Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

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Коллекция от BUGS
Коллекция от Just.Shae
thc- RO2 maps
Коллекция от [THC]der_raoule
Most maps and some other stuff i use for RO2. ALL CREDIT FOR THE INVOLVED MODS BELONGS TO ITS CREATORS!!!! i just put a list of them together here, tbh^^
RO2/RS mods
Коллекция от Luiz_Alex007
There aren't many Red Orchestra 2 and Rising Storm mods that aren't maps or translations. But, there are some which I would like to keep tabs of.
dlc en mods
Коллекция от DuTCHRiPPeR
Коллекция от Wenck
40-1 (custom map list) 24/03/13
Коллекция от Xelorph
This is a collection of the 40-1 realism server custom map list all in one place. (I am in no way affiliated with "40-1" and I did not create or contribute in any way to the maps, I just really enjoy playing on the 40-1 server and playing these custom maps
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