Football Manager 2017

Football Manager 2017

J1 League 2016
2.108 MB
2016年11月3日 17時26分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

J1 League 2016


J1 League 2016 - data only, no competition structures

- Nearly 700 new players have been added to the database with complete squads for each J1 club at the start of the 2016 season. Mid-season transfers are set to happen in the future.
- All players with senior experience have up-to-date attributes and positions set according to their performances in recent seasons.
- Current and potential abilities are scaled to Asian league standards with J1 standing approximately equal to the K-League.
- Wages have been inputted for players where information has been available.
- All clubs have the appropriate backroom staff. Youth staff will be added in a future release.
- Both players and non-players have complete histories and achievements, encompassing their high school, university, senior and coaching careers.

NOTE: Currently importing the file from FM16 doesn't bring over achievements correctly, which causes them to appear as failed changes. I hope to resolve this issue as quickly as possible, but it's effect on the game is purely cosmetic.
11 件のコメント
Guillaume 2016年11月5日 1時25分 
Same problem here. Database with claasen update works alone but I have crash when I try to use it with others regular championships like Liga, Serie A...
Agumonn 2016年11月4日 17時53分 
nope im only using the j leauge data file
Foss  [作成者] 2016年11月4日 15時17分 
Do you have other database files activated at the same time?
Agumonn 2016年11月4日 13時00分 
I try to start new game using this data but my game crashes during setting up database phase. anyone facing the same prob?
moomies1 2016年11月4日 11時12分 
@kitineng Thank you.
kitineng 2016年11月4日 9時30分 
@moomies I use the Classen league add on from 2016( Japan League), opened with editor 2017 and saved it as new database, then put it in your 2017 editor file, used it with foss's data
moomies1 2016年11月4日 9時01分 
@kitineng could you point me to the Claassen Japan League. Unable to find it on steam.
kitineng 2016年11月4日 8時30分 
Thank you Foss!!! I use the Claassen Japan League from 2016 and it works.
Thank you for creating this data, its hard work. Appreciated and support!!!
Foss  [作成者] 2016年11月4日 6時48分 
Any competition structure should work fine with this data.
therulez 2016年11月4日 1時38分 
Hey sorry, I sent you a friend request. I would like to help you with this, if you don't mind :).