The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

New Weapon Artifacts: Agony And Misery
64 σχόλια
XO 12 Ιαν 2019, 14:16 

CoNiGMa  [Δημιουργός] 24 Μαρ 2015, 9:01 
@Scurvyman21, I am aware of that graphical glitch. It is an issue with the mesh not having blood textures set correctly. (It's got the daedric dagger's blood texture mesh currently)
madelaine 9 Ιαν 2015, 7:28 
Lady_Prisma 28 Οκτ 2014, 20:17 
this is my new favorite weapon ;)
Biwwy 10 Μαρ 2014, 11:21 
thx it worked these are so awsome and so are the others
CoNiGMa  [Δημιουργός] 10 Μαρ 2014, 6:00 
@Phantom, no. I have not added them to the testing hall, but that is a good idea. I may do that for all of my mods actually for people that would like to get them without doing the quests I'm developing. Actually, maybe I'll change all of them to be in the testing hall anyway to avoid issues with other mods. For now, though, try moving the load order of this mod to the bottom of your list. You may have a conflicting mod that modifies those targets. If that doesn't work, try unsubscribing, deleting the mod from your Skyrim folder, and re-subscribing.
Biwwy 9 Μαρ 2014, 7:27 
they don't appear to be there, are they in the directers room?
CoNiGMa  [Δημιουργός] 11 Φεβ 2014, 6:52 
@=(Biohazard)=AnimeGuy It's "Creep Cluster Root" and you can find plenty near the hot springs.
@YoshiMadness A shield isn't really a weapon mod, but I have been thinking of adding some armor mods. I'm not as versed in modelling at making armor though. A shield shouldn't be too dificult, however. Stay tuned. I may do that. I already have ideas for it. =)
TylerNess 24 Ιαν 2014, 10:16 
U should make a shield artifact
Joe Le Borgne 21 Νοε 2013, 23:03 
i have spawn them with the console thx great mod can't wat to see your bow ( sorry for my english ) ;P
Joe Le Borgne 21 Νοε 2013, 22:41 
i don't why but i can see doe's them :( maybe it's because i have whiterun enchent mods on
MC Ren 20 Νοε 2013, 16:14 
Where do you find Creep Stone?\
Madzda 20 Νοε 2013, 7:18 
i love your mods they are all so AMAZING!!!
CoNiGMa  [Δημιουργός] 18 Νοε 2013, 12:32 
@RainMeadows, Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed the problem.
[KOTA] Quantum 18 Νοε 2013, 9:24 
Hi CoNiGMa,

