66 평점
Space Pirate's Guide to the Mermaidon Galaxy
Octagon 님이 작성
A mostly complete guide for Flinthook with details on all Black Market upgrades, Perks, Enemies, Bosses, Lore pages, Relics, Achievements, and more.
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Though this guide attempts to be as comprehensive as possible, there are still a number of things about the game that I do not know and that may be listed incorrectly. I will do my best to correct any errors over time, whether I notice them myself or they are pointed out to me, but it should be noted that there are already a few good resources for Flinthook information that can be used to double check the information provided here.

This guide is up to date with version r19724 of Flinthook.
The Basics

What is Flinthook?

Flinthook is a roguelite platformer developed and published by Tribute Games Inc. The game follows the adventures of space captain Flinthook, who is on a quest to rescue the Keepers of the Galactic Lighthouse in order to rekindle it's light. Through the use of his mysterious Quickhook, time-slowing Chronobuckle, and devastating Blasma Pistol, Flinthook must traverse a great deal of enemy ships to discover Ghost Gems. These gems can be fed to Slimey the Mapping Mollusk in order to uncover where exactly the Keepers are being held. Unfortunately, the power of the Keepers attract folk with ill intent, so it's up to Flinthook to defeat dangerous and deadly pirate captains in order to free them!

Flinthook has a fairly straight-forward leveling system that will gradually unlock new upgrades to purchase in the Black Market and will grant the player Booster Packs to open. These Booster Packs randomly grant permanent Perks that the player can pick and choose from, though Perk Points are quite limited at the start so you have to test Perk builds and see what works best for you.

Title Menu

The Title Menu has five options: Play, Options, Intro, Credits, and Exit Game.

"Play" brings you to the file select screen, and there are three separate files to choose from. Starting a new file will immediately start the Tutorial.

"Options" takes you to the Options Menu where you can edit and adjust various settings to your liking. Two images will be provided below with further explanation.

"Intro" allows you to view the opening cinematic again.

"Credits" will display the Credits for the game.

"Exit Game" will close the game window.

Options and Controls

In the Options menu, you can view and edit the control scheme, change languages (only English, French, and Japanese are currently supported), adjust the volumes of the music and sound effects, toggle vibrations on or off, and you can switch between fullscreen and windowed mode.

Main Menu

Once past the Title Menu and after completing the Tutorial (or dying in it), the player can access the Main Menu. The Main Menu has five different options to choose from, but only one is available from the beginning.


Selecting "Play" will take you to the Bounty select screen.


Selecting "Challenges" will take you to the Challenge select screen. This screen gives you the choice between the Daily Challenge and the Weekly Challenge, each of which can only be played once in their respective timeslot. In order, the Daily and Weekly Challenge images are displayed below:


Selecting "Lore" will bring you to your Lore collection screen. This option will only unlock after obtaining a page of Lore from a Library while out adventuring. Libraries will always appear on a ship that has the "Librarius" Variant.


Selecting "Relics" will bring you to your Relic collection screen. This screen also has a separate section for achievements that correspond to the Steam achievements for this game. Collecting your first Relic or unlocking your first Achievement while out adventuring will unlock this option. Relics can randomly be found while opening certain types of treasure chests, but they can also be purchased from stores. Furthermore, the "Relic Shop" Variant will guarantee a store selling a single Relic.

Black Market

Selecting "Black Market" will take you to the screen where you can purchase permanent upgrades for Black Market Coins. To unlock this option, you must collect at least one of these Black Market Coins while out adventuring, and you are guaranteed to get at least one on every ship you traverse.


Selecting "Continue" will return you to your last play session. This option will only be available when you back out of a run while selecting a new ship to travel to. If you exit while exploring a ship, your run will be abandoned and cannot be continued. Also, you cannot access the Black Market while in the middle of a run.
What are Bounties?

After selecting "Play" on the Main Menu, you will find the Bounty select screen. Here you will have a number of Bounties to choose from, but to start with you will only have the Tutorial unlocked. The Bad Billy Bullseye Bounty is unlocked by completing the Tutorial, and it is the first real step into the gameplay of Flinthook. Before finding a Bounty's trail, there will be a placeholder image in its place. Though there are only 4 main Bounties in total, each Bounty will get progressively more difficult and will require more Ghost Gems to reach the end. The Ghost Gems required for completion and the difficulty of the Bounty will be listed next to their respective icons in the bottom left corner of the Bounty. Despite the increase in difficulty, the gameplay remains basically the same across the different Bounties.

Chasing a bounty involves picking Perks, selecting ships, blasting baddies, and grabbing gold! Each enemy ship has a number of Variants that will impact its layout, terrain, and overall difficulty, so it can be very helpful to make note of the more dangerous ones in order to avoid them. Furthermore, ships will have a general difficulty assigned in the bottom left corner of their card which will impact the types of enemies present, the number of enemies present, and the number of traps present.

Once you have obtained the necessary number of Ghost Gems, you will find the location of your Bounty's ship, allowing you to track them down and confront them. Of course, none of them will take kindly to your wreaking havoc on their crew and barging right in to their own ship, so it's no surprise that you'll have to best them in combat. Information for each boss fight will be found in the Boss section of this guide. After defeating a boss, Flinthook will find that the Keeper of the Lighthouse that was captured will be stolen right in front of his eyes by a mysterious man. Though upset by this setback, he continues forward into the final room and discovers another Bounty (and a ton of treasure!).

All Bounties aside from the Tutorial have a Hardcore version that can be purchased from the Black Market after certain conditions are met. The Hardcore versions simply increase the difficulty of enemy ships from the start and raise them higher than usual levels near the end. You can manually switch between the Hardcore and Normal versions of each Bounty after they have been purchased.

The Bounties


Replays the Tutorial level when selected. The room with the large picture frame has a secret room at the top of it which can be blasted open with a few good shots from the Blasma Pistol. The secret room contains a Relic, and this is the only way to obtain this Relic.

Bad Billy Bullseye

The first (and easiest) of the Bounties to chase. To track down Bad Billy Bullseye, you only need to find three Ghost Gems by clearing three enemy ships. After discovering the location of his ship, you will battle Billy and his beloved pet, Big Wool. The reward for defeating Billy is 3,000 gold and the Goldfeathers Bounty.


To track down Goldfeathers, you need to find four Ghost Gems. After discovering the location of his ship, you will battle Goldfeathers who is taking refuge inside of a strange and destructive contraption. The reward for defeating Goldfeathers is 4,500 gold and the Baron Von Guu Bounty.

Baron Von Guu

To track down Baron Von Guu, you need to find five Ghost Gems. After discovering the location of his ship, you will battle Von Guu who is also taking refuge inside of an extremely dangerous device. The reward for defeating Baron Von Guu is 6,000 gold and the Gwarlock Bounty. Unlike the other Bounties, you will have to watch through a revelatory cutscene each and every time you defeat Von Guu.


To track down the last of the main Bounties, Gwarlock, you need to find a whopping twelve Ghost Gems. After clearing three ships, the player will find themselves on Bad Billy Bullseye's ship yet again. That's right, clearing three normal ships leads to each of the boss fights, in order. This goes on until defeating Baron Von Guu, after which Flinthook will confront his old friend Gwarlock at the Galactic Lighthouse. The reward for defeating Gwarlock is 10,000 gold.

Infinite Raid

The Infinite Raid "Bounty" is a never-ending gauntlet of enemy ships. That's not all, however, as poor Flinthook loses a chunk of his maximum health for each new ship you travel to. There is no end to the ships you will come across, and so this mode is purely for score.
Black Market Upgrades - Technique & Subweapons

Aim Lock Boots

Description: FREE! Unlocks the Aim Lock ability. Press G to lock in place and aim with [the mouse].
Effect: Grants the player the ability to stand in place as they aim and shoot at enemies.
Cost: Free!
Unlock: Comes with the Black Market


Description: You're rewarded with gold for flawless battles against the pirate hordes!
Effect: Grants the player a Flawless token (worth 10 gold) for each Battle Room completed without taking damage.
Cost: 5 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 5


Description: You're rewarded with gold for ending battles swiftly!
Effect: Grants the player a Swift token (worth 10 gold) for each Battle Room completed within a set amount of time.
Cost: 5 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 5


Description: The legendary Quickhook! Use it to latch onto rings and zip around!
Effect: Allows the player to latch onto rings, tear away bubbles, and open doors.
Cost: Obtained during the tutorial.
Unlock: Comes with the Black Market

Blasma Pistol

Description: A very special Blasma pistol! Use it to blast scallywags away!
Effect: Allows the player to hold their own against the pirate hordes.
Cost: Obtained during the tutorial.
Unlock: Comes with the Black Market

Chrono Buckle

Description: The time-bending Chronobelt! Use it to slow down the flow of time itself!
Effect: Allows the player to slow time in short bursts.
Cost: Obtained during the tutorial.
Unlock: Comes with the Black Market


