The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Improved Potion Animation
54 comentarios
Pyhrrous 10 ABR 2017 a las 15:09 
@David Sid ah, good to know. thanks.
David Sid  [autor] 9 ABR 2017 a las 9:29 
With this mod, it isn't possible to move while drinking a potion. I honestly can't tell you whether it's compatible with the other mod.
Pyhrrous 8 ABR 2017 a las 18:42 
Is it possible to move while drinking a potion? If not, is this compatible with Potions Animated (Flee while you drink) from the Skyrim Nexus?
David Sid  [autor] 22 ENE 2017 a las 6:32 
@tsimon08 and @mewtooo: Glad to help!
tsimon08 22 ENE 2017 a las 6:29 
All 3 of your alchemy mods are wonderful. Thanks.
Mewtooo 17 AGO 2016 a las 15:37 
LOL all those idiots are complaining about the animation killing them in combat.
That's the point. This is an immersion mod. Go ahead and try to down a red bull while fighting someone IRL. Its not going to work. Or maybe you can pop a can of cola while on the treadmill in the gym, see how well that works out.
The point of this is so that you do have to find somewhere safe to hide and then down your potions.
Also, restoration has its own drawbacks. It cost magicka which for a mage is how they fight, and for a warrior well they don't have much in the first place.

For those who think this is bad? DONT DOWNLOAD THIS. In vanilla Skyrim you can chug as many potions as you want while freezing combat. Stick with that if you prefer meta gaming instead of roleplaying.

Sorry for the rant. I just wish people would think:steamfacepalm:. Love the animation David. Thanks for improving it. :steamhappy:
Gwizzz 10 ABR 2016 a las 18:08 
Stopping to drink a healing potion in battle is a pain and is dangerous. But it is immersive. I can't drink 12 oz of something while running around and neither can my character. Well done.
Poooooooooo 31 ENE 2016 a las 10:29 
Can you make the animation disable when your in combat?
Mr.Epi 9 ENE 2016 a las 18:40 
Ugh I like this but I cant stand the fuckin loops man, and also itd be useful to move around while the animation is on
Abcmanx6 19 DIC 2015 a las 16:24 
wait never mind, i didnt let the mod sync in
Abcmanx6 19 DIC 2015 a las 16:22 
i tried and nothing happned
Lampros 9 AGO 2015 a las 4:43 
Excellent. Anything to make combat more difficult - and "realistic."
kAt (≡◉‿‿◉≡) 1 JUL 2015 a las 23:25 
Well amazing animation but you can't drink in a middle of a fight and you need to find someplace safe first, well there isn't a safe place when you're still on a fight especially fighting bandits or vampires, I got killed while drinking in a middle of a fight you know.

You can't even stop the animation while drinking 2-3 times, which is kind of let down. There's also a bug where instead of showing the health potions, it shows the SKOOMA instead. "I'm not addict LOL"

This isn't something you can use in combat, it's only for players who want a cozy gaming immersion lol.

I'm going to remove this, sorry. You can make the animation better while engaing on a combat for ex. "While defending with a shield your other hand with a sword will grab a potion". Good animation anyways.
Vamatti™ 20 MAY 2015 a las 3:13 
Good, but a little too immersive for my other mods
Cappy Quads 23 ENE 2015 a las 12:32 
Always shows the potion as a bottle of skooma for me 0.0
Ningauble 27 JUL 2014 a las 3:35 
I try to play the food honestly, it's not something my characters can use in combat, only out of combat.
Atola 12 JUL 2014 a las 14:38 
A secondary effect is that this buffs food - since eating food is still instant. Not very relestic but at least the week effects can be added in zero time giving food a purpose beyond roleplay.
Atola 12 JUL 2014 a las 14:30 
it should be noted that the application of poisons does not have an animation...
Atola 12 JUL 2014 a las 14:14 
Because all effects are applied when a potion is clicked on I don't think this mod is an earthquaking change. It does give a slight nerf to alchemy which is needed. With just this mod alchemy becomes more focused on pre and post combat actions which is great - while still being situationaly useful in combat. Also combined with an Invis postion do not entirely rule out resetting your health using low quality potions. While adding some realizem to it.
1. Quaf Invis, (will turn invis immediatly) wait for one animation and then run somplace safe.
2. Quaf heals/stamina and other buffs follwed by second invis potion.
3. wait through animations while invis.
4. Enage in combat again.
Marto Polo 9 ENE 2014 a las 16:16 
Yeah, that fixed it. Thanks!
David Sid  [autor] 9 ENE 2014 a las 3:12 
@[SOOKY] ZΣΛNO: I haven't used either of those mods myself, but from the description "AE Animations" sounds like it might well conflict with mine (given that it also adds drinking animations). See whether the bug still occurs if you run the game with that mod disabled.
Marto Polo 8 ENE 2014 a las 23:47 
I have 'Better Vampires' and 'AE Animations' installed if they might conflict/bug?
David Sid  [autor] 8 ENE 2014 a las 2:23 

Do you have any other animation mods installed? If so, have you tried disabling them and seeing if there's still an issue with potion/beverage animations? (I know a user on Skyrim Nexus previously noted an incompatibility with "Realistic Needs", since it also animates non-potion drinks; that's why I added the "set AnimateBeverages to 0" option.)
Marto Polo 7 ENE 2014 a las 22:07 
I don't know what it is but, certain interactions delay for me, often when they relate to player animations like feeding. This mod is the most affected by this and it makes me unable to draw my weapons for a while, often need to reload.
Not saying it's this mod but if anybody had the same problem, any help?
NoAmmo 14 DIC 2013 a las 3:40 
Pevey 7 DIC 2013 a las 14:11 
Axton Dragunov[Wise Guys] 3 NOV 2013 a las 10:24 
this is an awsome mod
David Sid  [autor] 6 MAY 2013 a las 7:15 
This mod is now available on Skyrim Nexus at .
David Sid  [autor] 29 ABR 2013 a las 18:23 
That's a fair point, Cream-of-Plenty. I do wish Steam Workshop would allow you to approve mod updates before installation and switch to previous versions if the updates cause problems.

