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Man1slay3r's Ass Bandit War
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1.166 MB
19 okt 2012 om 16:27
5 nov 2012 om 0:46
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Man1slay3r's Ass Bandit War

In the Skyrim Gamer Poop Man1slay3r references such perveted people called the ass bandits, so i took the time to create an army of these so called Ass Bandits attacking each major town (WARNING MAKE SURE YOU ARE READY TO FIGHT THESE GUYS FOR THEY HAVE REALLY OP WEPS) and for fun i added in four Bosses hidden throughout the tundra of Skyrim can you find them all?

This Mod includes
- 4 new weapons and a new arrow brand
- 6 types of Ass Bandits each a different rank
- A new spell
- Even a backstory to these creepy ass lovers
-2 New races: Ass Slayer and Ex Ass Bandit
-Winterhold and Morthal are under attack better get to saving, also there are mini wars outside Windhelm and Whiterun, can you find them?
-Fixed the A.I.D.S Needle bug
-New NPC Ass-assin
-Man1slay3r Follower
-Ass Slayer Follower
-Even more varients for the Ass Bandit Army!
-Rorikstead and the Shrine to Azura seem to have some very special visitors pay them a visit to see whats going on
-An Ass Slayer in Whiterun now how has some dialogue options (Which eventually will be a quest)

-2 New Races: Cockblocker and A.I.D.S Core Warrior
-Rubbing of the Nipples Shout is added to the game
-Island of the Ass' is now added to the world of Skyrim up the in the north-west
-Left Nipple Island is now visitable (sorry if enemies are idiots, but i can't help that :P )
-Ass-assin race is now added
-Right Nipple Island is now visitable go there and Slay the Ass Bandit King the Assokhiin!
-Ass Bandits have now invaded Aftand and Sovenguard can you kill them?
-Fixed the ♥♥♥♥ Mongers glitch

Coming Soon
-War quest line

(If you want to know the story i have given the ass bandits there are 2 books; One is on Aela the Huntress so pickpocket it off her or something and the second is in the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood)

Give me some feedback and if i get some good feedback i will make more to this if you guys want, and if you guys want something done tell me and i will get right on it

Update 2013: Yeah I am sorry my dear fans of this mod I decided to make, but there is a big problem....I can't make the storyline because the creation kit is an ass clown and you need a specific resolution to even think of making a quest, so sorry I had to announce this, but I might continue updating this mod every now and agin