Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

809 평점
Private Property - Extended V1.3
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1.462 GB
2017년 5월 24일 오후 12시 27분
2017년 8월 12일 오후 7시 09분
변경 사항 5개 ( 보기 )

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Private Property - Extended V1.3

Get off my lawn! - xoxo#r4d

13.08.17 - Updated to V1.3

- made the lightning more natural and waaaaay better then before
- fixed brutus spawns
- new magicbox effects ( just for fun :p )

30.10.17 - Timed parkour
- many people dont seem to know where they start the parkour,
it´s on the side of the garage with the wallbuys in it. ( Pretty obv. imo )

Private Property is a map I´ve been working on for the last couple of "weeks".
It resembles a friends house, so I´ve put quite alot of detail in it.

Perks included:
- Quick Revive
- DoubleTap 2.0
- Juggernog
- Speed Cola
- Deadshot Daquiri
- Stamin-up
- PHD Flopper
- Mule Kick
- Electric Cherry
- Vulture Aid
- Wonderfizz

Also features:
- Brutus
- Buyable Ending
- Eastereggs
- Roulette Mashine
- Timed parkour

##### Private Property is now available as a NIGHT map:

Thanks to:
- Harry Bo21 (Perks)
- NateSmithZombies (Brutus / Buyable Ending )
인기 토론 모두 보기(5)
2020년 12월 15일 오후 7시 08분
고정됨: Bugs & Glitches
#xoxor4d 🍓
2019년 11월 14일 오전 6시 17분
Issue with map:
2019년 6월 25일 오후 11시 23분
댓글 303
Rainy 2024년 4월 18일 오전 1시 20분 
Dunno if its some kind of prank but near death experience just kills you and spawns you with a pistol to immediately die again.
FR0ZN 2023년 12월 22일 오후 11시 19분 
Wow can't believe this Custom Map been out for 6 years now and this is my first time playing it I really enjoy playing this map the 100k buyable ending and finding the statues to open the garage which had some OP goodies Kool Map thumbs up
Nascarfanatic24 2023년 7월 31일 오후 1시 17분 
The fudge is parkour, my mind can't handle not finding
manuel 2023년 7월 9일 오후 12시 09분 
wher's the fuck is parkour lmao
Cabuupse 2023년 7월 7일 오전 4시 50분 
good looking map. alright door prices. Plays like shit, monkey bombs dont even work as they are supposed to, way too many required items to grab just to open up small bits of the map. In conclusion: this map sucks ass and you'd be better off not giving it the time of day
Dumelax 2023년 6월 10일 오전 10시 48분 
A pretty great experience! Did the dolls easter egg (many thanks to all the people who commented, helped a bunch) then bought the ending at round 30. Thank you for the hard work! :quick:
xX AXALTA Xx 2023년 5월 22일 오후 12시 46분 
Invisible brutus ruined the map for me
Highly Potent 2023년 4월 29일 오후 4시 11분 
I've never enjoyed referring to guides while playing, but at least most maps require it because they're intricate. The shootables that I thought were a fun side EE were pretty much the whole egg and some are impossible to spot. The one on the high roof?!? Lol Pump and dump. Will not be exchanging numbers
Buck 2022년 8월 21일 오후 2시 16분 
also, i have NO CLUE how this happens, somehow involving Who's Who. I was able to keep a Death Machine for ever as a primary weapon. i think i picked it up right before going down to a Brutus. I revived and had 4 weapons and was able to keep it LMAO fun times
Buck 2022년 8월 21일 오후 2시 12분 
fun map! got stuck for a bit until I realized what it was I was suppose to be shooting. got stuck and thank got to @p90thelegend for posting the spots. people who can't find the key?!? do you even know how to play zombies? look around for 0.5 seconds and you'll find it. sheeeesh :steamthumbsup: