Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Objevujte a sdílejte uživatelské mapy
Stahujte nové uživatelské mapy a prodlužte si herní zážitek. Vytvářejte své vlastní mapy a sdílejte je s přáteli a komunitou. Pro více informací o sdílení obsahu klikněte zde.
[Build] Camera and viewscreen limits?
I've got quite a lot of viewscreens and cameras in a level and it would seem any more I create don't work so is there a limit to how many you can have in one map? And by "don't work" I mean if you frob them nothing happens.
Naposledy upravil Lunick; 7. úno. 2014 v 21.44
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The Infosuite website doesn't have a limits part, it would be convenient, like for Wolfenstein Enemy Territory:
turned out to be a bug. I just deleted a few cameras and viewscreens and did them again and now it's fine.
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Na stránku: 1530 50