Natural Selection 2

Natural Selection 2

UPDATE: Organic Alien Overhaul
59 commenti
Bippopotamus 23 feb 2018, ore 18:43 
Blazing 9 ago 2017, ore 5:18 
its not working
TekTōn (DinoDude) 1 gen 2014, ore 22:59 
this looks like an avp mod
......avp is cool
LAMOUCHE 12 nov 2013, ore 10:07 
mod doesn t work with 259
My all new Famous Cum Prank 17 lug 2013, ore 9:05 
i dunno the textures are too high fidelity for the rest of the game try not to overdo it with the detail
MetaMind09  [autore] 11 lug 2013, ore 8:03 
[PBS] DeathcubeK 11 lug 2013, ore 3:36 
If im subscribing, does it update automatically?
( ѽ♀ | ÿþýø ) 5 mag 2013, ore 3:55 
That is great :) I'll keep an eye on it.
MetaMind09  [autore] 2 mag 2013, ore 10:20 
@Veritas Ferrum
Ahh Ok... didnt know you wanna use it for your own server to integrate...
I will make a standalone soon.... stay tuned (I can message you if you want when rdy)
( ѽ♀ | ÿþýø ) 2 mag 2013, ore 6:50 
Hello MetaMind09. Thanks for the reply. My point was about having your mod server-side! I put some mods on my server and this is why an "infestation mod only" would have been great...
Yvss_ 20 apr 2013, ore 12:12 
It's too metal :\
MetaMind09  [autore] 7 apr 2013, ore 8:28 
@Veritas Ferrum
well 60 mb is not much you can view your download progress in youir "mods" category inside ns2 when you ve subscribed to it. Also I joined many servers and only 1 or 2 have blocked my mod (and there only the charackters. So you should be able to play it on allmost all servers flawlessly!
( ѽ♀ | ÿþýø ) 7 apr 2013, ore 0:48 
So, will we be able to get an infestation mod only from you? Obviously we can't put 60 mb of mod considering the workshop system is shit and people will most of the time get ejected of the server, but the infestation looks great and a few MBs would be fine, i guess...
skeed 5 apr 2013, ore 12:23 
@NotAgOat They really do xD
MetaMind09  [autore] 27 mar 2013, ore 12:30 
It does, this entry was only created for marketing purposes ^^
Rezol_ 27 mar 2013, ore 10:12 
Then we come to my point: Why does this entry exist?

Also, that explains why nothing happened when I enabled them both... It passes consistency check, doesn't it?
MetaMind09  [autore] 26 mar 2013, ore 14:04 
if you read the discription to this entry you would know that you only need to subscribe to the main mod to get all mod files (this entry here is empty)
Rezol_ 26 mar 2013, ore 13:54 
Yeah, I just finished downloading that. But should I subscribe to this one too? Why isn't this update simply included in the main mod?
MetaMind09  [autore] 26 mar 2013, ore 12:53 
Go to my main Mod Entrie (Organic Alien Overhaul) and subscribe to it, then you should see my mod in your NS2 Mods category
Rezol_ 26 mar 2013, ore 10:55 
Why not just update the first mod? Anyway, do I install and enable both that and this or what?
SaTaN 10 mar 2013, ore 19:20 
Khorzigan 8 mar 2013, ore 22:34 
i love the update, i can't wait until you do the clogs, hydras, gorge tunnels, and babblers.
Tanner 7 mar 2013, ore 20:45 
Crazyethan21 7 mar 2013, ore 17:11 
awww the gorgie's no longer so cute as before
everything else is fine
Agent Orange 6 mar 2013, ore 17:33 
looks sweet
MetaMind09  [autore] 5 mar 2013, ore 13:08 
This mod entry doe not contain the Mod Pack, as mentioned in my discription, go to my original "Organic Alien Overhaul" mod entry and subscrbe to get the mod.
Kane 5 mar 2013, ore 12:17 
Does this mod include content from the latest update?
Chaptor 5 mar 2013, ore 8:45 
I dont really like he new artwork but you have probably worked a lot with it so good job :)
DaddySpace 5 mar 2013, ore 8:18 
I find it not very good but nice job
Henri halt 5 mar 2013, ore 0:13 
great work man, someone should pay you.
NotAgOat 4 mar 2013, ore 13:51 
Someone just needs to rip the A:CM models. Crusher > Onos, Spitter > Gorge, Runner > Skulk, Praetorian > Fade.
Siewk[A] 4 mar 2013, ore 12:30 
Smokémon Green 3 mar 2013, ore 17:34 
Ugly as hell.
Divisor 3 mar 2013, ore 11:24 
Best MOD for Natural Selection 2!!!!!!!
Divisor 3 mar 2013, ore 11:23 
Really big thanks man!!!
Looks really cool and nice...
Hope to see your other new mods for NS2 and hope to see updates for this too!
That is just what I wanted...

MetaMind09  [autore] 3 mar 2013, ore 11:08 
- CHarackters Textures shouldnt look so grainy and oversharpened anymore
- part of the Fade & Onos textures are now slightly darker
- Infestation doesnt look so grainy and oversharpened anymore
MetaMind09  [autore] 3 mar 2013, ore 8:23 
Are you kidding me... A:CM is totally broken and looks awful... SEGA and Gearbox did such a nice job in fucking this game up!
PoweRedStone 3 mar 2013, ore 5:19 
Juste magnifique surtout l'onos!
Alzheimer (Timelost) 2 mar 2013, ore 16:42 
Very nice looking. But I'm a little turned off by the fact that your model is re-textured but you don't see that happening to you own character when fighting. arms still stay the same, etc.
The Lizard Xing 2 mar 2013, ore 16:33 
They won't take it down, it's worth doing anyway :)
~ Moni ~ 2 mar 2013, ore 16:02 
They have done Xeno mods in other games, mods that are up on the Workshop still and yet no one has done anything about them.
MetaMind09  [autore] 2 mar 2013, ore 15:12 
one word copyright
they would pull it 1 min after release
The Lizard Xing 2 mar 2013, ore 13:24 
Why dont you replace all the aliens to xenomorphs ? I know it would take a long time but I bet alot of people are praying for this...
cossackwarrior 2 mar 2013, ore 12:45 
Aww hell yeah
addeman 2 mar 2013, ore 11:52 
You should add screenshots from in the game, the ones you have up here don't look very good to be honest. Looks interesting though.
MetaMind09  [autore] 2 mar 2013, ore 9:26 
@ Crumbling: I will not split up every building and charackter into a standalone... however I will write a turoial how you can mashup my mod yourself!
THe DLC was released 3 days ago so havent got the time to rextexture them too.
Νικο Σ. 2 mar 2013, ore 9:13 
Oh, and don't forgot to chnage the skin of the gorges clogs, tunnels, babblers and hydra dude. if you can complete thet, it will be the best mod ever
Crumbling Ego 2 mar 2013, ore 9:10 
Could you put each of them up individually? I have a fade skin I want to use with this.
Mr Sergal 2 mar 2013, ore 7:02 
um you forgot gorge tunnels and babblers