The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Sai'Raks 4 Sep 26, 2012 @ 9:30am
MontyX - You never learn, do you?
First of all, I apologize to all you proper people, this topic is only here because I am not "allowed" to leave comments on MontyX's items. Maybe its for the best?

Now, MontyX.... You never learn, do you? I dont know if you took down the Slipknot mod yourself, or the moderation did that for you, but I was really hoping that you would learn one basic thing... That one is back on... How sad.
I will write it directly as it is, I will even put it in bold for you.

You are not allowed to make your mod independant on any Official DLC, if the mod includes any part of said DLC, be it meshes, textures, sounds or whatnot.
In case you do not understand that:
Some of your mods 'might' DO contain meshes of Arvak. Those mods must require users to own Dawnguard in order to run.

Why did I say "might"? Because you stated in your description that it does not require the DLC. I have not downloaded the mod to check the BSA for myself, and frankly, I am not going to.
To be fair with my claims, I have downloaded one of the suspected mods, and yes, it contained the files

So you are either breaking the law or having a misleading description. Due to your recent actions, I, without doubt believe in the prior one.

You better hope they don't decide to sue you, to set an example.

Continued on page 6.
Last edited by Sai'Raks; Sep 26, 2012 @ 10:20pm
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Showing 1-15 of 57 comments
OddGoth 7 Sep 26, 2012 @ 2:57pm 
Giving away part of the Dawnguard DLC for free (even if it is retextured) is copyright infringement! Any mod containing any meshes, objects, or other content from any DLC, should be removed!
Lajos 8 Sep 26, 2012 @ 3:02pm 
MontyX you certainly seem to care about his sobbing enough to remark about it. Your case would have been stronger I think if you said nothing at all. That being said, I'd be glad if the matter was investigated by Steam (even if they turn up that there is no evidence to substantiate Cyrax's claims). Now yall play nice y'hear?
Vault Boy Steve 1 Sep 26, 2012 @ 3:10pm 
Monty is one of the best modders on the Skyrim Workshop in my opinion, stop complaining like the ♥♥♥♥♥ that you are. I've used and reviewed many of his mods, all of which are great.

Either shut up, or don't download his mods, simple!
LHAV Sep 26, 2012 @ 3:19pm 
I can't quite gather what it is you're saying cyrax but from what i'm grasping you're an idiot with absolutely no proof of anything done wrong and you're completely clueless and mad because something isn't going the way you think it should? No you're not childish at all -sarcasm-
Just cut the crap. Monty's mods are awesome, you are probably just jealous.
Always Neutral Sep 26, 2012 @ 4:08pm 
but montyx do get over Becuase this b""" nows nothing!
pipriohs Sep 26, 2012 @ 4:32pm 
Download the mod and check before making a post like that. You just look misinformed to the public saying words like "might" and "I haven't downloaded the mod and I'm not going to".
You appear to be throwing a tantrum, whether you are or not, it's coming across that way (to me anyway)

Of course the subject is a valid subject to be concerned about; but it's unfair to the modders who spend their time creating mods for the community to be harrassed by people who 'think' they may have done something wrong.
pipriohs Sep 26, 2012 @ 4:37pm 
Just have to add: This is just my outsiders opinion coming in to this, I don't know any of the details, I don't know if it's true or not; but I'm just expressing my opinion and what this whole situation looks like to someone outside of your fued.

I wish that there could be civil discussions about this but looking at people like Dr4g0nsl4y3er1 over here, I know it (mostly) can't happen.

Edit: Just wanna add I think it's a bit immature that this is even happening in the first place.
-Someone posts a public note accusing another of copyright infrigement without proof
-The accussed posts on steam "this guy is being a meanie, help me"

Both parties look like kids here, whether they are in the right or wrong
Last edited by pipriohs; Sep 26, 2012 @ 4:43pm
MontyX 72 Sep 26, 2012 @ 4:43pm 
I don't really care, I'm still going to make my mods. I just need you all to silence this little kid. Him & his friends are downrating my mods, so people can't see my new mods.
Makes the whole Steam experience less fun. I mean I don't have to share my mods.
but I choose to, so others can enjoy the Skyrim experience, like I do.
& the civil arguments ended weeks ago. This kid just wouldn't leave me alone.
Bam Macaroni Sep 26, 2012 @ 4:47pm 
Hey man stop with all the hate. In the words of the great Will Ferell "E.L.E, everybody love everybody! you got that?"

anvil2011 Sep 26, 2012 @ 5:11pm 
It might be time for montyx to be "investigated"...any feds around?
Zenith Nadir Sep 26, 2012 @ 5:26pm 
I'm mostly with MontyX here, and I use most of his mods. Although I agree that people who call Cryax or people who got wrong information degoratory words and have sentences with every line having something bleeped out are, at the least, making a bad impression of people supporting a modder. I agree this discussion is anything but constructive.
Lajos 8 Sep 26, 2012 @ 5:30pm 
Chuckle Zenith, it is a bit like a lover's spat isn't it? That all being said, I'm always up for peoples work being reviewed for theft regardless of the reason. If there isn't any going on, there is no harm and no foul. Bickering over it doesn't make either party right, and only raises my suspicion meter higher.
NickVataka 13 Sep 26, 2012 @ 5:34pm 
Originally posted by ElusiveKnave8:
Other than your racism, I agree. He may very well be white, so don't assume. But this should be removed. :I

I agree, this discussion should be removed by a moderator.
MontyX 72 Sep 26, 2012 @ 5:35pm 
LOL, who cares, we are on here to enjoy mods.
Not put up with bickering little haters like Cyrax.
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Showing 1-15 of 57 comments
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Date Posted: Sep 26, 2012 @ 9:30am
Posts: 57