Anyway, I'm gradually uploading my entire library to Skyrim Nexus now, so you should see this online there within a couple weeks.
Cream-of-Plenty 29 ABR 2013 a las 15:45 
Good stuff. Personally, I run so many mods that it's something of an art to get them working together. When a mod automatically updates via Workshop, it can often cause conflicts/problems that would not necessarily be present if I waited to manually update (after, say, compatability patches were pushed out). Also, there's the problem of certain authors (not you) getting upset over something and deliberately sabotaging their mod--something that isn't really any issue unless those mods are automatically updated. You can subscribe-unsubscribe to prevent this from happening, but then the whole point of the Workshop is defeated and, instead, it just adds an additional step to the process.

Great mod, though. I've been playing around with it for a few days and, for such a small thing, it's really a game-changer.
David Sid  [autor] 26 ABR 2013 a las 16:59 
I've seen a few requests for Skyrim Nexus versions of my mods. I've created an account there and will probably get my mods uploaded within the next few days, but I'm curious: why do you consider Nexus a better repository for Skyrim mods?
Cream-of-Plenty 26 ABR 2013 a las 15:05 
Yeah, this is a great idea, but could you put this up on Nexus Mods? The Steam Workshop is honestly garbage for games like this.
Myrddin2008 24 ABR 2013 a las 22:26 
Put it up on NexusMods!
David Sid  [autor] 20 ABR 2013 a las 7:09 
Update: Drinking no longer forces you out of the inventory, but rather queues animations to play when you return to normal gameplay.
Diplodocus Sanders 19 ABR 2013 a las 15:43 
it works perfect now, thx David!!
IhmeHihhuli ™ 18 ABR 2013 a las 23:59 
a video would be cool.
David Sid  [autor] 18 ABR 2013 a las 19:51 
Summary of today's two updates:
- The mod no longer edits beverages directly, which should enable compatibility with other mods that alter food and drink effects.
- You can disable the animation for beverages with the console command "set AnimateBeverages to 0" and re-enable it with the console command "set AnimateBeverages to 1". For either setting, animations still play for potions.
Diplodocus Sanders 18 ABR 2013 a las 16:36 
yay,. then I hope you update it soon, thanks a lot :)
David Sid  [autor] 18 ABR 2013 a las 16:10 
Batroel, I'm thinking I'll add a hidden option to this mod--something not enabled by default, but that you can enable or disable with a one-line console command. (If I make a separate mod, then updating becomes twice as much work!)
Diplodocus Sanders 18 ABR 2013 a las 15:57 
The mod which conflicts is "alcohol drunk effect" cause it has an animation when you drink any beverage too. The problem is the animation, the game doesn't crash but the animation doesnt work properly.
A potions-only mod would be cool :)
David Sid  [autor] 18 ABR 2013 a las 15:15 
The mod doesn't require any DLC or SKSE, Batroel. And I don't mind adding a potions-only mod, but could you first describe what kind of problems you're having, and which mod you think is causing the conflict? I just want to make sure the issues will actually be fixed by a separate potions-only mod.
Diplodocus Sanders 18 ABR 2013 a las 13:07 
And btw, I'm having some problems with the animation for beverages cause I'm using alcohol drunk mod, can you add a mod for only potions?
Diplodocus Sanders 18 ABR 2013 a las 12:26 
Hi David,
this mod requires SKSE and any dlc's??
David Sid  [autor] 17 ABR 2013 a las 13:53 
A little note on future expansion of this mod: I've considered adding eating animations, and it's not going to happen . The eating animations are too long, and there's no good keyword with which to identify food (VendorItemFood is inconsistently applied). Most significantly, the ability to eat food instantly really doesn't break anything. Beef Stew, Vegetable Soup, and Venison Stew are way overpowered in vanilla Skyrim , but the effect durations are long enough that an eating animation won't make any difference.
David Sid  [autor] 17 ABR 2013 a las 13:30 
A new update is online: beverages now play the drinking animation, with the exception of quest items. No more binge drinking-fueled power attack rampages!
Simon The Senpai 17 ABR 2013 a las 11:38 
That's great, the best mods come from inspiration within. The wanting to change something in the game.
David Sid  [autor] 17 ABR 2013 a las 7:24 
I appreciate the kind words, happy. I'm not too worried about subscriber count. I started modding Skyrim just to patch up my own game and because I love programming. Steam just made it easy enough to publish my work that I figured it couldn't hurt.
happy 17 ABR 2013 a las 5:35 
GOT A NEW HOBBY, defending and rating up david sid s mods

funny how you ve got intelligent ideas and no one knows about them
i looked at your mods, they all seem t be well thought, aiming to make skyrim a bit more challenging and realistic, yet, you re best rated is 3 stars, read some posts, your modding seems clean, it s just that you ve got two subscribers

make a panty mod thats the way to glory!, or, to fit into the kind of mods you make, a "panties for skimpyarmors must be washed after battle mod"

sad isn t it?
Simon The Senpai 16 ABR 2013 a las 3:04 
David Sid  [autor] 13 ABR 2013 a las 23:10 
I made a number of significant improvements today. Full details can be found in the change notes, but the most significant ones are:
1) Enemies are no longer reluctant to attack while you're drinking a potion.
2) Your HUD no longer disappears while you're drinking a potion.
3) You retain the ability to move and switch camera views while preparing to drink (i.e. sheathing your weapon or in mid-air).