The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

652 人が評価
Auto Unequip Helmet
8.008 KB
2012年3月19日 17時17分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Auto Unequip Helmet

If you are torn between having armor and perk bonuses versus wearing no helmet then this mod is for you.
This mod comes with a script that will automatically equip/unequip head item when you draw/sheathe your weapon or spell.

Mod can be disabled or restarted by using two console commands (StopQuest AUH) and (StartQuest AUH). You don't need to disable the mod if you want to use head item at all times because script is running in two states and you can easily choose between them.
- Run state: Manually equipping head item while weapon or spell is drawn will put script in run state. This will instruct the script to remember the equipped head item and automatically unequip it next time you sheathe your weapon, equip it back when you draw it again and so on until you initiate the idle state. You can also leave run state by manually unequipping the head item.
- Idle state: Manually equipping head item while weapon is sheathed will put script in idle state allowing you to have the head item equipped at all times, like it would be done without this mod.

If this is too confusing and you just want to start using the mod then DRAW YOUR WEAPON, EQUIP THE HELMET, ENJOY!

Known Issues:
- New papyrus bug has been discovered which has a major impact on this mod. Using EquipItem function on custom enchanted items (and this mod uses it) will not apply magic effects from the enchantment. There is nothing I can do about it, even using console to equip item will result with the same bug. This bug breaks mod's usefulness if you use custom enchanted head items and only way is to wait for Bethesda to fix it.
- If you equip hooded robes or any armor which is biped to head/hair slot while script is in run state and helmet was auto unequipped, robes might get unequipped next time you draw your weapon or spell when script automatically equips the helmet. This can be fixed by adding script loop checks but it will task the CPU every time you equip something so it is best left as it is now. To deal with the problem simply enter idle state before using hooded robes or equip the robes again after they get unequipped. Note that this will only happen with helmets. Circlets and wooden masks usually stack with hooded robes so nothing wrong will happen in that case.
- If you have more than one of the same helmet in your inventory, when script tries to auto equip the helmet game will choose first item in the stack the same way it happens when you use hotkeys to equip an item, so it is prone to same bugs that affect hotkeying (e.g. having one tempered iron helmet, one custom enchanted iron helmet and one normal iron helmet, game might choose to equip either of the three and not the last one you were using). To deal with the problem you have to remove all other helmets of the same kind from the inventory (excluding enchanted helmets found in the game).

- Mod will work with all helmets, hoods and circlets, even those from other mods.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2013年7月2日 1時58分
Auto Swap Script?
146 件のコメント
ratujmyzolwie 2023年12月31日 3時45分 
We need this on Skyrim Special Edition...
♛ Rowzay ♛ 2020年1月25日 15時36分 
Do you think you could put this mod on XBO plz ??
Kaminty 2018年4月1日 16時21分 
I have some questions. Did this mod stopped working for followers or there's something to do with the loading order? Any known conflict with other followers mod?
Gadeli 2016年11月29日 13時13分 
Holy shit. This is amazing. I didn't even know I wanted this
jchaosmaster 2016年7月30日 10時03分 
Thank you god
The Banjo 2016年3月12日 3時32分 
Does this work with follower helmets?
Coiled 2015年10月3日 23時01分 
for me i am using witcher mod hood, and it doesnt take it off, it says it works for other mods but i guess witcher mod is incompatible
Dyendil 2015年9月23日 21時12分 
The mod doesn't work for me right now. But I'll that console commande
alkoholisoitunut lisko 2015年8月11日 15時43分 
nope didint work
alkoholisoitunut lisko 2015年8月11日 15時40分 
heheh didint work il tweek whit the commands tho see if that halps poor heimskir