Description: Slimey, the Mapping Mollusk! Feed him Ghost Gems to find bounties across the cosmos!
Effect: Allows the player to discover and track down bounties.
Cost: Obtained during the tutorial.
Unlock: Comes with the Black Market


Spinning Skulls

Description: Unlocks the Spinning Skulls subweapon. Use them to spawn a spiral of skulls at the enemy!
Effect: The Spinning Skulls subweapon can be found in-game.
Cost: 4 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 10

Fighting Bell

Description: Unlocks the Fighting Bell subweapon. It makes its wearer invincible for a short amount of time!
Effect: The Fighting Bell subweapon can be found in-game.
Cost: 8 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 15

Frost Globe

Description: Unlocks the Frost Globe, a subweapon capable of freezing your enemies for a short amount of time!
Effect: The Frost Globe subweapon can be found in-game.
Cost: 4 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 5


Description: Unlocks the explosive Bomb subweapon!
Effect: The Bomb subweapon can be found in-game.
Cost: Obtained during the tutorial.
Unlock: Comes with the Black Market
Black Market Upgrades - Wisdom
Perk Plus Plus

Description: Adds two extra Perk Points to your perk meter! It expands the number of perks you can equip, matey!
Effect: Grants the player 2 additional Perk Points to allocate.
Cost: 2 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Comes with the Black Market

Perk Plus Plus

Description: Adds two extra Perk Points to your perk meter! It expands the number of perks you can equip, matey!
Effect: Grants the player 2 additional Perk Points to allocate.
Cost: 2 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Comes with the Black Market

Perk Plus Plus

Description: Adds two extra Perk Points to your perk meter! It expands the number of perks you can equip, matey!
Effect: Grants the player 2 additional Perk Points to allocate.
Cost: 4 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 5

Perk Plus

Description: Add an extra Perk Points to your perk meter! It expands the number of perks you can equip, matey!
Effect: Grants the player 1 additional Perk Point to allocate.
Cost: 5 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 5

Perk Plus

Description: Add an extra Perk Points to your perk meter! It expands the number of perks you can equip, matey!
Effect: Grants the player 1 additional Perk Point to allocate.
Cost: 5 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 10

Perk Plus

Description: Add an extra Perk Points to your perk meter! It expands the number of perks you can equip, matey!
Effect: Grants the player 1 additional Perk Point to allocate.
Cost: 10 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 15

Perk Plus

Description: Add an extra Perk Points to your perk meter! It expands the number of perks you can equip, matey!
Effect: Grants the player 1 additional Perk Point to allocate.
Cost: 10 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 20

Perk Plus

Description: Add an extra Perk Points to your perk meter! It expands the number of perks you can equip, matey!
Effect: Grants the player 1 additional Perk Point to allocate.
Cost: 15 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 25

Perk Plus

Description: Add an extra Perk Points to your perk meter! It expands the number of perks you can equip, matey!
Effect: Grants the player 1 additional Perk Point to allocate.
Cost: 15 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 30


Description: Get more XP depending on your grade!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 1% per level.
Cost: 4 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 5

Market Value

Description: Get more XP per Black Market item you've bought!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 1% per Black Market Item purchased.
Cost: 8 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 20


Description: Get more XP per Relic you've found!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 1% per Relic and Achievement obtained.
Cost: 4 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Reach level 10

Shaving Kit

Description: I guess you don't really need a shaving kit, but it gives you more XP, I swear!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 10%
Cost: 2 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Comes with the Black Market


Description: You're pumping some iron and that gets you more XP, friend!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 10%
Cost: 4 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 5

Flinthook Flag

Description: Your own flag! It adds some panache and some XP too!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 10%
Cost: 4 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 10

Flinthook Doll

Description: A Flinthook doll! A popular new toy around the galaxy. Flattering but also bumps your XP!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 10%
Cost: 6 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 15


Description: Only bigtime collectors get that statuette! Comes with extra XP!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 10%
Cost: 6 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 20

Wanted Poster

Description: The Cluster Clan is putting those up to catch you! But it gives you a heaping of XP!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 20%
Cost: 12 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 30

Astro-Postage Stamp

Description: A stamp! What an honor. This gives you an XP boost, for sure!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 20%
Cost: 15 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 40

Pink Matter

Description: A big glob of pink stuff. There's nothing else like it in the cosmos. A lucky charm.
Effect: Increases experience gain by 10%
Cost: 100 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 40


Description: The greatest gift for a faithful Black Market client. One last lucky charm.
Effect: Increases experience gain by 10% (and possibly other stuff)
Cost: 250 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 50

Tribute Code

Description: You figured the secret Tribute code, enjoy extra XP and other cool stuff!
Effect: Increases experience gain by 10% (and possibly other stuff)
Cost: 1 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Solve the riddle hidden in The Song of Black Margot - more details under the Secret Dev Room section.
Black Market Upgrades - Health
Hale N' Hearty

Description: Get some stamina! Add more HP to your Max HP!
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.
Cost: 5 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Comes with the Black Market

Hale N' Hearty

Description: Get some stamina! Add more HP to your Max HP!
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.
Cost: 5 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 5

Hale N' Hearty

Description: Get some stamina! Add more HP to your Max HP!
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.
Cost: 10 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 10

Hale N' Hearty

Description: Get some stamina! Add more HP to your Max HP!
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.
Cost: 10 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 15

Hale N' Hearty

Description: Get some stamina! Add more HP to your Max HP!
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.
Cost: 15 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 20

Hale N' Hearty

Description: Get some stamina! Add more HP to your Max HP!
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.
Cost: 15 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 25

Hale N' Hearty

Description: Get some stamina! Add more HP to your Max HP!
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.
Cost: 20 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 30

Hale N' Hearty

Description: Get some stamina! Add more HP to your Max HP!
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.
Cost: 20 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 35

Hale N' Hearty

Description: Get some stamina! Add more HP to your Max HP!
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.
Cost: 25 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 40

Hale N' Hearty

Description: Get some stamina! Add more HP to your Max HP!
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.
Cost: 25 Black Market Coin
Unlock: Reach level 50
Black Market Upgrades - Hardcore & Keepers

Bad Billy Bullseye Rex

Description: Unlock the hardcore version of Bad Billy Bullseye
Effect: Allows the player to switch between the hardcore and normal version of the Bad Billy Bullseye bounty.
Cost: 20 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Defeat Bad Billy Bullseye

Goldfeathers Rex

Description: Unlock the hardcore version of Goldfeathers
Effect: Allows the player to switch between the hardcore and normal version of the Goldfeathers bounty.
Cost: 30 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Defeat Goldfeathers

Baron Von Guu Rex

Description: Unlock the hardcore version of Von Guu
Effect: Allows the player to switch between the hardcore and normal version of the Baron Von Guu bounty.
Cost: 40 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Defeat Baron Von Guu

Gwarlock Rex

Description: Unlock the hardcore version of Gwarlock
Effect: Allows the player to switch between the hardcore and normal version of the Gwarlock bounty.
Cost: 50 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Defeat Gwarlock

Infinite Raid Rex

Description: Unlock the hardcore version of Infinite Raid
Effect: Allows the player to switch between the hardcore and normal version of the Infinite Raid bounty.
Cost: 50 Black Market Coins
Unlock: Defeat Goldfeathers



Description: Once a captive of Captain Grimble, this cheerful Keeper is on your side to help you free his friends and rekindle the Galactic Lighthouse!
Unlock: Defeat Tusky Grimble


Description: Freed from the Dueling Deaths, this friendly Keeper is ready to help you rescue her brethren and rekindle the Galactic Lighthouse!
Unlock: Defeat The Dueling Deaths


Description: Having escaped from Vorace Horace, this friendly Keeper is ready to help you liberate her buddies and rekindle the Galactic Lighthouse!
Unlock: Defeat Vorace Horace
Ship Types

There are 9 regular ships, 3 boss ships, and 3 special locations that the player can traverse in the course of the game. The first three main Bounties, Bad Billy Bullseye, Goldfeathers, and Baron Von Guu will only obtain 3 of the regular ships that correspond to them and, of course, their own boss ship. The special locations will each have a description at the bottom of this section.

The Hardhorn Fleet are under Bad Billy Bullseye's command, The Stonebeaks are under Goldfeathers' command, and The Liquidators are under Baron Von Guu's command. However, when trying to recruit them all to help face off against Gwarlock, you can come across any of the 9 regular ships. Regardless of the ship type, it will always contain a general difficulty level on the bottom right of its card, and the names and symbols of the Variants it will contain located beneath its name.

All regular ships function basically the same in every way aside from the number of rooms; the visually larger ships tend to have a greater number of rooms on average. The only other major differences between regular ships come from Variants. Other than that, the majority of enemy ships will contain Obstacle Rooms, Treasure Rooms, Battle Rooms, and a Mini-Boss Room. Outside of Variant specific rooms, they also have a chance to have Challenge Rooms (with Fang Scruffington), the Helm of the ship(with Coxswain Forthright), a variety of shop types (manned by Tralavar Ploom, Mr. Blorg, or HookHook), a Scalestone Shrine, and a secret room.

