Zombie Panic! Source

Zombie Panic! Source

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ZPS 2007 Hammer Fix
By Tabajara
If you're having current issues with your Hammer, follow up this guide to fix your ZPS Hammer.

Special Thanks to:
Jonnyboy and Dr.Vodker
On this guide, I'll show you how to fix your ZPS Hammer step by step. This is a guide for Source SDK Base 2007 ONLY. On the next update, this guide will be outdated. It's your choice to fix your Hammer now or wait for the update. So let's start it!

Tools Required

First, you need to install some Tools to proceed with the fix. The following Tools are:
  • Source SDK
  • Source SDK Base 2007
  • Zombie Panic! Source (basegame)

All of them are available through your Steam library: LIBRARY>TOOLS
Setting Up SDK
Now that you've everything installed and downloaded, let's start with the primary tool: Source SDK.

Start up your Source SDK and let it create its files for first time. After this, be sure you have selected "Source 2007" and then click on "Create Mod":

Next, select this option below:

Next, select your Zombie Panic! Source folder dir and add a name on it, like this:

NOTE: Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2007

Let it copy these files and we're done by this step.

Zombie Panic Source should be up and looking like this. Let's start up Hammer Editor and set up ZPS for it.

Config Hammer for ZPS
If your Hammer started without any errors, you're doing fine. Now we must config your Hammer to ZPS. Same stuff if you have been mapping for a while, if not, just follow these images slowly.

Next, do not open or create anything new yet. Go to TOOLS>OPTIONS:

After opening your Options, edit and add everything up looking like this:

NOTE: If you have typed a different name besides "Zombie Panic Source" while creating a new mod, be sure to go to your "steam/steamapps\sourcemods" and select the name folder you choose.

Next final tab, looking like this:

NOTE: Be sure to change the last part to add compiled maps to your zps/maps folder!
After doing everything, save it and close your Hammer. Feel free to close your Source SDK too.
Moving Files
This is an important part of this guide. You must follow these steps correctly to leave all files and folders in their respective locations.

Go to your Zombie Panic! Source folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\zps

Select only these files and folders on this image below and copy them:

Then, go back few folders until you're on the /sourcemods, open it and open your new folder (zombiepanicsource or what ever name you typed):

It should look like that right? Good, now paste everything inside this folder and let windows do the job.

This might take some time.

When all those new folders and files are there, open GameInfo.txt and make some edits, it should look like this:

Final Steps
After doing all this, you must do few more stuff. First, let's double-check your gameinfo.txt and gameconfig.txt.

If you want to know how my GameConfig.txt looks, check this image:

GameConfig.txt is located on "SourceSDK\bin\source2007\bin"

If you want to know how my GameInfo.txt looks, check this image (again):

Last, copy this file "zombiepanic.fgd" located inside ZPS folder at "Source SDK Base 2007\zps" and paste it inside this folder: "SourceSDK\bin\source2007\bin"
Happy Mapping!
Done! I hope after following this guide, your Hammer has been fixed up and ready for use.

Any questions or other issues, please leave a comment. Remember ZPS will be having it's own SDK on upcoming update. After that, this guide will be no longer needed.

W33DF0x Jul 16, 2017 @ 5:47pm 
thx it works 10/10 love it thx
[ZB] RangerRus Jul 14, 2017 @ 6:54am 
well done
truePlayer Jul 14, 2017 @ 6:10am 
Cpt.Haxray Jul 13, 2017 @ 9:11pm 
100% works.
zle Jul 13, 2017 @ 8:07pm 
Works! 10/10