, etc
C0untzer0 の投稿を引用:
Darnen の投稿を引用:

A contraction of "Shoot em ups" such as 1942, U.N. Squadron R-type, X-out, etc

I see, thanks.
Hiore 2013年7月25日 11時26分 
gosto porque roda no meu androide! *-*
Qon 2013年7月27日 13時17分 
FP 3D games.
Basically 3rd person (shooters) games and 2D games are instant No.
I want immersive and skill based games where I feel that I'm there and that my abilities matter.

The exeption to these rules are some specific types of fighting or platform games but most of those are also rejected.
Megabyte Punch is an awesome Super Smash Bros styled game that got upvoted, faved and bought even though it is a 2D game (it has 3D graphics).
Cloudbuilt is a 3D platformer that seems very promising and while I wish it was FP it still got and upvote and faved. Hasn't been relaesed yet though.
Personally my tastes veer toward RPGs (both overhead and first person) and strategy games, and I will basically never buy a shmup or a platformer. (I think the last 'platformer' I bought was Portal...)

I like FPS games if they have an interesting story to them, but modern military shooters leave me completely cold.

Other than that, I will buy a game from most any genre if it looks like it brings something interesting and unique to the table...

(And if someone ever made a spiritual successor to Freedom Force I would worship them forever!)
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投稿日: 2013年7月24日 14時50分
投稿数: 62