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[CONTEST WINNER] Coming from League/DOTA 2 - Hero Comparisons
Készítő: TigerKirby215
(UPDATE: Finally got off my lazy ass and added Qi'Tara and Snork!) When I came into League of Legends as a newbie, something that helped me greatly was the lists that people compiled comparing the playstyles of DOTA 2 Heroes to League of Legends Champions. Seeing as many players will be coming into this game fresh, I thought I'd offer up the same service for Awesomenauts.
Before we start there are quite a few things I should probably mention.
  1. These comparisons aren't perfect.
    This should really go without saying. Character will not play the same just because they have mechanics that are similar to characters in other games. Some of these characters may be much harder to play than their "counterpart" in other MOBAs.
  2. Shout out to what I'm basing this off of.
    A long time ago in a galaxy far far away this Reddit thread was made. I would like to thank u/Z13J of the r/learndota2 community for his extensive list detailing his comparisons between League Champions and DOTA 2 Heroes. A lot of the champions I mention here are based off of his guide. (Though I still make the DOTA 2 analogy myself.)
    *EDIT - The original post was sadly deleted. :(
That being said: Here's my list of character comparisons between the two MOBA bigshots and their 2D cousin. If you're looking for a specific hero/champion: Ctrl + F to search page. I tried my best to spell all the characters' names right.
League of Legends
Froggy G
Has ludicrously high mobility with a lot of innate dodging potential. Can also do insane damage in a small area.
Keeper of the Light
Takes a lane and stalls it to infinite. Incredibly easy lane clear and a strong knock-back to save allies.
Assassin: Riki

Clones: Doppelwalk Phantom Lancer
Assassin: Akali

Clones: Shaco
Assassin: Squishy assassin with an ability to close the distance between you and an enemy along with an ability to turn invisible.

Clones: Distracting illusions that can do a lot if left alone. Appears out of nowhere while you're distracted to kill you. Can turn invisible to escape.
Sustain up the butt. High damage to enemies who are close to you. Strong CC.
Note: Far more similar to Garen.
Spawns units that fight for him and can CC well. Extremely obnoxious to deal with.
Strong poke in lane with a powerful long-ranged nuke. Powerful CC that can easily set up kills for you and your team.
!@#$ING RUN AT PEOPLE. Get in the middle of fights and just stand there beating everyone into a pulp.
Note: These three characters honestly have vastly different playstyles, but they're the closest comparison I could think of. Ayla is much more hit-and-run than in-the-thick like Rammus/Axe, but she does have a strong kill secure ability like Axe, and a good way to get into fights like Rammus.
Innate healing ability along with innate self-damaging nuke. Gets into the middle of the fight and forces the enemy to scatter or suffer.
Strong healer that does much more damage than you'd probably expect. Has a "do not die button" ability that can be a life saver if used properly.
Run around dropping damage behind you while typing "heu heu heu heu heu" in the chat. Throws enemies into danger.
Faceless Void
Consistently whack people to CC them. Huge CCs for team fights.
Place small presents on the map for everyone to enjoy. Stupidly powerful CC at close range. Strong escape, but very easy to punish if locked down.
Stands in place and kills anything that comes close. Annoying traps that punish mistakes.
Vinnie & Spike
Sand King
Go in, deal damage and disrupt, get out. Considerably less powerful without their AoE disable (in the case of SK and WK it's their ult. For Vinnie it's Smoke Cloud, but that ability does have a decently long cool-down)
Shadow Demon
Locks enemies down and/or protects allies. Can chase pretty well and does a surprising amount of poke if left alone.
Admiral Swiggins
Jarvan IV
Dive into the thick of things and lock people down for your allies.
Drow Ranger
Left click to win. AA slow. Global ranged projectile. Very squishy.
Very high damage and good chase potential. Single strong CC to get the upper hand. Very easy to burst down.
Specific to League: Ksenia can pick up her Scissors in a similar way to how Draven can grab his Spinning Axe(s). The different is that Ksenia can gab them when she misses, while Draven catches them after hitting.
Ix the Interloper
Io when played as a support

Viper when played as a carry
Tahm Kench when played as a support

Urgot when played as a carry
Support: Physically attach yourself to allies to keep them safe. Grab them and put yourself in danger to save them.
Specific to League: Similar to Tahm, Ix also has an innate self-shield.

