Steam Greenlight
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Steam Greenlight™ Collection
Verzameling door Lone Wolf 🐺
Steam Greenlight™ Games Collection
Favorite Games
Verzameling door GameLosingDeath
[ Greenlit an eye #.# ]
Verzameling door Dark Riddler 🐭
Some promising / alternative games.
Best Games
Verzameling door InfiniteXX
Best games in Greenlight
Free+Achievements from GL
Verzameling door kmyc89
Free/F2P games, who get GL and have Achievements. Double win.
Favourite games
Verzameling door Shapaka
Games that looks awesome
Verzameling door inokillzombies
Games that looks interesting to play. And games that seems to be awesome! :)
Cool games
Verzameling door Pauwnch
I think these are cool
FPS & Co: released (
Verzameling door netsabes
First-Person Shooters, simulateurs de meurtres, ego-shooters et jeux d'horreur/exploration/puzzle en vue subjective. Greenlightés et sortis.
WalBao's greenlight collection
Verzameling door WalBao
Here I keep greenlight games that piqued my interest in one way or another. Horror games, simulations, rpgesque stuff, action and indies, the good stuff in general. Multiplayer / co-op is desireable but not necessary.
Awesome/Epic Games (Made by epic people)
Verzameling door TheBigH
Just Steam® Greenlight™ games that r epic/the best.
Polskie GRY na STEAMA
Verzameling door jan12jan12jan
Pomóżmy polskim produkcjom dostać się na STEAMA
Wspieramy Polskie Gry Niezależne
Verzameling door
Wspierajmy naszych rodzimych twórców! Od samego początku portal pisał i wspierał polskie gry niezależne. Zakładając tą grupę, chcemy pomagać twórcom tych gier, gdyż bez naszej pomocy mogą nie odnieść sukcesu. Oddaj głos, Ciebie nie kosztuje to n
Verzameling door Mściwuj
Horror anticipation
Verzameling door Benis McGenus
A bunch of horror games that i look forward to playing in the future.
Verzameling door dgarciagarrigo
Miedo, terror
Awesome Games are our future
Verzameling door -GEM- Ω Childofdagon
Awesome Games are our future, a personal selection through all cetegories, with a focus on horror/sci-fi, action, shooter, adventure Games. This is our future and i love it. Game on Bro's and Sis's
Dream games
Verzameling door UncleSkeletor
everything i want
Favorite Greenlight Titles
Verzameling door Nocturne
Games I am looking forward to purchase/play.
인디들이여, 일어나라!
Verzameling door Youth Full Power
어설픈 대작보다 깨알재미가 있는 인디가 훨씬 낫다.
Scary games [Пугающие игры]
Verzameling door BiOZAVR
☠ В данной коллекции представлены игры, как уже вышедшие, так те которые еще ждут своего часа. Что бы попугать Вас как следует... ☠ ஐ════════════════════════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ۩۞۩ஜ۩۞۩ஜ══════════════════════ஐ ☠ This collection features the game, as has been released, so
Polskie Gry Niezależne
Verzameling door 1ndie World Crew
Pomóż polskim produkcjom na Steam! Obecność na Steamie dla niezależnych deweloperów bardzo często niezbędna do odniesienia sukcesu. Zachęcamy Was do wspomagania małych rodzimych twórców swoimi głosami. Chcemy Waszymi głosami wspomóc rodzimych twórców i wyk
Juegos de Greenlight
Verzameling door mikexcoree
Para no olvidarme de los juegos que voté en Greenlight, quiero que los saquen ya, los compraría :c
Greenlight Creative
Verzameling door Seigo (勝利)
SG collection
Verzameling door Jarvismac
SG collection of games to keep an eye on
Verzameling door /) L I E N K I Y
Fun Games on the spot, Free to Play fun
Verzameling door Jakeulous
This collection is about the "Great" games that I prefer Purchasing them and Playing them for long Hours. These Games in my Collection is greatly hand picked and graphically "AMAZED" me for it's status of Development and Publishing... I myself, hope that y
Indie Horror
Verzameling door TrippyElephantx
Some of the better Indie Horror games out there on the web.
Hot Games / Must Have
Verzameling door Chaz
A collection of Hot upcoming titles for Great games by cool developers . Must see! Must Greenlight! Must have! On Steam. Thanks. If you're a developer and if you're on my friend list (or I'm on your friend list) and you think you would like to contribute t
MUSTPLAY: Horror Games
Verzameling door Suiko
All of the best, highly recommended horror experiences in the indie scene.
Per pagina: 9 18 30 
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