Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

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Stronger Harpy mod
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Content: Enemies
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9.598 KB
12 mart. 2013 la 21:38
1 notiță privind schimbările ( vizionare )

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Stronger Harpy mod

This mod makes the Harpy stronger so that she's somewhat of an actual threat. The changes are: health increased to 110, you need to do 60 damage to stun her (instead of 20), takes 30% damage from a Sniper Rifle shot, is slightly faster, projectile damage increased to 16 and her projectiles are much faster.
3 comentarii
fizzbin 31 dec. 2013 la 21:41 
beautiful and deadly, a good combination!
#205 21 iul. 2013 la 6:45 
о придумайте player modeles bloodwin storm
Räsvelg AtmaYantra N4 14 mart. 2013 la 0:28 
Finally a mod that makes them more of a threat than an annoyance!