The 3 boss ships, Cobalt Xebec, Hammerlock One, and Fightenstein contain the boss fights with Bad Billy Bullseye, Goldfeathers, and Baron Von Guu, respectively. Each boss ship has very few rooms, but each one has some form of free healing available before entering the boss room. They contain a Boss Chest in the final room instead of a Ship Clear Chest.

The Hardhorn Fleet


Metal Whale

Titan Trunk

Cobalt Xebec

The Stonebeaks




Hammerlock One

The Liquidators





Special Locations

Nomad's Land

Nomad's Land can only be accessed by clearing a couple of ships in a row while taking only a couple of hits. Nomad's Lands don't really have much to them; they contain three Tiny Chests in a room that has nothing but platforming challenges, and then the next room has an Astro Whistle in a Ship Clear Chest that Flinthook will use to return to his ship. The Astro Whistle replaces a Space Shell and so it does not grant a Ghost Gem, but it does still grant at least one Black Market Coin for cleaning it. Visiting Nomad's Land is generally only useful if you are aiming for a high scoring run.

Ghost Ship

Ghost Ships require the player to have obtained 3 curses in one run before they have the ability to visit them, and then the player has no choice but to pick the Ghost Ship as their next destination. Ghost Ships always have the Fogfull and Dizztortion Variants (though it only ever lists Fogfull), making them a bit tricky to navigate from a visual perspective. They contain only Ghostly enemies (where applicable) and they have a special boss at the end. The boss you encounter on a Ghost Ship will differ depending on which Bounty you are currently chasing; you will encounter Tusky Grimble while tracking down Goldfeathers, Horace Vorace while tracking down Baron Von Guu, and The Dueling Deaths when recruiting the Cluster Clan against Gwarlock. Even if you obtain 3 curses on a Bad Billy Bullseye run you will not have the option to visit a Ghost Ship, although you can still visit a Ghost Ship in Infinite Raid (the boss is just Tusky Grimble). Ghost Ships are also very helpful for score runs as they offer an Astro Whistle at the end like Nomad's Lands do.

The Lighthouse

The beginning of Captain Flinthook's journey, and also the end. After recruiting the three leaders of the Cluster Clan, Flinthook returns to the Galactic Lighthouse to face off against his old friend, Gwarlock.

Asphyxia: A timer will be located at the top of the screen that will count down whenever the player is not fighting their way through a Battle Room. The timer will is not affected by the slowing of time using the Chrono Buckle. When the timer is down to 10 seconds remaining, it will start flashing red. Once the timer hits zero, the player will begin to lose health slowly over time until they exit the ship.

Battallion on Board: Increases the number of enemy waves in Battle Rooms by 2.

Bazaars: A few shops are guaranteed to appear.

Big Blasts: Normal bullets from both enemies and traps will have a much larger size.

Broken Map: The map will be unusable and will only show a question mark icon where the minimap would usually be.

Brute Force: Enemy attacks will deal 20% more damage.

Buffet: A free, bubbled space meat will be available in one of the rooms.

Chopping Block: One of the rooms will contain the Executioner NPC, Axelark the Undead. Interacting with Axelark will grant the player the "Curse of the Executioner!" This will reduce the player's max health for the duration of the run. Furthermore, a free chest containing a perk will appear after receiving the curse.

Cornucopia: Seems to increase the number of apples dropped by chests in Battle Rooms.

Dangeroom: Still being researched, but definitely increases number of traps.

Devil's Lodge: One of the rooms will contain an ominous creature, assumed to be a devil. In this room the player can interact with a floating, ominous skull which will grant them a random curse as well as a chest containing a perk.

Dizztortion: Reality will be visually warped and it may prove to be more difficult to traverse the ship as a result.

Doomed Sanctuary: One of the rooms will contain two Green Scalestones, only one of which can be taken. Each will grant the player a specific curse when taken that corresponds to their icon.

Flyaxe Infestation: Extra Flyaxe enemies will spawn in some rooms.

Fogfull: Fog will float through the rooms, slightly obscuring things as it passes by.

Gamblinger: One of the rooms will contain Leo Ludum and a roulette of three random perks and curses. Using the roulette will cost a bit of money, but it can be cheated a bit with the ability to slow time.

Gauntlet: Still being researched.

Harsh Hordes: Still being researched.

Haunted Chamber: One of the Battle Rooms will be filled with ghostly enemies.

Heavy N' Slow: Enemy projectiles move slower but deal 30% more damage.

Labyrinthine: Seems that rooms will be more interconnected than usual.

Larder: Guarantees at least one food shop being manned by Mr. Blorg.

Laser Lattice: Rooms will randomly contain extra laser traps.

Legion of Doom: All applicable enemies will be replaced by their ghostly counterparts.

Librarius: One of the rooms will be a library, containing both Tobert Ungarsson and an unopened tome. Opening the tome will grant a single page of Lore, which has the chance of being a duplicate.

Lockdown: A number of rooms will be guaranteed to be locked.

Loot: Seems to sometimes increase the amount of money dropped by enemies.

Low Gravity: Greatly increases jump height and the player will descend much more slowly.

Multibranch: There will be multiple boss rooms, only one of which will lead to a chest containing a Ghost Gem.

Platoon on Board: Increases the number of enemy waves in Battle Rooms by 1.

Poison Countdown: The player will slowly take damage as they travel through the ship.

Purseful: Enemies seem to drop a greater number of coins.

Relic Shop: One of the rooms will contain Mr. Grimsby and a Relic being sold. Relics already picked up by the player previously will still have a chance of appearing.

Rough Raiders: Enemies deal 10% more damage.

Rumble Room: Still being researched.

Skeleton Crew: Some enemies will be replaced by their ghostly counterparts.

Spectral Squad: Some enemies will be replaced by their ghostly counterparts.

Tenderizor: Rooms will randomly contain extra blade and spike traps.

Tiptonius Jones' Tip Salon: One of the rooms will contain Tiptonius Jones', who will give advice that may or may not be helpful.

Tough Troops: Still being researched.

Treasurium: Seems to increase the number of treasure rooms present.

Twerlington Territory: Extra Twerlington enemies will spawn in some rooms.
Room Types

There are a good number of varying room types in Flinthook, some of which are more rare than others. For ease of classification, I have separate rooms into three types: Common, Uncommon, and Variant. Common rooms are guaranteed to appear on every ship, and most of them will be present multiple times on the average enemy ship. Uncommon rooms are rooms that are not guaranteed to appear on any given ship, but have no special conditions in order to run into them. Variant rooms, however, require their corresponding Variant to be present on a ship, otherwise they will not be encountered.


Obstacle Room

Obstacle Rooms make up a good number of the rooms the player will encounter in this game. I consider any room that doesn't fall under any of the other categories to be an Obstacle Room, even if it has no enemies or hazards in it. These rooms will often contain a few breakables along the floor which will drop some gold when destroyed.

Treasure Room

Treasure Rooms will always be a dead end path, but at the end will be a Treasure Chest waiting to be opened. These rooms tend to contain various obstacles and sometimes enemies, but if you're interested in grabbing some apples, gold, and potentially a free Perk or Relic, it could be well worth the effort!

Battle Room

Probably the second most common room the player will encounter, every ship has at least a couple Battle Rooms that are required to pass through in order to get to the exit. Unless affected by Variants, Battle Rooms will contain three waves of enemies (and sometimes hazards) that correspond to the difficulty level of the ship. After clearing a Battle Room, they will always grant the player a Battle Room Chest.

Mini-Boss Room

This ship will (almost) always be situated right before the ship's exit and will contain an enemy, a variety of enemies, or a number of hazards and enemies that is generally a step above the rest of the obstacles encountered on the ship. Though this seems to count as a Battle Room, I consider it to be a separate room type because it functions differently in that it has only one wave and all enemies are spawned as you enter the room. There will be two Mini-Boss Rooms on any ship with the Multibranch Variant, and only one will lead to the exit.


The last room in the ship, which will always contain a Ship Clear Chest and, therefore, a Space Shell. After smashing open the Space Shell, the Ghost Gem inside will be automatically fed to Slimey and Flinthook will call down his ship in order to track down his next target!


Small Treasure Room

These rooms are pretty rare, and often contain a large number of breakables and maybe a Tiny Chest or two. They also occassionally have hazards of one form or another inside.

Challenge Room

This room has Fang Scruffington in it. Interacting with Fang will make the room function like a Battle Room that will grant a Treasure Chest instead of a Battle Room Chest upon completion.

Ship's Helm

This room has Coxswain Forthright in it, as well as the ship's wheel. Interacting with the wheel will grant the player a map of the ship, which will make the entire mini-map visible.