Carry: Sustained damage at close range. Shielding that can be worked around. Are all green.
Specific to League: Similar to Urgot, Ix can swap with an enemy to put them in a bad location or him in a good one. This doesn't come with any of the other strengths Urgot's swap has, but it has a much longer range than Urgot's swap.
THE LIST (Cont.)
League of Legends
Ted McPain
Troll Warlord
Swapping between melee and ranged. Self attack speed buff.
Penny Fox
Jumps in and pounds faces in. Strong chase. Easy to burst down if locked down.
Sentry X-58


Ember Spirit


Twisted Fate
Comparing to Enigma/Sejuani: Very potent AoE CC with a long cool-down. Can clear waves pretty fast but suffers in raw DPS.

Comparing to Axe/Rammus: Damage return and strong self-shielding.

Comparing to Ember Spirit/Twisted Fate: Global teleport that everyone can see.
Disrupt the enemy's movement. Strong AoE damage if the enemy gets caught in it.
Queen of Pain
Jump in and burst people's faces in. Very squishy and easy to punish if escape ability is down.
Professor Yoolip
Shadow Shaman
Incredibly powerful disable. Strong AoE damage that can easily be avoided.
Chucho Krokk
Lone Druid
Best buddies with your summon. !@#$ing run at people and beat their faces and still escape with ease.
Specific to League: LeBlanc's also has a delayed burst of damage in a similar fashion to Chucho's Sticky Bomb.
Jimmy(/Amy) and the LUX5000
Buff boy with a lot of health and damage reduction. Incredible fight disruption power.
Max Focus
Stand in the backlines dealing massive damage. Somewhat hard to aim CC as only escape tool. Incredibly squishy and fairly slow otherwise.
Centaur Warrunner
Jumps into the middle of things and takes damage for the team. Hooved mammals.
Storm Spirit
Tons of mobility, as well as damage originating from where your character is standing.
Disable pull and consistent high damage at close range.
Commander Rocket
Drow Ranger
Huge damage from AA and knockback-based self-peel. Strong AoE damage if the enemy doesn't avoid it.
Queen of Pain
Jump in and deal massive burst.
Note: While both of these characters perform their burst instantly Qi'Tara is hindered by DoT mechanics, making her burst far less reliable.
Snork Gunk
Brewmaster / Spirit Breaker
Dive in and slow people while bursting them down.
Thank you for reading this guide! If you found it helpful a thumbs up would be greatly appreciated. Please I want that badge it's all I live for in life. If you also want Raelynn for free and have no friends, feel free to refer me! You get a free character, and I get Awesomepoints!
Special thanks to Niz and Gameinsky on the Awesomenauts Community Discord[] for their help picking character comparisons.
I won![]
Holy hell I didn't expect this to get an honorable mention, especially with how little popularity this guide had in the beginning. Thank you a lot Ronimo for considering this guide for a badge.

