Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

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Boomstixx 2014년 2월 11일 오후 9시 26분
[Build] Can't enter 3D-Mode
I can't enter 3D-Mode. I am in a valid Sector but pressing Enter (Numpad) does absolutly nothing. Not even a error message.
It works with Mapster - but good old Build would be better for me.
Any ideas?
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2개 댓글 중 1-2개 표시
Micky C 3 2014년 2월 13일 오전 4시 05분 
Why oh why would you want Build over Mapster32? Seriously, give me one reason, I'm genuinely curious.

The version of build included with megaton is completely messed up and broken in many ways. IMO General Arcade knows it's a waste of time to put the effort into it when everyone's gonig to use mapster anyway.
RPG Master 2014년 2월 17일 오전 11시 08분 
I'm using Build because in order to get Mapster32, I'd have to build it from source because the packages they have are for an older version of Ubuntu. :rcry:

But to answer your question, I've noticed that the included version of Build likes to overwrite your Build.cfg files with some weird addditions to the key mapping, which prevents using some keys. What I did was set up my Build.cfg the way I wanted it, and then marking the file as read-only. (but first I deleted the cfg file and opened Build so I could get a non-screwed up one)

Hope that helps. :beatmeat:
RPG Master 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 2월 17일 오전 11시 09분
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