The Unusual Enemy [Saxxy 2012]
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Kunne du lide denne video? (Kategori: Action, Comedy, Drama)

"Well, after about +100 hours of work, and +100 crashes, it's finally done! This is my third SFM vid, so it's not perfect or anything. Enjoy

Saxxy 2012 entry.

All music and sounds belong to Valve, Except Unreal Superhero 3 (by Dj Bjra), which is used under a Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)"
4 kommentarer
Högan 17. nov. 2012 kl. 12:57 
That's ma Brick
Krampus 17. nov. 2012 kl. 11:01 
Some parts was good,others was bad,but still with 3/5 animation!
Tyson_Tan 16. nov. 2012 kl. 7:14 
medic knows acutpuncture.
Chara the Explorer 16. nov. 2012 kl. 1:29 
I'm confused. You kept changing between good and bad animation. Could use some more polishing but still pretty good