Steam Greenlight
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Wartinald's Greenlight Collection
Kolekcja stworzona przez Wartinald
Hello! I'm using this collection to track all my favourite games from Steam Greenlight, I encourage you to vote and support all games that you see interesting!
Raine's Anime Picks
Kolekcja stworzona przez ☆Lady Raine☆
A personal pick of anime style games that I have tried/previewed that desirve attention.
Anime - Bring more Anime Girls/Boys to Steam!
Kolekcja stworzona przez ☆Zuescho☆
(English) Greenlight is the perfect opportunity for small developers to bring there games to a wide audience. This collection features Anime Stylish games that i would love to see on Steam because i like Steam and want all my Games to be on here. The most
Games to Keep an Eye on
Kolekcja stworzona przez Protector of Sneks
Personal Collection of Games which seem worth keeping an eye on.
PXTW Greenlight Picks
Kolekcja stworzona przez stander
Игры, за которые стоит проголосовать
My Collection - Greenlight Games
Kolekcja stworzona przez qtamir1
I am trying to collect the best games that should be on steam or the best games that are already on steam so it is kind of a mix... Enjoy and you are welcome to offer me games to add.
Lina's Picks
Kolekcja stworzona przez ◕ ‿ ◕ Lina
A few items out of my favourites that looked promising/interesting/cute.
Henjo's Picks
Kolekcja stworzona przez Henjo
Just a collection of games Ive stumpled upon that I think deserves a shot. They might not all be far in development but I can see some appeal in them :D
Queen Chrysalis Collection
Kolekcja stworzona przez BIBI ITA
Italiano: Questa è la Mia Collezione e vuol dire che questi videogiochi devono arrivare sul Negozio Steam perchè se lo Meritano. English: This is My Collection and means that these games should arrive on the Steam store because if I deserve.
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