Steam Greenlight
Tartalmazza ezt: „Melody's Escape”
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Wartinald's Greenlight Collection
Gyűjtemény alkotója: Wartinald
Hello! I'm using this collection to track all my favourite games from Steam Greenlight, I encourage you to vote and support all games that you see interesting!
Raine's Anime Picks
Gyűjtemény alkotója: ☆Lady Raine☆
A personal pick of anime style games that I have tried/previewed that desirve attention.
Anime - Bring more Anime Girls/Boys to Steam!
Gyűjtemény alkotója: ☆Zuescho☆
(English) Greenlight is the perfect opportunity for small developers to bring there games to a wide audience. This collection features Anime Stylish games that i would love to see on Steam because i like Steam and want all my Games to be on here. The most
Games to Keep an Eye on
Gyűjtemény alkotója: Protector of Sneks
Personal Collection of Games which seem worth keeping an eye on.
PXTW Greenlight Picks
Gyűjtemény alkotója: stander
Игры, за которые стоит проголосовать
My Collection - Greenlight Games
Gyűjtemény alkotója: qtamir1
I am trying to collect the best games that should be on steam or the best games that are already on steam so it is kind of a mix... Enjoy and you are welcome to offer me games to add.
Lina's Picks
Gyűjtemény alkotója: ◕ ‿ ◕ Lina
A few items out of my favourites that looked promising/interesting/cute.
Henjo's Picks
Gyűjtemény alkotója: Henjo
Just a collection of games Ive stumpled upon that I think deserves a shot. They might not all be far in development but I can see some appeal in them :D
Queen Chrysalis Collection
Gyűjtemény alkotója: BIBI ITA
Italiano: Questa è la Mia Collezione e vuol dire che questi videogiochi devono arrivare sul Negozio Steam perchè se lo Meritano. English: This is My Collection and means that these games should arrive on the Steam store because if I deserve.
Laponként: 9 18 30 
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