Steam Greenlight
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The Power Collection
Kolekcja stworzona przez Palpek
One of the oldest collections on Greenlight - created among the very first 3. Games picked by gaming enthusiasts on SA forums and SA irc channel. Only the best of the best, hand-picked and voted on by the community. Living and frequently updated!
Kickstarter Picks
Kolekcja stworzona przez tyam
Games that were crowd-funded via Kickstarter. Note: As time goes on and more and more games start using both Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight, it will be increasingly difficult to maintain this list. Although I am heavily invested in the Kickstarter commun
October 29th Batch of Greenlight Titles
Kolekcja stworzona przez Spitko
This is the collection of titles Greenlit on October 29th, 2013 and offered worldwide distribution via Steam. These titles were selected on the same criteria we have been using in the past: Votes in Greenlight give us a hugely valuable point of data in gau
Seal of Approval: For your Consideration
Kolekcja stworzona przez Raketenziesel
333+ Steam Greenlight™ listed games which look promising and original. The listing is subjective and in no particular order — although I try to keep exceptional stuff on top — and it comes with no claims of completeness. Feel free to like and fave the game
PixelProspector's Greenlight Picks
Kolekcja stworzona przez PixelProspector
All the games in this collection are also shown with screenshots on pinterest I've also created a new collection and video that showcases "55 Fresh Indie Games In 5 Minutes" (that are all on Greenlight
Racing / Simulation
Kolekcja stworzona przez GOAT™ Zlatan
Car, Buggy, F1, Rally, Motorcycle, Quad, Truck, Monster truck, Boat, Jetski, Aircraft, Jet, Hovercraft, Spaceship and more ...
La collec' Greenlight de Factornews
Kolekcja stworzona przez skizomeuh
Histoire de vous aider à séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie, une sélection des projets soumis à Greenlight qui tiennent à coeur aux pandas.
OCC's Steam Greenlight Spotlight
Kolekcja stworzona przez [= ClayMeow =]
Welcome to a new weekly feature at There are many great games on Steam Greenlight, but sifting through the hundreds of entries to find them isn't always a task people want to perform. Every weekend, I will pick one game I feel is dese
Kolekcja stworzona przez Marble
Na stronę: 9 18 30 
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