Saxxy Awards Entry 2012 - "Once Upon A Time In 2fort" - SFM

Did you like this video? (Category: Action, Drama)

wow this is the first video in 9 years
flt Sep 14, 2014 @ 8:56am 
Sexy.KOT, for the 2014 saxxy awards do the Ghosts From The Past part 2

It will obviously win as Action, or even drama (?)
Oil_Rope_Bombs Dec 10, 2012 @ 8:42am 
This was really good. So sad it didn't win. Should've at least been nominated.
KOT  [author] Dec 2, 2012 @ 3:46am 
Uh guys, you can't vote anymore... Winners already have been announced. Thanks for supporting me though!
Captain Hell Knight Dec 2, 2012 @ 3:45am 
''simply purchase a game from the Steam store, redeem a Gift on Steam, complete a microtransaction, or activate a retail game on Steam.'' I have activated a retail game, I have the Orange Box, what is this mould!
MannchoArt Dec 1, 2012 @ 8:19pm 
WTF? I've Left4Dead2 and I can't vote
japan guy official :p Dec 1, 2012 @ 11:08am 
I cant vote bcuz i dont have sufficient privileges, but i have bought keys on TF.
hot dog water Nov 26, 2012 @ 1:56pm 
LEMME GUESS. the spy picked up some of the sentry/dispenser scraps to regen his dead ringer. Then killed the one red engie. Thats why the heavy didnt say a thing about the spy.
入人λ³Vicגスℵ Nov 26, 2012 @ 1:22pm 
Very well made, but the pacing is a bit off, and the animation can be very stiff and slow at times. Still, it's got my vote!
LitheFider Nov 26, 2012 @ 12:28pm 
I liked things like the facial animations, close ups, and framing, but a lot of your lack of animation experiences shows in the floaty / too static body animation when looking at the whole character (which is a typical flaw of inexperienced animators). For example the spy firing around 3:30 stayed in the same static standing pose, it was not dramatic enough for the scene, even if you were going for deadpan spy he would have leaned into it more and changed his stance. Also the Engineer at 4:15 beating him up had some major lack of gravity on his footing. Basically overall you need snappier animation (You DID have a lot of nice snap going on from 1:41 - 2:45, do more of that!). And remember even if a scene is slow, that doesn't mean ‘floaty’, watch those animation curves and think of your timing. I am an animation BFA so I say all this with the utmost constructive crit, I took the time to do it because you got a lot of good going on, keep at it! :)