Tralavar Ploom's Shop

This room has Tralavar Ploom in it, and it also has three items for sale. Tralavar can sell Perks, healing items, shields, and very rarely Relics. One of these shops is guaranteed to appear in a ship with the Bazaars Variant.

Mr. Blorg's Shop

This room has Mr. Blorg in it, and it also has two items for sale. Mr. Blorg can sell healing items and shields. One of these shops is guaranteed to appear in a ship with the Larder Variant.

HookHook's Shop

This room has HookHook in it, and it also has two items for sale. HookHook can sell subweapons and Perks.

Unmanned Shop

This room doesn't have an NPC in it, but does have a single item for sale. I wonder what happens to the gold you pay.

Scalestone Shrine

A Shrine that contains two Scalestones to pick from. Every Scalestone has a specific effect associated with it, but all non-Emerald Scalestones have a positive effect.

Secret Room

These rooms are not indicated on the map until their door is revealed, and the door can be revealed by simply shooting at the wood covering it a couple of times. It can be pretty easy to miss a Secret Room, but if you're paying close attention as you explore ships you will notice that some slats of wood have a skull insignia on them (as pictured below). These slats of wood will always contain a door to a Secret Room. Secret Rooms always contain three Tiny Chests, a Bomb subweapon, and a free shield.


Guaranteed to appear when a ship has the Librarius Variant. This room has Tobert Ungarsson in it, who is always eating books. In the center of the room is a Tome that you can interact with, and doing so will grant you a single page of Lore. The Lore page you receive has a chance to be a duplicate of one you have torn out in the past.

Mr. Grimsby's Shop
Guaranteed to appear when a ship has the Relic Shop Variant. This room has Mr. Grimsby in it, who will always be selling a single Relic. The Relic on sale has a chance to be a duplicate of one you have already nabbed in the past.

Dining Room
Guaranteed to appear when a ship has the Buffet Variant. This room simply has a free, bubbled Space Meat in it and not much else.

Devil's Lodge
Guaranteed to appear when a ship has the Devil's Lodge Variant. This room has the large, mysterious NPC in it who is only known as "UNKNOWN." There is an ominous, ghostly skull floating in the middle of the room that can be interacted with. Doing so will grant the player a random Curse, and will leave a Treasure Chest in its place.

Guaranteed to appear when a ship has the Gamblinger Variant. This room has Leo Ludum in it. The roulette in the middle functions as a shop space, as you can pay money for what is there, but it will constantly be rotating between 3 Perks and 3 Curses in a set pattern. You can use the Chronobuckle to slow time and pick and choose whichever of the 6 options you would like.

Cursed Shrine
Guaranteed to appear when a ship has the Doomed Sanctuary Variant. This room functions basically the same as a regular Shrine, but they only ever contain Emerald Scalestones, each of which correspond to a specific Curse.

Chopping Block
Guaranteed to appear when a ship has the Chopping Block Variant. This room has Axelock the Undead in it. When you speak to Axelock, he will speak to you before swinging his ghostly axe down on Flinthook's head, granting you the "Curse of the Executioner!"

Tip Salon
Guaranteed to appear when a ship has the Tiptonius Jones' Tip Salon Variant. This room has Tiptonius Jones in it, and very little else. There's a Tiny Chest and Tiptonius himself who will give a meager bit of information if spoken to.
Chests & Items

Tiny Chest: Found in small treasure rooms and some NPC specific rooms. Drops some Coins and a Red Coin or two.

Battle Room Chest: Found after every Battle Room. Drops an apple or two as well as a lot of Coins and Emeralds. Drops Flawless and Swift Tokens if the player has unlocked them and earned them for that room. Occassionally drops keys.

Treasure Chest: Found in treasure rooms, often requiring a bit of effort to get to. Drops a good deal of loot and sometimes subweapons, relics, Perks, and very rarely drops Black Market Coins or Booster Packs.

Ship Clear Chest: Found in the last room of each ship and always grants a Space Shell and some money. Rarely drops a Black Market Coin and Booster Packs.

Boss Chest: Found in the last room of a boss ship. Grants a new Bounty where applicable as well as the monetary reward for hunting down the boss.


Coin: Worth 1 gold. Commonly dropped from enemies and chests.

Emerald: Worth 5 gold. Sometimes dropped from tougher enemies and often dropped from chests.

Red Coin: Worth 20 gold. Dropped from certain chests.

Diamond: Found only in Boss Chests; grants a lot of money.

Flawless Token: Dropped from a Battle Room Chest when the player completes the room without taking damage. Worth 10 gold. Must be unlocked in the Black Market.

Swift Token: Dropped from a Battle Room Chest when the player completes the room quickly.. Worth 10 gold. Must be unlocked in the Black Market.

Black Market Coin: Though not worth gold, these coins are very valuable in their own right. They can be used to purchase permanent upgrades from the Black Market!

Healing Items

Apple: Heals the player 10 HP. Often found in Battle Room Chests and Treasure Chests. Sometimes multiple will drop. Can also be purchased from shops.

Space Meat: Heals the player 25 HP. Rarely found in certain chests. Also found in shops and before fighting Bad Billy Bullseye and Goldfeathers.

Potion: Heals the player 50 HP. Found in shops and guaranteed after defeating bosses on a Gwarlock run.

Tonic: Heals the player 120 HP. Found in shops.


Key: Can be used to unlock a locked door. Found in certain Battle Room Chests.

Shield: Found in Secret Rooms and shops. Protects the player from one source of physical damage.

Space Shell: Guaranteed to be found in every Ship Clear Chest. Can be smashed open for a Ghost Gem and a Black Market Coin (or more!). Will sometimes even give a Booster Pack.

Ghost Gem: There's one in every Space Shell. Automatically fed to Slimey in order to track down your Bounty!

Astro Whistle: Necessary to call out to Flinthook's ship. Replaces Space Shells in Nomad's Land and Ghost Ships, but does not grant a Ghost Gem. Still grants a Black Market Coin (or more!) and a chance for a Booster Pack.


Bomb: A weapon that can be thrown at enemies to deal 40 damage. Automatically unlocked.

Fighting Bell: When used, the player is invincible for a brief amount of time. Needs to be unlocked in the Black Market before it can be encountered while adventuring.

Frost Globe: Briefly freezes all enemies and projectiles in the room when used. Needs to be unlocked in the Black Market before it can be encountered while adventuring.

Spinning Skulls: When used, spawns a number of skulls around the player that will gradually spiral outwards, dealing damage to any enemies they make contact with. Needs to be unlocked in the Black Market before it can be encountered while adventuring.
Terrain & Hazards

Ring: Extremely common, and great for getting around quickly!

Chains: Drags platforms, rings, and spike balls in a specific direction.

Door: Hook onto it to move about a ship. It's hard to get around without 'em!

Locked Door: Just like a regular door, but this one requires a key. Darn!

Chrono Beam: A bouncy beam that will do its best to send you flying into enemy projectiles when you forget to slow down time.

Bubbled Bell: A bell that rings each time the bubble around it is popped. Ringing the bell can cause ghostly blocks to appear and disappear, and can turn ghostly rings so that they are either accessible or inaccessible.

Ghost Block: Sometimes bound to a Bubbled Bell, sometimes bound to a timer, these blocks will seemingly disappear and reappear at the least convenient of times.

Ghost Ring: As with Ghost Blocks, these rings can be bound to either a Bubbled Bell or a timer, and they hold the same anti-player bias.

Spring: When interacted with, they will bounce the player away corresponding to the side of the Spring touched. You can also hold jump when on them to gain some extra height!

Moving Platforms: Moves in the direction corresponding to the arrow displayed. Can either help you or hinder you along your way. Often hinders you.


Multi-Purpose Trap: Sometimes fires bullets, sometimes fires homing missiles, sometimes shoots out lasers. Always a pain.

Bomb Barrel: Causes an explosion if shot.

Bomb Cannon: Shoots Small Bombs in a set path that tends to arc.

Small Bombs: Sometimes flung from traps or dropped by enemies. Explodes when it comes into contact with a surface.

Spikes: Whether they're clinging to walls or covering the floor, spikes are less painful in this game than in some.

Blades: Identical to Spikes.

Sawblades: These blades speedily travel back and forth across whatever surface they are on.

Hidden Spikes: When inactive, these traps can be safely stepped on if you move past them or jump off of them quickly.

Tiny Spike Ball: Sometimes pulled around by chains, sometimes floating around a room on their own. Despite their size, these guys are no joke.

Large Spike Ball: Often found immobile, but sometimes found spinning around a central position with a few other Large Spike Balls.

Ring Spikes: Covers a ring until blasted away with a well aimed shot from your Blasma Pistol. They don't do much aside from sitting there.

Sensor Laser: This laser trap triggers moments after you walk past its sensor.

Timed Laser: This laser trap triggers at a set interval.

