

Melee only - ce_biotec run on extreme!
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"This video shows the new meleesystem in Contagion which is too OP in my opinion.

Sry if at some part the games runs slowly, my laptop isn't so powerful for gaming :S"
12 kommentarer
evanmaster406 6. aug. 2016 kl. 5:47 
gg are you :steamsalty:
Mad Filter  [ophavsmand] 8. juli 2015 kl. 11:04 
Hi Razerback :) I think biotec is doable with melee. Will try it again when I have the time for it :)
Razerback 8. juli 2015 kl. 10:47 
I didn't know that in extreme u was awaible to one shot with the hammer. Amazing sad for u to lose ...
Mad Filter  [ophavsmand] 23. juni 2015 kl. 5:48 
The horde spawning thing muss be because I played it on an older version before they updated it with that event.
Mad Filter  [ophavsmand] 23. juni 2015 kl. 5:47 
Hey even if it's a late response. If you think that they are not OP then ok. It's your opinion and I respect that and about the exploiting zombie AI thing... I have no clue what you are talking about nor I have seen any exploit that I used in this footage.
R0AR | gr3yh47 26. feb. 2015 kl. 8:45 
How did you keep the horde from spawning when you re-entered the lab after the basement section?
R0AR | gr3yh47 26. feb. 2015 kl. 8:42 
You can't really say the melee system is OP, if anything only the sledge. and I don't think it is - you're doing this on the easiest level, Solo which keeps the numbers down, and you are very good at exploiting zombie AI. it's a great run but it doesn't really show that "the melee system is OP" at all
Mad Filter  [ophavsmand] 14. jan. 2015 kl. 2:12 
Hey THX =)
pascal418 14. jan. 2015 kl. 2:10 
Just wow!!
Juggernaut 27. dec. 2014 kl. 9:17 
Np, I enjoy watching you play. Your so gud at Contagion. :8bitheart: