Steam Greenlight
Oggetto contenuto: "DEAD TRIGGER"
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Horror Collection
Collezione di Nino
Looking for the scariest games on Greenlight? We know you're out there looking. That's why we've compiled a full list that are sure to leave you awake at night. Good news everyone, we now have a 71% Greenlit rate for games in our collection! Found a cool h
Oculus Rift enabled games
Collezione di Zino
Collection of games that will support the Oculus Rift VR headset. I will do my best to keep this updated as new games appear, but feel free to help if I miss something.
Dead Trigger
Collezione di xRuShEr
The best mobile Zombie-Game ever!!! Tead Trigger. Official Site: Vote for it in Steam Greenlight and an PC Version will come ;D ! Vote:
League of extraordinary Games
Collezione di ☠✠☩ Nekator ☩✠☠
A collection of (hopefully) formidable, upcoming games from the strategy/RPG/(Action)-adventure section. -------------------------------------- due to the now easier way to add games this collection should always be more or less at an up to date level! I h
Seal of Approval: For your Consideration
Collezione di Raketenziesel
333+ Steam Greenlight™ listed games which look promising and original. The listing is subjective and in no particular order — although I try to keep exceptional stuff on top — and it comes with no claims of completeness. Feel free to like and fave the game
Games Village - Greenlight Collection
Collezione di Tiabhal
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Raccolta dei migliori giochi scelti dalla community di Games Village -> Collection of the best game chosen by Games Village community
TOP 50
Collezione di Oliver999
Welcome to TOP 50 collection. Our collection is including the best 50 Free-To-Play games on Steam Greenlight! Please rate/favourite the games below. How can you help us growing? Press 'Share'-->'Share directly to my status'
FPS (First Person Shooter) Collection
Collezione di GOAT™ Zlatan
..._...______________________/|,_, .../ `- First Person Shooter -___|,_,_,] - - - - - - - - - - - - in your... .../_==o;;;;;;;;______...::/ ...), ---.(_(__) / ...// (..) ), ----" ..//___// .//___// /
Opium Pulses Picks
Collezione di SlipSlot
This is a collection of greenlight titles picked by the Opium Pulses gaming community. Our selection is picked based on games from developers who have worked directly with Opium Pulses or games published by ourselves. We'll also add occasional personal fav
Wartinald's Greenlight Collection
Collezione di Wartinald
Hello! I'm using this collection to track all my favourite games from Steam Greenlight, I encourage you to vote and support all games that you see interesting!
Developed in the Czech Republic
Collezione di Eb42
Games developed in the Czech Republic.
My favorites
Collezione di -{Geo}- Cegorach
Tiago's Recommendations
Collezione di Zero
Games in my opinion that truly deserve to be on Steam. AND NOW!
Collezione di ayo
Böngéssz a játéknapló kedvenceiből!
Collezione di Marble
Honorable Mentions
Collezione di AlainTheFrench
Sometimes in gaming history, the great lights of creativity shine flawlessly in special and gifted minds, spawning works of art that take away our breath and bring hours, days or even years of fun, terror, joy and pleasure. This collection aims to select t
Collezione di /) L I E N K I Y
CPG Nerd Rage Collection
Collezione di Curdle_Sanders
Official Collection of the Podcast Nerd Rage found at The cast hosts scan Greenlight multiples times a day and find the true nuggets in the mound of games that is Greenlight The cast host also try to reach out to developers of g
Collezione di Hanzo
Collection of awesome free to play games I find on Greenlight. What do I mean by awesome? Well I mean games that just make you go:"wow that's cool"(in a stereotypical 13 year old boy voice). I'm looking forward to all of these games. Of course some might d
GreenLight Collection
Collezione di 10K | Rolandas
The Best Games ~~> BR <~~
Collezione di Exloooks--YAN
Red Box
Collezione di Chris
This colection is about 8 games that I love and I wish to be on steam
Big Greenlight Collection of Games
Collezione di George_the_Crab
Collected all of the best/good games on the whole greenlight.
Indie Games :D
Collezione di 🎃★❄©[🆅🅰🅻🆅]®HunterSLAYER!™🎃★❄
Collection of Indie Games that i've planned to buy(and you should TOO!) if they ever made it on STEAM "Indie Game" collection Avatar/image taken from: "Play Indie" background/banner taken from:
Too Awesome.
Collezione di vivid-transparency
Just the beginning of a long legacy.
FPS & Co: greenlightés (
Collezione di netsabes
First-Person Shooters, simulateurs de meurtres, ego-shooters et jeux d'horreur/exploration/puzzle en vue subjective. Greenlightés, en attente de sortie.
My Cool Collection Of Greenlight Games (Upcoming, Etc...)
Collezione di KrypTo 3000
my favorite indie games here on greenlight that i wanted to put together in a collection to make it easier for my friends and others to find the ones that i like easier credit for these games go to their respective creators/developers.
Games and Free to Play
Collezione di MYSTIK
Je vous est sélectionner toute une liste de jeux qui valent vraiment le coup d'oeil ;)
Collezione di H3LLxR4Z3R
This collection is an extesive list of the games that (in my opinion) are the most promising to be great indie titles. I've carefully combed through ALL of the Greenlight games up to 5:44 PM 7 Nov. 2013 and MORE will be added to this collection soon.
Collezione di Sweet Bill
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