Mine: Though they all look the same, some mines will simply explode while others will explode and shoot out bullets. Make sure you know the source of the Mine before you write it off as harmless!

Drill Trap: Sits on a surface and fires off on a set timer. Only the drill part of the trap hurts you.

Ghost Barrel: Though harmless on its own, if accidentally destroyed, it will spawn a Purple Ghost to chase you down whenever you enter that room again.

Electric Trap: Takes turns shooting electrical projectiles in the cardinal directions and then diagonally, but be careful not to let the electricity hit you. The electrical projectiles will jam your Blasma Pistol for a brief time!

Homing Missile: Sometimes shot out of a Multi-Purpose Trap, but more commonly from enemies. These things will explode when they come in contact with the player. They can travel through walls, but at least you can destroy them with one shot!

Crusher: An invincible enemy who moves in a single direction. Moves from the floor, to walls, to ceilings as it approaches them.

Shooter: Like the Crusher, but this one shoots out bullets from its head!

Stabber: Also like the Crusher, but this one shoots itself at the player when they are across from it!

Purple Ghost: Follows the player around a room until they leave. Passes through walls and even Flinthook.

Large Purple Ghost: Similar to the Purple Ghost, but immobile or moving in a set path.

Poison Pit: A dangerous pit of poison.

Acid Pit: A dangerous pit of acid.

Fire Pit: A dangerous pit of fire.

Lava Pit: A dangerous pit of lava.

Big Wool's Egg: An egg laid by Big Wool. Spawns two starfish enemies after a few seconds.

Small Rock: Falls from the ceiling when fighting Goldfeathers. Can be destroyed with a few Blasma Pistol shots.

Large Rock: Falls from the ceiling when fighting Goldfeathers. Can be destroyed with a few Blasma Pistol shots.

While traveling across the seemingly endless number of enemy ships, you will occassionally come across Shrines. These Shrines offer the player the choice between two Scalestones, each of which will have a specific color, symbol, and effect. Normally, you will only come across a total of 6 different types of Scalestones, but when plundering ships that have the Doomed Sanctuary Variant, you will come across an extra 7 types of Scalestones (though it will still only be 2 at a time). These Emerald Scalestones will each grant you a specific Curse, so it can be incredibly important to recognize which Scalestone grants which Curse.


Bronze Gem

Description: A heavy bag of gold lifts all spirits.
Effect: Gives the player 75 gold.

Silver Bubble

Description: You will outlast the next blast.
Effect: Grants the player 1 shield.

Gold Coin

Description: A little bit of gold never gets old.
Effect: Grants the player 50 gold.

Light Pink Heart

Description: Some food will make you feel good.
Effect: Heals the player 15 HP.

Pink Hollow Heart

Description: Without a meal there is no heal.
Effect: Heals the player 25 HP.

Red Plus

Description: Health is better than wealth.
Effect: Increases the player's max health by 10.


Emerald Bubble

Effect: Grants the player the "Curse of the Frail Pirate!"

Emerald Clock

Effect: Grants the player the "Curse of the Blocked Clock!"

Emerald Gem

Effect: Grants the player the "Curse of the Pitiful Pistol!"

Emerald Heart

Effect: Grants the player the "Curse of the Uninvited!!"

Emerald Hollow Heart

Effect: Grants the player the "Curse of the Draining Battle!"

Emerald Plus

Effect: Grants the player the "Curse of the Lesser Vigor!"

Emerald Star

Effect: Grants the player the "Curse of the Ruinous Recovery!"

Wanderin Van
Description: Wanderin Van seeks to visit the unexplored, despite getting lost on the way there.
Location: Randomly found while exploring ships.

Coxswain Forthright
Description: An exquisite fellow, always on the lookout for a new map!
Location: The room with the ship's wheel in it.

Tobert Ungarsson
Description: Tobert loves to devour a good tome, from spicy romance to sweet poems.
Location: "Librarius" Variant ships; found eating books in the Library.

Tralavar Ploom
Description: A crabellan of great renown throughout the fleet. Spends his gold on plushy cushions.
Location: Runs the shops that sell three different items.

Mr. Blorg
Description: This poor soul is so tired, it seems he'll never be cheery again.
Location: Runs the shops that sell healing related items and shields.

Description: HookHook LOVES hooks and not much else. Gotta respect that.
Location: Runs the shops that sell two battle-specific items.

Tiptonius Jones
Description: Travelled a long way from his home on a faraway island. No wonder he sits all the time.
Location: "Tiptonius Jones' Tip Salon" Variant Ships; found in a mostly empty room, just lounging around.

Leo Ludum
Description: An unsavory sailor, Leo delights in fellow pirates' gambling problems.
Location: "Gamblinger" Variant ships; found in a room with a Perk/Curse roulette.

Mr. Grimsby
Description: This cheery pirate cannot get enough of the cosmos' knick-knacks!
Location: "Relic Shop" Variant ships; found in a shop with a single Relic for sale.

Fang Scruffington
Description: A cocky layabout who can't resist challenging other space pirates.
Location: Challenge rooms, where you can opt to fight waves of enemies in order to win a treasure chest.

Axelock the Undead
Description: This fella is a grim fella, as to be expected from his occupation.
Location: "Chopping Block" Variant ships.

Description: Very little is known about the dark one. Very few dare to ask.
Location: "Devil's Lodge" Variant ships; found in a spacious room with a suspicious, floating green skull beneath him.
- I'm not sure that there are official names for the enemies, so hopefully just the images will suffice.
- The "Flyaxe Infestation" Variant refers to the bug-like creatures that follow you around, and the "Twerlington Territory" Variant refers to the quick-moving enemy that can hide in the background and that also chases you around.
- HP values are approximate and are based off of the Blasma Pistol's base damage.
- All enemies deal damage if touched.


HP: 10
Attacks: None

HP: 10
Attacks: None

HP: 10
Attacks: None

HP: 20
Attacks: Flies around the room diagonally.

HP: 20
Attacks: Fires a single bullet at 3 different angles.

HP: 40 (gradually heals over time)
Attacks: None, but bursts into a spread of 8 spikes upon death. These spikes can travel through walls.

HP: 20
Attacks: Spins around the room diagonally. Cannot be harmed while spinning.

HP: 10
Attacks: Flies toward the player. Can fly through walls.

HP: 20
Attacks: Flies toward the player. Can fly through walls.

HP: 20
Attacks: Runs back and forth, exploding upon contact with the player.

HP: 30
Attacks: Drops a small bomb while passing over the player.

HP: 30
Attacks: Fires off three consecutive bullets at the player before taking a brief pause. These bullets can travel through walls.

HP: 40
Attacks: Throws a spread of three knives at the player. The middle knife will line up with the player's location. These knives cannot travel through walls.

HP: 40
Attacks: Protects any other enemies in the room with impenetrable pink bubbles.

HP: 40
Attacks: Fires a spread of 8 bullets all around itself. These bullets can travel through walls.

HP: 40
Attacks: Throws bombs in an arc at the player. Cannot throw directly below itself or very high into the air.

HP: 40
Attacks: Fires homing missiles at the player.

HP: 40
Attacks: Flies quickly at the player. Can only travel directly up, down, left, or right.

HP: 60
Attacks: Teleports around and fires homing missiles at the player.

HP: 20
Attacks: None

HP: 50
Attacks: Shoots bullets at the player.

HP: 80
Attacks: Shoots bombs at the player.

HP: 150
Attacks: Fires off a continual laser that tries to follow the player around.

HP: 40
Attacks: Summons 6 of the tadpole-like enemies (below) every so often.

HP: 10
Attacks: Flies toward the player. Can fly through walls.

HP: 40
Attacks: Lies hidden in the background until the player approaches, and then chases after them. Cannot travel through walls, but is very fast.

HP: 40
Attacks: Shoots a spread of three bullets in the player's direction while rolling. Tends to roll more often when the player is nearby.

HP: 80 (Each segment has about 10 HP)
Attacks: Drops mines while flying around the room. These mines will explode into four bullets that travel in different directions.


Normal Bubbles: These bubbles protect the enemy inside from taking damage. Use the Quickhook to pop the bubble for good!

Pink Bubbles: Summoned by the floating, robe wearing pirates. Defeat all of them in a room to get rid of these bubbles. As with the normal ones, these bubbles shield the enemies inside. Also, some enemies can still have normal bubbles beneath the pink ones!
Ghost Enemies

HP: 20
Attacks: None

HP: 20
Attacks: None

HP: 20
Attacks: None

HP: 20
Attacks: Flies around the room diagonally. Drops mines periodically.

HP: 30
Attacks: Fires a spread of three bullets at three different angles.

HP: 40 (gradually heals over time)
Attacks: None, but fires off a spread of 12 spikes in different directions when defeated.

HP: 20
Attacks: Spins around the room diagonally. Cannot be harmed while spinning. Shoots diagonally traveling bullets when defeated.

