Steam Greenlight
포함하는 아이템: "4 Elements II (Play 4 Elements on Steam to see if you'd like this game)"
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March 19th Batch of Greenlight Titles
모음집 작성자 Spitko
This is the collection of titles Greenlit on March 19th, 2014 and offered worldwide distribution via Steam. These titles were selected on the same criteria we have been using in the past: Votes in Greenlight give us a hugely valuable point of data in gaugi
日本語がないとだめなんだ:Collection for the Japanese people like me who can not read English well
모음집 작성자 sele873
とにかく日本語があるゲーム、ソフトウェアを集めました。 更新時に日本語があるものなので、日本語がなくなっている場合がありますが、御容赦ください。 現在、コンセプトに関しては集めておりません。 リスト外で日本語があるもの、リスト内で日本語のないものを見かけた場合、 御一報くださると助かります。 たまに更新しています。通知は致しておりませんので暇なときにでも覘いてください。 コンセプトの収集、もしくは更新時の通知などの要望があれば御一報ください。
mxtomek's The Best Of The Best
모음집 작성자 mxT3 (mxtomek)
Those games still need your help! Click and VOTE for them. I present the "Easy way" to find the most promisable games in Steam Greenlight :) Most of this games U can play it right now. Some are on Desura platform , some are in demo version on the official
모음집 작성자 /) L I E N K I Y
Queen Chrysalis Collection
모음집 작성자 BIBI ITA
Italiano: Questa è la Mia Collezione e vuol dire che questi videogiochi devono arrivare sul Negozio Steam perchè se lo Meritano. English: This is My Collection and means that these games should arrive on the Steam store because if I deserve.
Netanel Collection
모음집 작성자 Netanel
페이지당 표시 개수: 9 18 30