Also for the record: Chötgör[] "Chogi" Ünen[] - Devs can't read the name of my edgy OC.
9 megjegyzés
ELED3L 2018. aug. 3., 10:04 
edit: just played voltar and i remembered i didnt tought about him enough, i just wrote tyrande without thinking, because both of them can be offensive
for the healing, and offensive style, i think Alexstrasza would be better than Tyrande, she puts down a healing circle that heal later, just like voltars healing bot, and she can deal some bigger dmg if he hit enemies multiple times
for the drones, nope, none of the heroes have multiple all time helpers, Raynor and Lili have similar ability
ELED3L 2018. aug. 3., 4:29 
-jimmy: no idea. again for dmg reduction and boosting in the battle, pushing away enemies (but not in front of you)
-max:character looks like Probius, flying thing with big eye. Max's dmg dealing ability looks like Li ming's or Fenix's "laser", but they cant move with it. Cc ability is like Deckard's cube, but not exactly.
-deadlift: ETC, bull character with jumping in, team armor
-dizzy: Tracer, because jumping like a maniac and has a similar bomb ability you leave on enemies or on the ground
-smiles: Dehaka, same pull ability, close range damaging
-cmd rocket: no big recoil rockets in the game (or any ability i can think of), so any assasin would be good here with some aoe. Probably a mage. Or for auto attacker i would choose Fenix, because of that spinning laser, and some aoe.
ELED3L 2018. aug. 3., 4:28 
-sentry: Zarya, because you get shield, if the enemy damage it, you deal more dmg, and she has the heroic to pull in the center every enemy. (Teleporting to a spot placed down earlier: Guldan talent)
-skree: Tassadar again, because of wall, and the psionic storm similar to sawblade
-nibbs: Malthael is similar with jumping in and poisonous stuff
-yoolip: can think of some heroes who have abilities you can easily dodge, but if they catch you, it can cost your life. For example: Murky. He has abilities that can dmg a lot, but you can easily dodge them, he can choose one of the best cc's in the game for his heroic, its very similar to Yoolip's stun, or again, his other heroic is an easy to dodge high dmg ability. Or for a support character, Deckard, with good but slowly building up cc, and with healing bottles on ground, like dinos leaving hp.
-chucho:, so similar with getting in and out of the machine, boosting away or in the battle, and has a big aoe explode
ELED3L 2018. aug. 3., 4:28 
-genji: His cocoon ability is similar to Anubarak's heroic, but we are looking for a support here, and there is no suport with an ability that takes out somebody out of the fight, so any support can go here that have some aoe heal and/or protection (Kharazim, Lucio etc.)
-swiggins: Butcher because of his heroic that chains down enemies, and he can run to his enemy very fast
-rocco: Hanzo, bow, arrows, map range big arrow
-ksenia: would choose Valeera again for invisibility and cc
-ix: Tassadar is a similar character with laser auto attack, shielding, good escape with invulnerability, or again, maybe the upcoming hero "Whitemane" but i dont know her
-ted: Fenix has the auto attack changing, but for those big bombs, i would go with Nova's heroic
-penny: attack to get ability, or make it stronger? There are some similar stuff, but none of them exactly the same. I would choose Valeera again with its 1-2-3 combo and energy
ELED3L 2018. aug. 3., 4:27 
-ayla: Arthas, shoot out rooting, then go close to freeze more, but he is a tank
-clunk: no idea, no tank that harm himself. Zuljin is the real self harmer and Stiches has a similar "biting" healing ability
-voltar: Tyrande, maybe the new hero that will come soon "Whitemane" would be a better choice, i dont know her yet, but she will be a dmg dealer/healer on choices
-coco: no idea, but abilities: the only hero that leaves behind some dmg when running is Stiches (Hammer and Valla not counts with their little stuff) and for enemy replacement ability, that pushing from center: Morales grenade
-skolldir: Diablo/maybe Garrosh, good cc tanks with throiwng back ability
-yuri: Abathur? Puts down traps, can heal ally, slow enemy, but very different character. Maybe Probius, he puts down high dmg stuff, and easy escape.
-derpl: Sgt. Hammer, siege mode, some little trap
-vinnie & spike: jump in and escape style? Zeratul maybe, but there are more assassins like this
ELED3L 2018. aug. 3., 4:27 
i like this guide, and i would like to see hots in it

i know hots is not a popular game but here are my tips
(if anyone play that game too, suggest who is better, i am not too good in hots, and i cant remember all heroes and their abilities, i am sure i will forgot some better choices)
i tried to choose heroes who have similar abilities, and not just roles like "both of hem good aoe dmg daler"
where i cant think of a specific hero, i write down similar abilities

-froggy: Illidan/Kerrigan, jump in, high dmg, there are some other similar assassins
-lonestar: Dont know a hero. Bull ability: maybe Rexxar with Misha jumping in. For dinamites: Junkrat's grenades with bouncing.
-leon: Valeera, invisible, no pull ability, but good cc
-scoop: Muradin, cc hammer throw, tanky, good heal
-gnaw: Gazlowe, turrets on ground, but he dont has poison
-raelynn: Nova, cant think of better, some cc and sniping
TigerKirby215  [készítő] 2018. jan. 26., 3:51 
I've yet to touch Qi'Tara on account of leaving this game much like the devs have which is why I've yet to really be able to make a comparison to her.
For what it's worth she seems to play a lot like a combination of Froggy G, Nibbs, and Gnaw.
The most obvious comparison I can make purely from watching gameplay of her is to Katarina from League of Legends, who plays rather similarly to Ember Spirit in DOTA 2. Kat, ES, and QT all rely on initiating from a far to deal heavy damage, either to a single target or in an area. Seven-Star Strike or whatever it's called I've simply been refering to it as "Discount Froggy G" looks very similar to Katerina's ultimate in League of Legends, and the DoT mechanic can loosely be compared to Ember Spirit's constant damage via Flame Barrier and other DoT abilities.
Mujaki 2018. jan. 26., 3:34 
Going to update now that Qi'Tara has joined the ranks of the Awesomenauts?
Mable 2018. jan. 19., 12:17 
Solid overview of most of the nauts. Not surprised this won since you're appealing to 3 fanbases, but its well deserved imo