HP: 10
Attacks: Flies toward the player. Can fly through walls.

HP: 30
Attacks: Flies toward the player. Can fly through walls.

HP: 40
Attacks: Flies back and forth across the room. Drops explosives that fire out extra bullets when it makes contact with a surface.

HP: 40
Attacks: Fires off four consecutive bullets at the player before taking a brief pause. These bullets can travel through walls.

HP: 40
Attacks: Throws a spread of four knives at the player. These knives cannot travel through walls.

HP: 50
Attacks: Fires a spread of eight bullets all around itself. These bullets travel through walls.

HP: 50
Attacks: Throws a bomb in an arc toward the player's location. When the bomb comes in contact with a solid surface, it will burst into bullets that travel in different directions.

HP: 60
Attacks: Fires homing missiles at the player.

HP: 80
Attacks: Fires small bombs at the player. When the bombs come in contact with a surface, they will cover the surface in spreading flames that will slowly diminish over time.

HP: 200
Attacks: Fires a constant laser that tries to follow the player.

HP: 50
Attacks: Spawns in 6 of the tadpole-like enemies.

HP: 50
Attacks: Hides in the background far more effectively. Chases the player around the room when the player comes too close. Cannot travel through walls.

HP: 50
Attacks: Shoots a spread of three bullets in the player's direction while rolling. Tends to roll more often when the player is nearby.

HP: 120 (4 segments have about 10 HP, and 4 segments have about 20 HP)
Attacks: Drops mines while flying around the room. These mines will explode into four bullets that travel in different directions.
Bad Billy Bullseye

HP: 300
Attacks: Big Wool will travel diagonally around the room while Billy will shoot spreads of three bullets. Billy will shoot in either a clockwise or counterclockwise pattern, but will not shoot after the bubble has been popped around Big Wool's weak point. Big Wool will drop explosives when the bubble has been removed, and these explosives will release four bullets traveling in different directions upon exploding. Every 30 damage, a segment of Big Wool will break, and a strange egg will be left behind. This egg will spawn two of the starfish enemies after a few moments.

Once Billy has lost about half of his health, he will start firing twice per direction he is facing before repositioning his shots. Once Billy has about 60 or so health left, he will continue shooting after Big Wool's bubble has been removed.

- I honestly take damage in this fight more than any other boss, simply because I get bored of waiting around for it to progress. Keep an eye out and don't fling yourself around the room without vision on Billy and the starfishes that Big Wool spawns!


HP: 600
Attacks: Goldfeathers will try to swipe at the player with the mechanical sickle and hand when the player gets within their range. Goldfeathers will shoot the drills on the side of his machine into the walls, causing rocks to fall from the ceiling.

When the bubble has been popped on the bottom of the machine, Goldfeathers will pop out of the machine and will fire two homing missiles at the player. When he is down to his second bar of health, he will fire four homing missiles at the player after popping up. When he is down to his third bar of health, he will start shooting out regular bullets instead of the homing missiles, and they will fire off far more often. These bullets always fire in the same path so they are easy to avoid.

- Hugging the bottom right or bottom left corners leave you pretty safe until you have popped the bubble.
- Prioritize the homing missiles when you are able to shoot them.

Baron Von Guu

HP: 800
Attacks: Von Guu will fire two beams of slime at both walls, temporarily separating the top and bottom of the room in equal halves. He will slam the ground and fire globs of slime at the lower parts of both walls, and once he has reached his second bar of health or lower, he will always follow this up by slamming the ceiling of the room and firing out spiky targets to cover all of the rings.

Once both bubbles are popped, Von Guu will leave his machine and will fire a laser of slime that travels either clockwise or counterclockwise around the room multiple times. Once Von Guu is down to his final bar of health, his machine will be destroyed and he will teleport around, firing a spread of three shots of slime at the player each time he materializes.

- Wall jumping can really make this fight a breeze; you can pretty effectively stay out of harms way if you just stay in the top left or right corner until you have had an opportunity to pop both bubbles.
- The laser is really hard to read, and I'm still not 100% how it works, but I have noticed that if I swing over to the opposite side above his head when he is about to start firing, he tends to aim in the opposite direction.

Tusky Grimble

HP: 800
Attacks: Floats around the room in a set pattern and summons the ghostly counterparts of the pirates that just float in place. Only this time, they also move around instead of floating in place like usual.

- Generally, I find it easier to try staying in the air as the floor is covered in traps.
- The rings don't switch all that often, but just be cautious when they do.
- Don't forget that wall jumping is still an option! There are traps to watch out for on the floor and ceiling, but it's fairly safe on the walls.

Horace Vorace

HP: 800
Attacks: Slams the ceiling using his tentacles. Does it often enough that it's a bit trickier than it sounds.

- Be careful not to fling yourself sideways while hooking your way through the air.
- Hug the wall and wall jump right as the fight starts as there is no solid ground until Horace is defeated.
- Keep an eye out for the tentacles at the bottom of the screen, as they will indicate where he is about to attack.

The Dueling Deaths

HP: 1000
Attacks: The two of them have the same exact attack patterns, but they each will appear one at a time. They can appear at any corner of the arena. Once they appear, they can either disappear quickly, throw their scythe around the entire arena, or slash diagonally across the arena.

- Stand back until you see an opening; the best time to attack is when they have just thrown their scythe around the arena.
- If they are in the air, stand directly below them. If they are near the ground, stand opposite them and be ready to move if they throw their scythe.

Gwarlock (Phase 1)

HP: 1600
Attacks: Gwarlock does not do any attacking himself here, but instead calls wave after wave of ghostly enemies to attack the player in his stead.

- You have to endure 16 waves of ghostly enemies in total (even with the Sawft Perk equipped), so try to play it safe. You'll be healed for 85 health after completing this phase, but you have to get that far first!

Gwarlock (Phase 2)

HP: 2600
Attacks: Gwarlock will occassionally fire off a large number of bullets that travel outwards in a circle around himself. He will punch his arms together, and his eyes in which direction he will do so. He can also summon spikes that cover a large amount of space, but, again, his eyes will show where exactly the spikes will be springing out from. Whenever he closes an eye, he will shoot off a large deal of bullets that can be pretty easily sidestepped.

- Keep an eye on where he is looking, especially if he fades into the background a bit.
- As there are no traps of any kind and the fight stays basically the same throughout, there's no need to rush it. You can take all the time you need to adjust yourself to his patterns of attack.

Bad Ending

True Ending

Perks - Eye

When you start playing Flinthook, you will only have 3 Perk Points available and a handful of Perks to use. As you play through the game and level up, you will gain Booster Packs which will contain random permanent Perks to add to your collection. Every 5 levels will grant you a Double Booster Pack, which contains 2 random Perks. Furthermore, as you level up, more upgrades will be unlocked in the Black Market, including upgrades that will increase your maximum number of Perk Points. In total, there are 15 Perk Points to be unlocked, and this gives you a lot of room to experiment and test various builds.


Double Combo

Description: No time to lose! Your combo increases twice as fast!
Effect: Every shot from your Blasma Pistol will increase your combo meter by 2 instead of 1.


Description: Get even better chances of hitting a critical blast!
Effect: Increases your chance of landing a critical hit (more effective than Bullseye).


Description: Get more chances of hitting a critical blast!
Effect: Increases your chance of landing a critical hit.

Combo Luck

Description: Critical blast chances match the number of your combo hits.
Effect: Your critical hit chance will increase depending on the current level of your combo meter.

Double Barrel

Description: Augments the might of your critical blasts!
Effect: Increases the amount of damage your critical hits deal (more effective than Pepper Shot).

Pepper Shot

Description: Puts some gusto in your pistol and increases the power of your critical blasts!
Effect: Increases the amount of damage your critical hits deal.


Description: No door is locked to you!
Effect: You can open any locked doors without having to pick up keys.

Hard-Won Wisdom

Description: A harsh lesson! Grants you a XP bonus, but also lose HP as time goes on.
Effect: Increases your experience multiplier by 50%, but slowly drains your health as time goes on.

Bullet Time

Description: Enemy shots are slowed down to a crawl!
Effect: Enemy projectiles of all kinds are slowed by a large margin.


Description: Get more bang from your bomb!
Effect: Increases the damage of the Bomb subweapon by 20.

Bombs Away

Description: Get EVEN more bang from your bomb!
Effect: Increases the damage of the Bomb subweapon by 40.


Description: You can now spawn more Spinning Skulls!
Effect: Increases the number of skulls spawned from the Spinning Skulls subweapon by 1.


Description: You can now spawn even more Spinning Skulls!
Effect: Increases the number of skulls spawned from the Spinning Skulls subweapon by 3.


Description: Frost Globe's freezing field now lasts twice as long!
Effect: Doubles the length of the Frost Globe's freezing effect.

