The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

30 평점
1:1 Timescale
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186.000 B
2012년 2월 9일 오후 8시 18분
2012년 2월 10일 오후 2시 39분
변경 사항 3개 ( 보기 )

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1:1 Timescale

NOTE: Can cause glitchy far terrain texture. Uninstalling the mod should restore any issues you have with glitchy texture loading, but worst case scenario you can type "set timescale to X" [X being 20 by default] to fix any problems after uninstallation. Sorry guys!

1 minute of real time now equals 1 minute of game time.

Sets the timescale to 1 (Default 20, meaning 1 minute real time equals 20 minutes of game time by default).

This can be done in-game but this saves you a step.

댓글 25
xxx 2021년 2월 19일 오후 1시 57분 
set timescale to 1
Nomad 2013년 11월 29일 오전 10시 29분 
I like this mod, The only issue I had is when I wanted to start a new game Alduin would fly around like a normal dragon and not land. Uki mentioned messed up Textures but I don't remember getting that issue myself but if you ever start a new game make sure this mod is disabled until you finish the "Unbound" quest. haha I'm sure someone named their character Django just to play through the Unbound....
Nomad 2013년 10월 23일 오후 9시 59분 
This is what I've been looking for, thanks so much!
Preferred Pronoun 2012년 8월 9일 오전 11시 52분 
Ariel For Hire , this mod is not unnecessary since you forget to set the timescale from character to character you play.
Lama Glama 2012년 3월 11일 오후 8시 42분 
console: set timescale to #

The number is how many game seconds per real time second. This mod is wholly unnecessary :/ sorry
bioscmos303 2012년 3월 10일 오전 3시 16분 
i wander why it happen -searching for days...tnx for the info...
Sagebirt 2012년 2월 19일 오전 6시 00분 
Yeah, the ground texture issues were killing it for me.
Dimitriov 2012년 2월 17일 오후 1시 46분 
It's a nice idea... but opening your console and typing "set timescale to 1" achieves the same thing without any issues that I have ever encountered... so I don't really know why you would use this.
Uki 2012년 2월 17일 오전 10시 05분 
I love this mod, it's easily one of my favorites. However, it has caused some issues for me and I'm going to unsubscribe.

During the opening sequence, Alduin refuses to land on the tower and flies around like a normal dragon. The only fix I found was to disable 1:1 and go through the intro normally.

The other issue the the reason I'm unsubscribing because it's quite major. Whenever I have this mod enabled, terrain loads much slower than it should. As I move between grids/cells, the low-res/blurry versions of the landscape stay in place until I reach them, and sometimes don't update to the higher detail versions until I'm almost completely across them.

I love this mod and I'd love to stay subscribed, but the 1:1 ratio is just causing issues. :\

If you make another version, perhaps 1:2 or 1:3, you can count me among your subscribers. :) <3
Uki 2012년 2월 17일 오전 10시 01분 
Legacy, couriers arrived normally for me. I got three letters in a span of 3-4 hours.