The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Isle Of The Falendrue - DISCONTINUED -
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21 feb 2013, ore 23:44
1 mar 2013, ore 8:51
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Isle Of The Falendrue - DISCONTINUED -

This mod has been discontinued. Due to an error that will not let me upload the current version of it, allowing NPCs and enemies move freely about the island. You can still go to the island, speak to the NPCs and play as a Falendrue. But the mod will have no further updates now, or anytime in the future. I want to move on to bigger better things. Thanks for those who supported this.


-Isle of The Falendrue!-

" He is the god of destruction, he is our father, all others can not stand to him.
We are his children, he grants us the ability to destroy, though our choice, we do not.
We shall not defy him, our father. To come out victorious is his one rule. We will succeed so long as we follow in his steps. Mehrunes Dagon. "
--Chant carried down by the Falendrue.

" Isle of Falendrue " features a new race; The Falendrue (Also known as the 'Dirt Dwellers'. They live on a dark, damp island that's name is not known to any other race other than their own. Due to their paranoia of other races, the Falendrue do not share customs or culture with other races. Nor do they even interact with them. They live on their island in seclusion, living in small homes burrowed underground beneath the dunes.

They worship Mehrunes Dagon, not to be cofused with that of the Mythic Dawn. They see him as a symbol of power, and confidence rather than a Daedric Lord. The Falendrue believe that the coming of Mehrunes Dagon that happened during the 3rd era due to the Mythic Dawn's meddlings was a great event, and thought that Mehrunes Dagon's appearance would convince all the other races of just how powerful he was, and are therefor shunned by most races for it. Especially the Imperials. Most races ( that know of the Falendrue ) also blame them for the Oblivion Crisis. Due to their love for Mehrunes Dagon, they specialize in Destruction and Conjuration. Though most no longer favor Conjuration due to the once great temple ' Talinvazur ' that mysteriously raised millions of dead, leaving its surroundings dank, and inhospitable plagued with the undead. There is said to be Falendrue who have been corrupted by the Talinvazur when entering it.

Latest Features:

- New playable race, the " Falendrue ".

- New island, home of the Falendrue.

- New Armors, and Weapons made specifically for the Falendrue.

- Enemies; Raiders(Bandits), Sabrecats, Draugr, Skeletons, Giants, Corrupted Shades, and Corrupted Falendrue.

- You can now enter the ship you traveled in, and can sleep, cook, forge, tamper, and use a tanning rack under deck.

How to get to the Isle:

There is now a ship at Solitude, across from the docks, underneath the giant stone arch that holds the Blue Palace. This should make it compatable with other mods. ( I don't think there are any mods that edit the area across from Solitude's Docks. )
Future Updates:

- I will make some Falendrue followers
- Unique dialogue from various NPC's if you are a Falendrue
- Quests and storyline to reunite the Falendrue with the rest of Tamriel
- Expand the Isle of the Falendrue to that of a more DLC sized expansion
- Add a player home to the island
- Shops in town
39 commenti
Brugh 5 set 2015, ore 17:24 
why stop a great mod?
ydɳιS  [autore] 3 ago 2015, ore 9:18 
It was on the Nexus, I took it down because it's not finished and never will be.
StarscreamSAS 31 lug 2015, ore 19:58 
You should upload that mod on the nexus ... this is an awesome one !
Coolest_Natu 29 giu 2015, ore 2:09 
ydɳιS  [autore] 28 giu 2015, ore 17:11 
The title says Discontinued guys. It is no longer being made.
Coolest_Natu 27 giu 2015, ore 14:12 
Cant you make an actuall castle whit a jarl and housecarl and more
I-/ 25 giu 2015, ore 16:57 
Look For the Lower Case 'L' And You
Will Be Kissed Tomorrow:
*Now Look For The Q And Your Wish
Will Come True:
*This Is Really Hard, Now Find The 'N':
*Now Find The Mistake:
*Something You Really Want, After the
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Now Close Your
Eyes And Make A Wish! ;*;*;*;*;*;* Now
Paste This On 9 pages And Your Wish
Will Come True! Hurry, You Have 20
minutes! Or What You Wished For Will
Be The Opposite
Destero 25 set 2014, ore 23:06 
You guys, who make tolkien-flavoured games should unite and make a tolkien flavoured quest-mod which is just inspired by Lord of the Rings, without trying to make a LOTR-MOD. I made a Lurtz for example and a bunch of other Uruks.
Soggycub449 26 mag 2014, ore 13:43 
how do u get to the island
vkizzle 26 dic 2013, ore 5:53 
dude, where are your updates? it looks amazing, this might get a thing. Get on the nexus, get on moddb, get famous! you'll have thousands of subscribers, i guarantee it:)