Steam Greenlight
右記アイテムを含む: "Huntsman:The Orphanage"
46件中 1-9 を表示
Horror Collection
コレクション作成者 Nino
Looking for the scariest games on Greenlight? We know you're out there looking. That's why we've compiled a full list that are sure to leave you awake at night. Good news everyone, we now have a 71% Greenlit rate for games in our collection! Found a cool h
コレクション作成者 Guido Mista
Bacause the Survival Horror is not dead..! Games That deserve to be on Steam
Insane Horror
コレクション作成者 Derwood Spinks' boys
These are horror games that I and many others would like to play or see more of. I NEED to play games like this.
The Slender Man Collection
コレクション作成者 Hyde
A collection containing any and all games on Steam Greenlight that relate to the Slender Man and/or the mythos surrounding him! Also, anyone interested in seeing the many YouTube series documenting people's encounters with the Slender Man can click on the
HFPEG: Horrific First Person Exploration Games
コレクション作成者 Connor Sunkeeper
You're alone and scared, with no choice but to explore the creepy world around you. You must search, solve, and discover, with evil lurking everywhere...the worst and best feeling a gamer could ask for! HFPEG is your source for Steam Greenlight games which
FPEG: First-Person Exploration Games (Main Collection)
コレクション作成者 Connor Sunkeeper
An ever-growing list of First Person Exploration Games, as well as helpful "sub-collections" at the bottom of the list for those who want to quickly find their new favorite FPEG! If you're seeking exploration mixed with horror, exploration mixed with aimle
Horror Collection
All horror games that need to be on Steam...
Scary games [Пугающие игры]
コレクション作成者 Elina
☠ В данной коллекции представлены игры, как уже вышедшие, так те которые еще ждут своего часа. Что бы попугать Вас как следует... ☠ ஐ════════════════════════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ۩۞۩ஜ۩۞۩ஜ══════════════════════ஐ ☠ This collection features the game, as has been released, so
PXTW Greenlight Picks
コレクション作成者 stander
Игры, за которые стоит проголосовать
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