Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Új csataterek várnak rád!
Keress és tölts le új pályákat, modokat és sok mást! Ki akarod próbálni a modkészítést, vagy fel akarod tölteni modod a Steamre, hogy mindenki lássa? Kattints ide, hogy megtudd, hogyan.
Somebody uses the SDK with 8GB ?
HI !
Next week i get a windows 64 bit system to start working with the sdk!!
My motherboard only can use 8gb ram.
Is it comfortable enought to work with ? i read that you might get out of ram and the program crashes but im not sure if this is a "up to date" problem. So should i buy 8gb for my motherboard or buy a new one with more ?
Somebody trying it? Is it stable enought to work with?Thank you !
Im also using a hd 7970 3GB.
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11/1 megjegyzés mutatása
I have 8gigs and it is still not enough. I would buy a new motherboard.
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11/1 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50