Steam Greenlight
There are games on greenlight, that are in early state of developlnet. Aplha or even pre-alpha builds, prototype graphic and so on.
I can not really vote them up nor down. I would like third option - "hide for month". upton clicking it, game would not appear in my queue for one month. then it could appear again and i could vote up or done. or hide for month again. simple and effective.
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Viser 1-15 af 34 kommentarer
Seraphita 27. dec. 2012 kl. 9:04 
One word as reply: No. Take is as trolling if you want but yeah. You vote it for or not or you don't vote for it at all. There are some that are a difficult choice for me and I still voted on them, anyway. I have about 11 games in my queue that I didn't vote since forever and they never blocked me from seeing new added games. What they should do instead is allowing us to put the game on "watch" or such for us to look at it from times to times without filling a queue spot. But to answer you, hiding it for a month is a terrible idea.
Thordred 27. dec. 2012 kl. 9:10 
As a workaround, you could use your favourites to "store" games that you want to revisit later and use the "no thanks" button to clear your queue.
Lurtz 猫好き 27. dec. 2012 kl. 9:16 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Sera:
One word as reply: No. Take is as trolling if you want but yeah. You vote it for or not or you don't vote for it at all. There are some that are a difficult choice for me and I still voted on them, anyway. I have about 11 games in my queue that I didn't vote since forever and they never blocked me from seeing new added games. What they should do instead is allowing us to put the game on "watch" or such for us to look at it from times to times without filling a queue spot. But to answer you, hiding it for a month is a terrible idea.
you dont need to use it if you like it this way. i hate that thoos games block my queue, even if it was only 1.

There are simply games where you just can not say whether you would buy a game or not. It does not need to be because of early prototype graphic, it can be that you miss gamelpay video, or demo, or something else to decide.

There shoud be a way to show that you can not make your mind NOW. currently, i upvote all games like that. some people downvote all game like that. Both strategies are serving aganist purpose of greenligh as they can cause letting in bad games or keeping out good ones. It may not be hide for month, but something to adress this issue is definetly needed.

Oprindeligt skrevet af Thordred:
As a workaround, you could use your favourites to "store" games that you want to revisit later and use the "no thanks" button to clear your queue.
that might be idea for another solution. adding new mark, "revisit later", in additiong of favourite mark, and downvoting games like that.
Sidst redigeret af Lurtz 猫好き; 27. dec. 2012 kl. 9:19
C0untzer0 27. dec. 2012 kl. 9:35 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Lurtz:

There shoud be a way to show that you can not make your mind NOW. currently, i upvote all games like that.
Seriously, if you're unsure, you're willing to pay? If they can't convince you, or can't meet a deadline, don't promise them money for it.
Delph 27. dec. 2012 kl. 9:47 
Basically if the game is too early or too unclear then I will just downvote - its the dev's fault for a poor greenlight entry and doesn't fill me with confidence about their final product
Lurtz 猫好き 27. dec. 2012 kl. 12:33 
Oprindeligt skrevet af C0untzer0:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Lurtz:

There shoud be a way to show that you can not make your mind NOW. currently, i upvote all games like that.
Seriously, if you're unsure, you're willing to pay? If they can't convince you, or can't meet a deadline, don't promise them money for it.

i dont know, that is the problem. it is not that i am, but it is not that i am not. i can not say neither. that is the point here. and guy saying they downvote such a games can still end up buying them, as i can end up not buing them.

they can convince me with final product. and waitig for they deadines is why i want that button.
Seraphita 27. dec. 2012 kl. 12:37 
I suppose it's like being shown a jumping character, turned to a Super Mario Bros game as final product. I probably wouldn't upvote the jumping character right away either. But usually, I downvote something I am not interested in (Right away or in general) because said button says "not interested". I'll admit it's a little unfortunate that we can't easily return to a game we downvoted if we change mind but yeah.
Lurtz 猫好き 27. dec. 2012 kl. 12:57 
point is not whether you upvote it or downvote it.

point is that you dont want it now, but, unlike some other submissions, you make like it later. And these two "no"s needs to be recognized.
AIMonster 27. dec. 2012 kl. 20:42 
Developers shouldn't put games on Greenlight that are still in early development phases anyway, so they deserve a no vote. The last thing we need is a button like this that would encourage more games that belong in the concept section. Greenlight shouldn't act like another Kickstarter or even Gametrailers.

I think a question we should ask is why aren't developers simply waiting till the game is within a few months of release (in Beta testing phase or late Alpha)?
Spydrebyte 27. dec. 2012 kl. 21:57 
Yes to a 'maybe' vote or something similar... Or perhaps a watchlist, besides adding to favorites, so that any downvotes which have potential can be kept track of. Having been through all the available games on greenlight, they are not all absolutely yes or no. There are a few which are borderline but need a little work, that is what out feedback is for.
Skoardy 28. dec. 2012 kl. 8:37 
Maybe is absolutely useless information to Valve. It doesn't help them at all when gauging what games to pass Greenlight. Probably just like putting off voting and forgetting/not bothering to come back.
C0untzer0 28. dec. 2012 kl. 9:28 
a "Maybe" is not a "Yes" and anything not a "Yes" is a "No" so Valve would count it as one if it were there anyway.
Seraphita 28. dec. 2012 kl. 10:01 
I am starting to enjoy how many people are trying to find a way around "Yes" and "No" options of the Greenlight system. Not sure why... But yeah, whether the game interest you or not, Valve won't wait for you if the game gets greenlit. Then people will complain that they couldn't choose because they "maybe-ed" the game. So honestly, just choose yes or no and be done with it.
Lurtz 猫好き 28. dec. 2012 kl. 13:58 
First of all, it is not maybe button, it is delay button. Show me more to get my answers button.

Oprindeligt skrevet af Skoardy:
Maybe is absolutely useless information to Valve. It doesn't help them at all when gauging what games to pass Greenlight. Probably just like putting off voting and forgetting/not bothering to come back.
Not true, it is information that game is not ready to be evaluated. If it is not gonna have enough "yes" but lots of "delays" then it says game still can be good and demanded - but it needs time (developers work).
And btw, most useless information to Valve are false "yes" and "no" answers from people who actually dont know and just press somthing to move to next game in queue.

Oprindeligt skrevet af C0untzer0:
a "Maybe" is not a "Yes" and anything not a "Yes" is a "No" so Valve would count it as one if it were there anyway.
True, but not relevant. It is like "no", but "no" where you can change your mind later when you have more information.

Oprindeligt skrevet af Sera:
I am starting to enjoy how many people are trying to find a way around "Yes" and "No" options of the Greenlight system. Not sure why... But yeah, whether the game interest you or not, Valve won't wait for you if the game gets greenlit. Then people will complain that they couldn't choose because they "maybe-ed" the game. So honestly, just choose yes or no and be done with it.
I am starting to enjoy how many people complety ingore topic of discussion and still feel competen to contribute their ideas.
Basicily, my problem is that sometimes i can not choose yes or no and your advice is "just choose yes or no" Sorry, but I can not choose about game that is like 20% finished. And if i do, i am not "done with it" amd I want to check later how things moved.

Seraphita 28. dec. 2012 kl. 15:01 
Except you don't enjoy anything, you just copy what I said to sound smart. Let's just mention that what you ask for was asked for more than once. if it was so great of an idea, I think Valve would have set it like that, already. Whether you wait to vote for the game or not doesn't matter. It will still rank up and down in the long list of Greenlight games. Simple solution that was said before, fave the game and vote no since you are not interested by it right away (maybe is not an option, here). Check later, if you get a sudden interest in it, change your vote to yes. So hard to do just that, isn't it...?
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