The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Marriageable Bosmer Females
45 comentarii
Babadin 5 iun. 2017 la 16:43 
I think as long as you kill him a bit far from where she is and without any witnesses around and then wait for about 24 hours by then she will be done mourning and all and then talk to her you should be fine.
Altbert  [autor] 5 iun. 2017 la 15:54 
Yes, witnesses always seem to be a problem!
Babadin 5 iun. 2017 la 15:42 
I actually managed to kill him without her knowing before, i sniped him with a bow from afar after getting rid of the guard to make sure there weren't any witnesses and then i hid and waited for 24 hours and then went and talked to her, but thanks for the tips i didn't actually think about killing someone like that xD
Altbert  [autor] 5 iun. 2017 la 15:27 
Haven't thought about that, but you might put some poison in his pocket (without it being noticed). That might not put the blame on the player!
Babadin 5 iun. 2017 la 11:32 
How do i kill Bolli without Nivenor finding out? i have maxed stealth perks and I'm killing him with one hit but she somehow always knows that I'm the one who did it, is she psychic or something?
Tin 21 iul. 2016 la 16:32 
I know I eventually was able to kill him without nivenor finding out, my question was how can I make nivenor move to lakeview, I went through the dialogue option and she said she would pack up her stuff and meet me there but she just stays in riften
Altbert  [autor] 21 iul. 2016 la 2:11 
@Jaron: Did you have a high enough sneak level and all sneak perks unlocked when you killed Bolli? This mod only makes various females marria(gea)ble, but does not alter Skyrim's AI System.
Tin 20 iul. 2016 la 21:34 
Nivenor won't move to Lakeview Manor! She says she'll pack up but she just stays in Bolli's house even though I killed him (which was a pain by the way, even if no one sees me kill him, Nivenor somehow always knows I did it and gets mad)
Altbert  [autor] 3 mart. 2016 la 12:29 
Well, Bethesda was very progressive with this game. You can marry a man if you're a man, marry a woman if you're a woman, and even marry someone who is already married or courting another. No polygamy in the vanilla game, that's where you need another mod for! But, Bolli is beating around the bush also!
Zoron 2 mart. 2016 la 21:08 
nivenor is married to boli he mentions her as well as she mentions him. this is just as bad as marry adrianne mods while she is married to ulfberth.
Altbert  [autor] 1 oct. 2015 la 7:51 
If the details in The Marriage Book won't help you, you could try my mod "Courting & Marriage". Nivenor should not give any problem, as she is not a questgiver.
Mysticpoptarts 29 sept. 2015 la 16:14 
Can't marry nevinor help
Altbert  [autor] 22 mart. 2015 la 6:23 
Skyrim doesn't make any difference: married or not, interracial, male-male, female-female!
Admiral ivan 22 mart. 2015 la 5:25 
isnt nevinor married to bolli?
A Dumb Fuckin' Cat 31 ian. 2015 la 18:18 
This is great!!!

Ethan 14 aug. 2014 la 5:23 
I don't like there are hardly and wood elves in Skyrim. Let alone marriageable. While you did a great job with this mod, we need more Bosmer!
belgor 6 iul. 2014 la 9:02 
Altbert  [autor] 3 iul. 2014 la 9:06 
Go to Riften to the Temple of Mara. Talk to the priest Maramal. Buy an amulet of Mara, or wait until you have found one. Wear the amulet and talk to the NPC you want to marry. All the rest is handled by quest.
belgor 3 iul. 2014 la 6:49 
i dont get it what you need to do to marry???
opt!c@l 6 dec. 2013 la 18:13 
just crashed the game for me
AryonBrayec 3 mart. 2013 la 21:39 
Agh, I can never remember to spell her name right. I always save her as the kill to collect Bosmer blood. :>
AryonBrayec 3 mart. 2013 la 21:37 
Ninevor may be married to Bolli, but he's cheated on her with Haelga while she is cited as having many extra marital relations by a report in a note on their bed stand.
Altbert  [autor] 12 febr. 2013 la 6:46 
See the description above!
RachelArnold 12 febr. 2013 la 5:14 
and where i can find "The Marriage Book" ? :D
Sehtty 12 febr. 2013 la 5:13 
You know, Nivenor is already married with Bolli...
Altbert  [autor] 11 febr. 2013 la 14:20 
All over Skyrim! You can find all the names in "The Marriage Book" or on my website:
RachelArnold 11 febr. 2013 la 12:49 
and where are them all?
Altbert  [autor] 11 febr. 2013 la 12:04 
Some 220 females and 350 males.
RachelArnold 11 febr. 2013 la 10:11 
how many females are there?
Altbert  [autor] 29 dec. 2012 la 2:56 
Yes, with two small additions that can't be made with console commands.
LegacyXP 28 dec. 2012 la 14:01 
Is this like the console command to force marrige????
Altbert  [autor] 22 nov. 2012 la 15:10 
Yes, she's married, so what's the problem? You can marry whoever you want, male, female, married of not, whatever race!
Gillespie [29th ID] 22 nov. 2012 la 14:32 
Nirvenor is married.
Daughter of Slaanesh 19 nov. 2012 la 21:21 
maggot14 stop hating on other races their all good
Songbird 18 oct. 2012 la 7:01 
u can marry a redguard i dont know which but she wont move in your house ): but awesome mods much better now good work :D
totally nice day 30 sept. 2012 la 9:00 
I guess Bolli does cheat with Haelga.
totally nice day 30 sept. 2012 la 8:59 
Lol kinky
Altbert  [autor] 30 sept. 2012 la 2:54 
Extramarital relations, sleep around?
totally nice day 30 sept. 2012 la 2:26 
Nivenor IS married to Bolli or something
Uvatha 29 sept. 2012 la 12:03 
who wants to marry a bosmer or redguard yuckie
findus 29 sept. 2012 la 11:25 
im marying vamprires they figth good for you
Altbert  [autor] 28 sept. 2012 la 0:14 
Anuriel, Brelas, Nimriel, Nivenor, Wylandriah
nekkommc 27 sept. 2012 la 18:20 
about what bosmer can you mary
Altbert  [autor] 24 sept. 2012 la 13:57 
Is she such a pain in the ash?
Statman 24 sept. 2012 la 11:04 
Now killing bolli has a point!