Steam Greenlight
Containing item: "The Age of Decadence"
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Showing 10-18 of 52 entries
La sélection "Coups de Coeur"
Collection by Sky B.
Voici quelques jeux qui méritent, selon, toute votre attention !
Turn based strategy games
Collection by Overhype Studios
In this collection we want to gather some turn based strategy games, in particular RPGs. Bring back the good old days!
Tiago's Recommendations
Collection by Zero
Games in my opinion that truly deserve to be on Steam. AND NOW!
GamersGate Greenlight
Collection by JamesComeyKarma
Games that have appeared on other distribution services but aren't on Steam yet
RPG Club's Greenlight List
Collection by Naurgul
Games suggested by members of the RPG Club. Only role-playing games are accepted. Link to the group:
OCC's Steam Greenlight Spotlight
Collection by [= ClayMeow =]
Welcome to a new weekly feature at There are many great games on Steam Greenlight, but sifting through the hundreds of entries to find them isn't always a task people want to perform. Every weekend, I will pick one game I feel is dese
La sélection RPG France
Collection by Batman the Blind
RPG France est un site français spécialisé dans les RPG occidentaux sur PC Windows et consoles dernières générations, dans leur globalité, que se soit dans un univers médiéval fantastique, futuriste et/ou contemporain. Retrouvez toutes les informations du
Awesome Games are our future
Collection by -GEM- Ω Childofdagon
Awesome Games are our future, a personal selection through all cetegories, with a focus on horror/sci-fi, action, shooter, adventure Games. This is our future and i love it. Game on Bro's and Sis's
My Fav Greenlight games
Collection by The Gaming Archaeologist
A list of games from Greenlight that are both released and un-released that I believe look really cool and have a lot of potential. This is only opinion based and if you have a game suggestion to add to the list I'll be more than welcome to consider it.
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