The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Mod makes Skyrim really dark at night
Hi, sorry for my english but I don't know what to do. So, I installed a few mods, most of them for grafic reasons. But now my skyrim game is so dark at night, like pitch black and it's hard to see anything. Maybe someone knows the answer for that?
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Uninstall the responsible mod ? There are mods that make the night darker on purpose.
Check Mods that add Stars and such to your game. I know there are a few Mods that add stars and such that do indeed change the night to be very black.

Only you know which mods you have installed and such ... so look and if need be go to the specific forum and see which mod might be the one.
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Data di pubblicazione: 19 ago 2014, ore 15:15
Messaggi: 2