164 evaluări
Challenge tasks ACHIEVEMENTS using cheats to make easy
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Cheat for achievement challenge tasks using only console
This is a way to get the Portal challenge achievements with a cheat but here's the twist, it doesn't disable achievements!
This method uses the ent_fire command in console. If you do not know how to get the developer console then please look in the comments or search how to.

How to enable dev console:
Options >>>
Keyboard >>>
Advanced Settings (in the bottom of the window)
Enable Developer Console
Adaugă la preferate
Elimină din preferate
  • The developer console enabled
  • Basic knowledge of the maps
  • Ability to decipher my terrible guide
Step 1: The playthrough
To start all you have to do is play the map normally and don't worry about your score as that will be reset.

For this I will play Testchamber 13

Playing the map normally, you can see how my step counter goes up to very high levels.

Step 2: The Code
Head towards the exit elevator but don't go in it. Step through the particle field though.
Open the developer console with the tilde key (usually below the Esc key)

` ¬

Type this code in

"ent_fire !picker resetplayerstats"

You must be facing the elevator and be past the particle field.
Step 3: Success
You've completed it. Just walk into the elevator and soon you'll have all gold challenge medals allowing for 100% completion of the game.

(Notice: I've tried this on all challenges and it works perfectly for my 100% achievements. Please check the comments for questions as they likely have already been asked.)
Extra infomation
If your achievements in-game are not up to date to steam then delete the gamestate.txt file in your Portal directory.
After 5 years, I finally decided to fix this section.

Start a challenge map as normal.

Play through the map until you get to the end elevator.

Before entering the elevator, stop and look in a way similar to what I do.

(You should be after the shield but before getting in the elevator)

Open the console and type the command in the screenshot.

(You'll know that it's working if "resetplayerstats" appears as one of the options in the dropdown menu.)

104 comentarii
mim dê papai 26 febr. la 6:10 
Still working, this isn't patched till feb/24.
Remember, first you gotta put "ent_fire !picker resetplayerstats" without the quotes to work!
Captain Sea Wolf 14 febr. la 18:54 
Thanks king. The steps and time are fucking awful and aren't puzzles at all, especially the steps because the tracking is ass, the least portals is actually fun to figure out
Bugz 26 mai 2023 la 8:31 
For everyone saying, SAM doesn't update the achievements page in source games.
madvillain 18 mai 2023 la 15:48 
This is patched, much more reliable method

sv_cheats 1
noclip [ON]
noclip [OFF]
sv_cheats 0
Make a save
Reload save
SCP 26 mart. 2023 la 22:30 
Bless you for the service that you have provided to gamers.
abigailrramsey 25 mart. 2023 la 17:59 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░
sztefyn lajen 23 dec. 2022 la 14:39 
Yo, on xbox 360 works too but you need mod your save on horizon
Phelic 27 nov. 2022 la 9:52 
Wow, this still works :steamthumbsup:
Ramaxi 25 sept. 2022 la 9:07 
thanks for this guide!
Summoner000 4 sept. 2022 la 11:49 
No longer works