Steam Greenlight
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Debate upon linking kickstarter projects
Edited due to Gorlom's advice. My first time here and I am learning.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Kate; 10.8.2014 klo 10.36
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posting "news" about games like this on the greenlight forum is generally frowned upon due to the chaotic mess that would result if everyone did it.
And usually it results in the opposite of the intended effect as people find it annoying..

You really should just let the devs themselves post their greenlight page. It is rather redundant to make a thread about it here.

drumming up some support outside of greenlight is a good idea, but on the greenlight forums not so much.
Kate 10.8.2014 klo 2.28 
Hey gorlom

Thank you for the advice, Since the devs was thinking about it I wanted to drum up support to make sure it gets to steam greenlight by showing the demand. I have not made a post of this kind before so I did not mean to cause any issues, I just thought I was helping.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Kate; 10.8.2014 klo 2.29
Kate 10.8.2014 klo 2.30 
Would you recommend I delete this thread?
Kate 10.8.2014 klo 2.32 
also @C0untzer0 a single discussion is not "spam"
Kate 10.8.2014 klo 2.35 
also since it is not spam: My discussion falls within the discription of this forum.

You can use this space to ask questions and discuss topics that relate to Steam Greenlight.
Ryssa lähetti viestin:
also @C0untzer0 a single discussion is not "spam"
And yet when taken as an example of many people posting unsolicited adverts on a discussion thread which expressly forbids doing so it is. Do you see how it works, now?

Ryssa lähetti viestin:
I have not made a post of this kind before so I did not mean to cause any issues, I just thought I was helping.
You're not.
Kate 10.8.2014 klo 2.54 
C0untzer0 lähetti viestin:
Ryssa lähetti viestin:
also @C0untzer0 a single discussion is not "spam"
And yet when taken as an example of many people posting unsolicited adverts on a discussion thread which expressly forbids doing so it is. Do you see how it works, now?

Ryssa lähetti viestin:
I have not made a post of this kind before so I did not mean to cause any issues, I just thought I was helping.
You're not.

I do not think this is an unsolicited advert. I am a fan of a game that could very possible come to steam greenlight. I am not posting about my own product. It is relevant to the discussion and steam greenlight is made for indie devs to help them succeed. At what point does a fan discussing a game they are excited about, which they would not profit by become advertisment?
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Kate; 10.8.2014 klo 2.55
Do you believe that this is a solicited advert?
Do you believe that your post isn't promoting a product or service?
If the latter, then it is even more pointless.
Kate 10.8.2014 klo 3.03 
C0untzer0 lähetti viestin:
Do you believe that this is a solicited advert?
Do you believe that your post isn't promoting a product or service?
If the latter, then it is even more pointless.

I do not belive it is an advert. I feel it is a relevant discussion around a title which would be supported here on this very platform. Premtively discussing a future steam greenlight is not the type of advertisment you are accusing me of. It is a sad world when someone makes efforts to block support for a upcomming greenlight game on the very place it is comming too.

You should be angry at people who actualy come here to make profit from advertisment. Not people trying to support indie developers, especially someone who brought us curse of monkey island. I am going to stop debating this issue and waite for the moderator to decide if it is appropriate.
If you spend 10 lines praising the product, include a link for where people can send money, and you don't see how that looks like advertising you have serious cognitive problems.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on C0untzer0; 10.8.2014 klo 3.34
Kate 10.8.2014 klo 3.10 

Flame or insult other members

No Backseat Moderating

Let the moderators do the moderating. Backseat moderating is when people who are not moderators try to enforce the forum rules.

You insulted me by commenting on my cognative ability and your backseat moderating. You are now reported.
I don't see how it's an insult, I was just providing information which may be of use to you.
Ryssa lähetti viestin:
Hey gorlom

I wanted to drum up support to make sure it gets to steam greenlight by showing the demand.
Support for a game to come to steam could be drummed up anywhere really. Except for the greenlight forum. You are going to have real problems doing that here.
Part because of the ammount of traffic to this forum and part because people just don't want to be drowning in threads drumming for support.

It would probably be better if the devs sought out Steam Greenlight themselves and fully understood what it is and how it works.
If they are unsure and concerned/worried about submitting to greenlight and feel pressured into going to Greenlight by being shown demand for it it's likely that they will not really look into and understand what they are going to find here.
They might feel crushed by whining/hateing comments and an overwhelming no to yes ratio. These things are the norm on Greenlight and is no cuase for concern. the "no" answers doesn't matter in the leaset. Practically every game has a larger no to yes ratio.

Let the devs come when they are ready.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Gorlom[Swe]; 10.8.2014 klo 6.05
Kate 10.8.2014 klo 6.08 
GorlomSwe lähetti viestin:
Ryssa lähetti viestin:
Hey gorlom

I wanted to drum up support to make sure it gets to steam greenlight by showing the demand.
Support for a game to come to steam could be drummed up anywhere really. Except for the greenlight forum. You are going to have real problems doing that here.
Part because of the ammount of traffic to this forum and part because people just don't want to be drowning in threads drumming for support.

It would probably be better if the devs sought out Steam Greenlight themselves and fully understood what it is and how it works.
If they are unsure and concerned/worried about submitting to greenlight and feel pressured into going to Greenlight by being shown demand for it it's likely that they will not really look into and understand what they are going to find here.
They might feel crushed by whining/hateing comments and an overwhelming no to yes ratio. These things are the norm on Greenlight and is no cuase for concern. the "no" answers doesn't matter in the leaset. Practically every game has a larger no to yes ratio.

Let the devs come when they are ready.

Ok Gorlom, Thanks for all the advice

p.s "Support for a game to come to steam could be drummed up anywhere really. Except for the greenlight forum"

I do not understand this sentiment. The game would come here if it came to steam, so its kind of strange that you can not use this section to get it here. Like a catch 22. Where does the annoyance and aggression come from against this idea? people are angry at people that are tyring to support indie develeopers, yet steam greenlight helps give a platform for indie devs? Please explain where this spitefullness comes from.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Kate; 10.8.2014 klo 7.47
Game noted. If/When it comes to Greenlight, I'll be sure to vote no.
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Lähetetty: 10.8.2014 klo 2.03
Viestejä: 29