Cold Front

Description: Frost Globe's freezing field lasts longer!
Effect: Increases the length of the Frost Globe's freezing effect by a couple seconds.

Raging Bell

Description: The Fighting Bell helmet's invincibility lasts twice as long!
Effect: Doubles the length of the Fighting Bell's invinicibility effect.

Fighting Bell

Description: The Fighting Bell helmet's invincibility last longer!
Effect: Increases the length of the Fighting Bell's invinicibility effect by a couple seconds.


Description: A bit of experience gives you an XP bonus of 10%.
Effect: Increases your experience multiplier by 10%.


Description: You've seen some action, giving you an XP bonus of 25%
Effect: Increases your experience multiplier by 25%.


Description: A seasoned pirate, you get an XP bonus of 50%.
Effect: Increases your experience multiplier by 50%.
Perks - Blasma Pistol

Description: Your pistol blasts become bouncing balls of hurt!
Effect: The Blasma Pistol's shots will now bounce off of surfaces instead of disappearing on contact with them. This also gives your shots an arc.


Description: Same pistol blasts, twice the size!
Effect: Doubles the size of the Blasma Pistol's shots.


Description: Your pistol blasts can ricochet off any surface!
Effect: This perk will also reflect the Blasma Pistol's shots off of any surface they hit, but they will not fire in an arc nor will they bounce around.


Description: Fire a charged blast with slower speed but twice the damage by holding down the left mouse button!
Effect: You can fire charged shots with this Perk equipped, but the charge up time does not seem to be worth the slightly extra range and double damage.

Midas' Blast

Description: Your Blasma pistol gains more power as you gain more gold!
Effect: The more gold you have accumulated on a run, the more damage you will do.


Description: Your Blasma pistol is briefly more powerful after getting hit
Effect: Increases the Blasma Pistol's damage by 10 for a few seconds after taking damage.


Description: Your pistol blasts deal more damage!
Effect: Increases the Blasma Pistol's damage by 5, but your shot speed is heavily reduced.

Boss Blaster

Description: Gain more firepower against Pirate Bosses!
Effect: All bosses will take an additional 2 damage per Blasma Pistol shot.


Description: Gain more firepower following a strong combo chain.
Effect: Increases the Blasma Pistol's damage by 2 when your combo meter reaches 10 or higher.

Death's Door

Description: Gain more firepower when your health gets lower.
Effect: Increases the Blasma Pistol's damage by 2 when you are one hit from death.

Way of the Gun

Description: More firepower... at a cost: you slowly lose HP as time goes on!
Effect: Increases the Blasma Pistol's damage by 2, but you will slowly lose health over time.


Description: Gain more firepower... at a cost: you lose part of your health and your opponents get even tougher!
Effect: Decreases your max HP by 50, but increases the Blasma Pistol's damage by 5. Opponents don't seem to have increased HP, but it's hard to tell due to the damage increase.

Small Time

Description: Gain more firepower against smaller enemies!
Effect: Smaller, weaker enemies will take an additional 5 damage from Blasma Pistol shots.

Fast Blast

Description: Gives more speed to your trusty Blasma pistol!
Effect: Increases the shot speed of the Blasma Pistol.

Faster Blaster

Description: Gives even more speed to your trusty Blasma pistol!
Effect: Increases the shot speed of the Blasma Pistol (more effective than Fast Blast).

Fading Gunslinger

Description: Your pistol gains more firepower as your health gets lower!
Effect: Seems to increase the shot speed of the Blasma Pistol as your health decreases.


Description: Firepower gains speed as your combo hits gets higher!
Effect: Increases the Blasma Pistol's firing speed when your combo meter reaches 10 or higher. Seemingly increases a bit per 10 combo to a certain point.

Long Shot

Description: Adds a bit of range to your trusty Blasma pistol.
Effect: Increases the range of the Blasma Pistol.

Looong Shot

Description: Adds even more range to your Blasma pistol.
Effect: Increases the range of the Blasma Pistol (more effective than Long Shot).


Description: Blow away scallywags with a spread of small blasts!
Effect: Instead of a single shot, the Blasma Pistol will now fire off a spread of 3 smaller and less powerful bullets. Each bullet deals 5 damage instead of 10, so you will deal more damage than before if you can land them all. The best part about this Perk is that it can stack on itself, and it will shoot out 6 small bullets dealing 5 damage each!
Perks - Health

Description: Get tougher! Become even more resistant to enemy damage!
Effect: Enemy attacks deal 2 less damage.


Description: Get tough! Become more resistant to enemy damage!
Effect: Enemy attacks deal 1 less damage.

Combo Bruiser

Description: A high Combo chain makes you more resistant to enemy damage!
Effect: After reaching a combo meter of 20 or higher, the next enemy attack will deal 5 less damage to you.


Description: Enemy explosive damage is reduced by half!
Effect: You will take 5 less damage from explosive attacks.

Bon Voyage

Description: Gain more HP after each beaten ship!
Effect: Increases your max HP by 5 for each new ship visited. Great for Gwarlock runs!

Scaly Seadog

Description: Become more resistant to hazards!
Effect: Physical traps and hazards will deal 2 less damage.


Description: Your health rises with each fallen foe but you're more vulnerable to enemy attacks!
Effect: You will take 5 more damage from enemy attacks, but will heal 1 HP whenever you defeat an enemy.

Snack Attack (2 PP)

Description: Get a delicious apple each time you board a ship!
Effect: Grants you a free apple for each new ship you board.

Snack Attack (3 PP)

Description: Get a delicious apple each time you board a ship!
Effect: Grants you a free apple for each new ship you board.

Sub Way

Description: Heal just a bit when using a subweapon!
Effect: You will heal 3 HP whenever you use a subweapon.

Vial o' Vitamin

Description: Healing items get a whole lot stronger! Whoa!
Effect: Increases the effect of healing items by 50%.

Bandit's Bandages

Description: Healing items get an extra kick! Nice!
Effect: Increases the effect of healing items by 20%.

Boo-Boo Begone

Description: Healing items get a bit more effective! Good news!
Effect: Increases the effect of healing items by 10%.

Pirate's Grit

Description: Become invincible for a few seconds after receiving damage!
Effect: Noticeably increases the duration of invincibility frames after taking damage.

Pirate's Zing

Description: You got some extra kick by adding +10 to your HP!
Effect: Increases your maximum HP by 10.

Pirate's Vigor

Description: You're in rude health by adding +25 to your HP, bucko!
Effect: Increases your maximum HP by 25.

Pirate's Pep

Description: Arr! You're in high spirits by adding +5 to your HP!
Effect: Increases your maximum HP by 5.


Description: Enemy crews get SOFT and have much less health!
Effect: Decreases ALL enemy HP by 20% (if boss health bars are any indication).


Description: Protects against extreme conditions like acid and burning.
Effect: Non-physical forms of damage (things that don't knock you back and grant you invincibility frames) will deal 4 less damage.


Description: You're already shielded when boarding a ship!
Effect: Grants you a shield whenever you board a new ship.


Description: Nothing can electro-shock you!
Effect: Being hit by Electric Traps and their projectiles will not jam your Blasma Pistol.


Description: Upon death, return with 20 Health, once.
Effect: Heals you 20 HP when you would have otherwise died. Only triggers once per run.
Perks - Luck
Moody Prospector

Description: Find more gold when you break stuff!
Effect: Breakables will drop more gold.

Midas' Loot

Description: Find greater amounts of gold!
Effect: You will find more gold in general while plundering enemy ships.

Midas' Challenge

Description: Find greater amounts of gold, but enemy ships are tougher! Not for the faint of heart!
Effect: Supposedly makes ships tougher while increasing the amount of gold found.

Midas' Reward

Description: Discover more gold in Battle Chests!
Effect: Battle Room Chests will pay out with more gold than usual.

Pirate's Valor

Description: Have a small chance to find an extra apple in chests.
Effect: Most chests will have a chance to drop an additional apple.

Pirate's Wish

Description: Increases your chances of finding relics! Every pirate's dream!
Effect: Relics will appear in Treasure Room Chests much more often. The effect is incredibly noticeable when you have more than one of this Perk activated at once.

Pirate's Deal

Description: Get special deals in shops for you, the valiant pirate!
Effect: Decreases shop prices.

Corsair's Sale

Description: Get special sales in every shop for you matey!
Effect: Decreases shop prices (more effective than Pirate's Deal).


Description: Increases your chances of finding subweapons.
Effect: Subweapons will be found more often from chests, enemies, and breakables.


Description: Increases your chances of finding subweapons.
Effect: Subweapons will be found more often from chests, enemies, and breakables.


Description: Increases your chances of finding subweapons.
Effect: Subweapons will be found more often from chests, enemies, and breakables.
Perks - Move

Description: Jump twice the height, a real delight!
Effect: Allows you the ability to double jump!

