The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Fence? No Fence!
41 comentarii
dye area 5 sept. 2014 la 0:26 
It was next to Haggling, and Fence? No Fence! is at the top of my load order, higher than the DLCs.

Fixed it, tried a new game, it was fixed, don't uninstall mods mid-game, kids.
Altbert  [autor] 4 sept. 2014 la 8:32 
Check, where "fence" is in the speech perk tree. If it's not at the same level as "haggling", then most certainly another mod is conflicting. If you look at the perk tree, fence should be to the left of haggling and only connected to haggling!
Altbert  [autor] 4 sept. 2014 la 8:24 
Do you have another mod that alters the speechcraft perk? If you do, and that mod is lower in load order than mine, it will undo all changes in my mod!
dye area 4 sept. 2014 la 0:14 
I needed lvl 90, and the desc was the same is the high lvl.
Altbert  [autor] 3 sept. 2014 la 14:14 
Is it only the description or do you still need the level 90 speech skill?
dye area 3 sept. 2014 la 2:37 
The Fence perk still says it's a level 90 Speech requirement.
That was some horrible English.
ShoutsWillEcho 19 dec. 2013 la 12:54 
Reply to: Buttcheese
If you complete every thief guild quest then Tonilia (the Fence) has 4000 gold available.
Saccillia 3 dec. 2013 la 13:01 
I spent the better part of my time stealing valuables from two villages.. only to find out that I could not sell them to merchants (Noob Error). Thank you from the bottom of my thieving heart.
russandjake 15 nov. 2013 la 11:58 
im still getting the error, but it works?
Altbert  [autor] 11 nov. 2013 la 5:45 
What I have found about Steam Error 15, is that the error can occur with any mod. The solution is to unsubscribe, remove the mod from the data folder, and subscribe again. Some even suggest to unsubscribe all mods, but I don't know if that's necessary.
russandjake 10 nov. 2013 la 15:02 
Love the MOD and have been using it for two weeks, but just got an error 15 and now it doesnt work.
Soulblighter 6 nov. 2013 la 18:01 
This mod corrects one of the major faults of Skyrim that crippled the thief class. There are even abandoned locations where junk laying about was oddly "stolen" It was not logical to enfeeble play style by making a generic "STOLEN" catagory in this game ~ as if there were ID tags or APB reports via inter-city. it made absolutely no sense. Meant as a punishment system when getting caught by guards, but really...even pinched food, gems or even flowers & ingredients can be ID'ed leagues away? HOW? come-on Bethesda, that was just plain lazy script writing!

Stolen tags tainted the Thief class and left many players unknowingly wandering around with oodles of so-called 'stolen' items of every type because they never showed up in the "Sell" menu to regular merchants, leaving us to grind the theives guild only to discover their squalid-handful of fences were desperately underfunded. (wait 48hrs/sell junk/wait 48hrs=infinity)

Thank you Altbert, for finally correcting this blaring flaw
Blex_Tape 6 nov. 2013 la 10:32 
gato 5 nov. 2013 la 13:56 
Altbert  [autor] 5 nov. 2013 la 13:36 
Corrected the "allways" thing. Thanks! I'm not native English, but learning day by day!
gato 5 nov. 2013 la 13:16 
I am going to get this mod anyway though.
gato 5 nov. 2013 la 13:14 
The guard part is more reasonable,but the merchants don't know that you have a stolen item,your character is just frightened because he/she doesn't want to be thrown in prison,die from the guards,or become wanted,just saying.
gato 5 nov. 2013 la 13:11 
Slight spelling mistake,"always"not"allways".I AM GRAMMER NATZIE GOD!!!MUHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Blex_Tape 5 nov. 2013 la 6:45 
well thank you guys
Currawong 3 nov. 2013 la 21:11 
It has always bugged me that I had to join the Thieves Guild, no matter what character I was playing, in order to sell my stolen loot. Even if I had aquired it innocently, sometimes my followers would mark it as stolen if they were oerburdened. And sometimes I accidentally stole it too! This mod will be ideal for me! Subscribing now!
Victoryguard 3 nov. 2013 la 2:11 
@ Assassin, it's a thumb style branch like the Illusion school and very low skill prerequisite if you can open the tree it will cost two points total, one to open the tree then look to the bottom left and boom there's your fence not being a disaster.
Altbert  [autor] 3 nov. 2013 la 1:48 
Should be no problem. There are no conditions for unlocking fence.
Blex_Tape 3 nov. 2013 la 1:19 
what if you alrady haw haggling
Victoryguard 2 nov. 2013 la 19:53 
Agreed, if the police/guards don't know then the merchants shouldn't be able to god-mode.
Krajacek 2 nov. 2013 la 13:27 
I never thought about it before, but you are right, why can you walk in with all this stolen stuff, yet mysteriuosly the merchants know haha.......great idea Altbert =)
Treekin 31 oct. 2013 la 13:22 
I think this is a great mod. I thought it was stupid that a merchant or guard could tell if your carrots (or whatever) were stolen or not. I can understand unique items, maybe. But come on, an iron dagger is an iron dagger is an iron dagger.
Altbert  [autor] 30 oct. 2013 la 10:55 
Not for some time, I think, as I haven't made any mods with quests and dialogue, and I presume this would need a quest and some additional dialogue.
Xexorian 30 oct. 2013 la 3:32 
me likey.
SonTyp OhneNamen 30 oct. 2013 la 3:01 
"It has allways bothered me that you could walk into a city or village with your pockets loaded with stolen wares, without the guards knowing."
Is there any mod that can alter this? If not, could you do sth like it, Altbert? A mod that lets guards step towards you and ask you sth like "Have you seen this certain valuable item? It appears to have been stolen..." and if your level of speechcraft or your bribe isn't high enough, they take all your stolen stuff and imprison you. Maybe also set a trigger when you have 10 or more stolen items or the worth of all your stolen items exceeds 500 gold or so... Would be awesome.
Traser 30 oct. 2013 la 1:20 
now... I can destroy whiterun because all its stuff is owned by merchants!
Le Gros-Porteur 28 oct. 2013 la 16:39 
Maco13, a frog.. hue, a french*
Altbert  [autor] 28 oct. 2013 la 16:34 
Not yet (and probably never)! Awesome would be 221 subscribers, 221 favorites and 221 ratings (thumbs up)!
Le Gros-Porteur 28 oct. 2013 la 16:08 
Men, u are awesome ! :D
wWeo 26 oct. 2013 la 19:18 
Thanks for this mod!
Altbert  [autor] 24 oct. 2013 la 13:27 
Point was that nobody knows you are carrying stolen wares, but only merchants can pinpoint those stolen wares perfectly. That doesn't make sense! And, well yes, it may have some side effects. You just can't control everything through mods.
Legendary Phylactery 24 oct. 2013 la 12:13 
This mod is okay, but eh.. Once you get all the cities back under guild control, dont they insert a fence npc in each city? Or was I dreaming?
Traser 24 oct. 2013 la 10:04 
Lol now you can steal plates and brooms in a shop and sell then steal then sell and so on
brokenskull666 22 oct. 2013 la 20:11 
Holy underwear, thank you. This has bothered me since I first got the game. Beautiful.
Kirbutt 22 oct. 2013 la 11:23 
And demn I will!
Altbert  [autor] 22 oct. 2013 la 11:18 
Don't cry! Sell your stolen wares and get rich!
Kirbutt 22 oct. 2013 la 11:01 
finally, we don't have to go to thiefs gild to sell our stolen stuffs or be lvl 90...I think I'm crying now