I don't know if it's something on my end or in your Design. Neither of these Daggers ever loses any of their Charges!
nyxx 17 Νοε 2013, 13:31 
tiny not riny
nyxx 17 Νοε 2013, 13:31 
AWESOME DAGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PERFECT FOR MY STEALTH CHARACTER, SALEM (Salem my character) WILL LOVE THESE ARTIFACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (btw they a riny bit overpowered)
[]ReeO[] 16 Νοε 2013, 21:48 
Anychance you could make Broken dreams a 1handed sword aswell. i don't use 2handers.
CoNiGMa  [Δημιουργός] 15 Νοε 2013, 16:33 
@Sprockmanzzzz, Already planning on it.
Spinach Salad 15 Νοε 2013, 16:12 
you should make a mace
Mr. Boombastic 14 Νοε 2013, 6:15 
best mods ever :D
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 13 Νοε 2013, 8:53 
@CoNiGMa Gr8 my archer needs a gud bow i love ur textures and thx for replying keep making mods HAPPY MODDING :-)
Labouchère System 12 Νοε 2013, 17:06 
Good work. I use these daggers all the time now. Thanks a lot. There's just one texture error: the blood doesn't fit the model. Otherwise, great mod.
Bryn 11 Νοε 2013, 23:54 
Could you post this to Nexus?
Steam can be utter cancer sometimes.
naezraronoth 11 Νοε 2013, 10:42 
SKINWALKING 10 Νοε 2013, 3:34 
@CoNiGMa i am not telling you that these knives are not enough powerfull but i am talking about the other artifacts that have beautiful disign but are not enough powerfull you know.
Jarl Dobby 10 Νοε 2013, 2:58 
This guy is the best weapon mod maker in a long while.
Virginia (THE STATE) 9 Νοε 2013, 17:04 
Hi i have 2 issues, 1 when i go into "hidden" mode i lag 2 when blood gets on it i see a deadric dagger outline on top of it Thank you :)
Epicazeroth 9 Νοε 2013, 16:25 
@CoNiGMa: OK. I just meant, would it be possible to just stitch the existing mods together as one in order to decrease the number of downloads?
CoNiGMa  [Δημιουργός] 9 Νοε 2013, 15:16 
@Epicazeroth, I have a collection where you can download all of them. I am debating on how to connect all of these mods to be able to have one large questline to obtain each item.
Epicazeroth 9 Νοε 2013, 12:57 
Could you make a mod that combines all of your weapon mods?
1stLtNoguchi 9 Νοε 2013, 9:08 
I am testing to see if deleting them all, unsubscribing, and resubscribing will work. Steam is finicky with my internet a lot, especially when Skyrim is involved.
CoNiGMa  [Δημιουργός] 9 Νοε 2013, 9:06 
@Dough, Steam was having some issues earlier and showing that all my mods were removed, but now they are showing fine. Try it again now or wait a while and try again later.
Soedric 9 Νοε 2013, 8:58 
ohh... thats cool
1stLtNoguchi 9 Νοε 2013, 8:55 
Are these mods on the Nexus? Steam won't let me download them through the Workshop
CoNiGMa  [Δημιουργός] 9 Νοε 2013, 8:52 
@evilrubberducky09, Those are actually, Nightshade flowers.
CoNiGMa  [Δημιουργός] 9 Νοε 2013, 8:51 
@RipperMarTinez▲ I have already upgraded the weapon's base damages to be better than dragonbone weapons in Dawnguard which have the highest base damages thus far in the game. I'm not making them even more OP.
Soedric 9 Νοε 2013, 8:43 
I love the little lotus flowers on the side of the blades.
Hells Assailant 9 Νοε 2013, 6:43 
@RipperMarTinez▲ if he makes them more powerful than they already are then they'd also be a lot hard to obtain than they are.
SKINWALKING 8 Νοε 2013, 17:23 
I like your artifact mods, but you should make some more powerfull i love the bloddread and the shiverstrike but since im level 49 they are kinda uselless to me, and i believe a lot more people than just me, (these daggers are in use for me since they have 20 base dmg) so just for future make sure to also think on stronger players and put the weapon into some more hardly reachible place (like some dungeon). Thanks in advance
1stLtNoguchi 8 Νοε 2013, 16:54 
Well uh... I really love all your artifact mods, but for some reason Steam keeps telling me I can't download any of them. Its all of your mods, the rest of them work fine, and some are newer added than yours.
Danse Macabre 8 Νοε 2013, 15:09 
You are da best!
Surf 8 Νοε 2013, 14:02 
this is an idea of a name for your nexted artifact the name is firecall,zapilin,ilapit,killrend,eleticnite sword.
CoNiGMa  [Δημιουργός] 8 Νοε 2013, 13:53 
@Achilles....Done! Check out Rainbow in my workshop!
Daniiiii~ 8 Νοε 2013, 12:25 
This will look cool with my assassin!
Midwinter 8 Νοε 2013, 7:20 
Nice mate, now make a bow ! =)
Jules 8 Νοε 2013, 0:15 
EPIC MODS!!!!!!!
Unlimited Vanilla Works 7 Νοε 2013, 23:18 
great weapon but to speed up the progress with quest you could make a single quest/questline were someone (e.g. a scholar or mage) asks you to search somewhere (e.g. cave,dwemer structure or ruin) for them that way all you would have to do is find a suitable location/s and quest giver and then script in the dialogue and locations no long back story required
LeaX 7 Νοε 2013, 8:29 
Good Job ! I love you mods !
G20 7 Νοε 2013, 8:28 
Nice one again, rated and added to a collection ;)