The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Mod limit bug
This mod limit bug is getting on my nerves... I hope they fix it soon.
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its not a bug. they set the limit and no one knows why
Well it still pisses me off. Why Gabe? Why?
It's not a limit, it actually was a bug/glitch and they fixed it a few days ago, here's how:

Exit Steam and go to the folder called C:\Program Files\Steam\ (this is the default location for a Steam installation - if you set a different installation directory, you will need to browse to it).

Delete all of the files in this folder except:

- Steamapps and Userdata folders

- Steam.exe (this file is listed as an application and features the black and white Steam logo)

Restart your computer.

Then, launch Steam.exe from within the Steam installation folder, and not from a pre-existing shortcut.

With Steam running, re-test the original issue.

It worked for me and should work for everyone else. Pass it on.
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Geplaatst op: 26 mrt 2014 om 13:43
Aantal berichten: 3