Steam Greenlight
Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5 pozycji
Kickstarter Picks
Kolekcja stworzona przez tyam
Games that were crowd-funded via Kickstarter. Note: As time goes on and more and more games start using both Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight, it will be increasingly difficult to maintain this list. Although I am heavily invested in the Kickstarter commun
Adventure Games In The Green
Kolekcja stworzona przez AgustinCordes
Adventure is one of the oldest game genres around. Some of the greatest moments in gaming history that still endure in our memories happened in adventures. Unfortunately, many believe the genre is dying and adventures don't sell, in spite of resounding cas le migliori avventure su Greenlight
Kolekcja stworzona przez Adrian_Biz
Le migliori avventure presenti su Steam Greenlight, selezionate dalla community e dallo staff di! Se vuoi contribuire alla selezione, inviaci i titoli che vorresti vedere nella nostra collezione attraverso il nostro forum o attraverso l
Hot Games / Must Have
Kolekcja stworzona przez Chaz
A collection of Hot upcoming titles for Great games by cool developers . Must see! Must Greenlight! Must have! On Steam. Thanks. If you're a developer and if you're on my friend list (or I'm on your friend list) and you think you would like to contribute t
the greatest collection in the history
Kolekcja stworzona przez dantexjamuba
my colecction games is awesome u can believe its!!?
Na stronę: 9 18 30