Pogo Strike

Description: You can now attack and bounce off an enemy when pressing down during a fall!
Effect: Allows you to hold the down key/button while in mid-air to perform a bouncing attack on enemies. This attack deals 8 damage and can be done multiple times in quick succession without letting go of the down key/button.


Description: Fall slower, light as a feather.
Effect: Heavily decreases your falling speed.


Description: Ahoy! Your mightly Quickhook reaches farther!
Effect: Increases the Quickhook's range to roughly the Blasma Pistol's base range.


Description: Your QuickHook is free from your slow-motion field!
Effect: The Quickhook will fire off immediately even when in slow-motion, though it will still take a while to return to you if it doesn't connect with anything.


Description: Your QuickHook gets a bit more speed to it!
Effect: Increases the speed of the Quickhook.


Description: Your QuickHook gets even quicker!
Effect: Increases the speed of the Quickhook (more effective than Fasthook).


Description: Fallen foes recharge your Chronobuckle!
Effect: Defeating enemies with slow-motion activated will recharge the slow-motion gauge a bit.

Fleet Feet (2 PP)

Description: Move swifter than ever before!
Effect: Increases Flinthook's movement speed.

Fleet Feet (3 PP)

Description: Move swifter than ever before!
Effect: Increases Flinthook's movement speed (more effective than Fleet Feet (2 PP)).

Tick Tock (1 PP)

Description: Extends your slow-motion gauge.
Effect: Increases the maximum amount of time the Chronobuckle can keep time slowed down.

Tick Tock (2 PP)

Description: Extends your slow-motion gauge.
Effect: Increases the maximum amount of time the Chronobuckle can keep time slowed down (more effective than the Tick Tock (1 PP)).


Description: Increases the intensity of your slow-motion field.
Effect: Makes the flow of time even slower when slowing down time. Activating too many of these will make slowing time almost useless.


Description: Magnifies the intensity of your slow-motion field.
Effect: Makes the flow of time even slower when slowing down time. (more effective than Slowdown).


Description: Press "delete" to dash when in mid-air.
Effect: Allows you the ability to perform a dash! The key listed in the description is incorrect, however; you have to press Tab in order to dash.
Perks - Star
Pirate's Paw

Description: Attracts faraway gold and jewels right into your mitts!
Effect: Increases the attraction radius of collectibles.

Bomb Dropper

Description: Your Sidekick gives you a bomb after defeating a bunch of enemies!
Effect: The little sidekick follower will occassionally drop bombs after you defeat enemies.

Golden Quarter

Description: Your Sidekick drops gold when your combo counter gets higher!
Effect: The little sidekick follower drops some gold for every 20 added to your combo meter.

Fallen Gold

Description: Your Sidekick drops gold after you've beaten a group of enemies!
Effect: The little sidekick follower will occassionally drop a few pieces of gold when defeating enemies.

Battle's Ransom

Description: Your Sidekick drops gold when you finish a Battle Room swiftly!
Effect: The little sidekick follower will drop 10 gold when you quickly finish a Battle Room.

Shell Crusher

Description: Your Sidekick drops gold when you clear an enemy ship quickly!
Effect: The little sidekick follower seems to drop about 20 gold when you quickly reach the end of an enemy ship.


Description: Your speed and fire rate is boosted after boarding a ship, then depleted.
Effect: Gives you a jump start when boarding a new ship by temporarily increasing Flinthook's movement speed and the Blasma Pistol's fire rate.

Risky Dice

Description: Randomly obtain 5 PP worth of perks and maybe curses! Throwing the dice gives you more XP.
Effect: Grants the player a random assortment of Perks worth 5 Perk Points upon starting a run. May also grant Curses. Activating this Perk increases the experience multiplier by 10%.

Danger Dice

Description: Randomly obtain 10 PP worth of perks and maybe curses! Throwing the dice gives you more XP.
Effect: Grants the player a random assortment of Perks worth 10 Perk Points upon starting a run. May also grant Curses. Activating this Perk increases the experience multiplier by 15%.

Perilous Dice

Description: Randomly obtain 18 PP worth of perks and maybe curses! Throwing the dice gives you more XP.
Effect: Grants the player a random assortment of Perks worth 18 Perk Points upon starting a run. May also grant Curses. Activating this Perk increases the experience multiplier by 20%.
Curse of the Blocked Clock!

Description: Gain more XP but your slow motion meter becomes shorter. A shame!
Effect: Reduces your maximum amount of time slowdown.

Curse of the Draining Battle!

Description: Gain more XP but lose HP the longer you stay in Battle Rooms. Horrifying!
Effect: Your HP will drain slowly over time while in Battle Rooms.

Curse of the Executioner!

Description: Reduces your max HP by a small amount. Maddening!
Effect: Lowers your max HP.

Curse of the Frail Pirate!

Description: Gain more XP but get more damage with every enemy hit. Curses!
Effect: You will lose more HP from enemy attacks.

Curse of the Hurtful Hourglass!

Description: Gain more XP but slowly lose HP as time goes on. Shocking!
Effect: Your HP will drain slowly over time. Functions pretty similarly to the Poison Countdown ship Variant.

Curse of the Lesser Vigor!

Description: Gain more XP but slices off some of your Max HP. A pity!
Effect: Lowers your max HP.

Curse of the Pitiful Pistol!

Description: Gain more XP but your Blasma pistol is weaker. Sad!
Effect: Lowers the damage output of your Blasma Pistol by a small amount.

Curse of the Ruinous Recovery!

Description: Gain more XP but any healing effects are reduced. The horror!
Effect: All healing items will heal 30% less HP.

Curse of the Sluggish Pistol!

Description: Gain more XP but the rate of your firepower is slower. Oh no!
Effect: Your Blasma Pistol fires slower.

Curse of the Uninvited!

Description: Gain more XP but lose HP whenever entering a room. Dastardly!
Effect: Everytime you enter a room, even one that you have previously entered, you will lose 1 HP.
Secret Dev Room
What is the Secret Dev Room?

The Secret Dev Room is a Secret Room located on Bad Billy Bullseye's ship, Cobalt Xebec. It is right next to where Flinthook lands on the ship; you need only head to the left and blast it open. Inside you will find 15 portraits, each of which have a special message from the person pictured. There is also an arcade cabinet that you can interact with that displays the Tribute logo. There are some coins scattered about and a free Bomb subweapon to pick up, and to the very left of the room there is an interesting NPC with some even more interesting dialogue.


"Breaking the game is fun, and it's even better when everything works! But you gotta break it to fix it!
(At least now everything works!)"

"Thanks for playing our game! Thanks to Day9, Polygon, GameGrumps, GiantBomb, CoolGhosts and Patrick Klepek for keeping me entertained through development!"

"I made more rooms."

"Move it down by 2! No by 10! Every pixel counts in this game, trust me!"
-Mick (Baroque)

"Um... Thanks for playing! It's important to have DREAMS... but remember to dream big! Your breakfast can always make room for another EGG. Never forget that."

/(^.^)\ -woof

"The pixel is an elementary particle that binds the galaxy together. Learn the ways of the pixel!"


"Spent a short time on this ship, but it was well worth it!"

"Life is like a sine wave and I'm surfing on it! YEE-HAW!!"

"The pounding sound of drums, covered by hooky melodies. Note after note, Flinthook will loot them all."

"Hey!? Flin'hook?"

"783.99 739.99 622.25 440 415.3 659.26 830.61 1046.5"
(Refer to this Reddit post for an explanation.)

"This painting is based on a true story."

"Amor fati; I'm more fatty..."

The Song of Black Margot

Speaking to this large NPC at the very left of the room will prompt him to share The Song of Black Margot:

"pay tribute to the ancients
and come sail away
3 days port
3 nights starboard
travel up and down
north and south
throw away your possesions
then leap into the air
heave ho
there she goes
the song of black margot"

Though I first passed this off as a reference I didn't understand, I checked the Steam discussion boards and found this post which explained that it does, in fact, contain a secret code to input. This code must be input in the Secret Dev Room, but otherwise I have not noticed any other requirements. On one save file I even hopped into the room, input the code, and it was accepted without me speaking to the NPC at all. In any case, by inputting this code you will unlock the Tribute Code item in the Black Market.

Boring Necklace
Description: A necklace made out of non-haunted pearls. Pretty but sort of boring.

Common Watch
Description: This looks like a Chronobelt, but it's way too small and doesn't slow time! What gives?

Ruby Ring
Description: A gaudy ring. Adds a lot of style to your finger or tentacle!

Chalice of Power
Description: Fanatics have fought over it, claiming it would give its owner great power. This has never been proven.

Cup of Sorrows
Description: Locked by Cromwell the Powerful a long time ago, no one knows whose ashes are within this golden urn.

Gold Ingot
Description: A forgery of gold so well done, it became a prized collectible! Very rare.

Approval Stamp
Description: The hard-to-get stamp of approval! And you have it! Please, only use with octopod ink.

"Galactic Light"
Description: A minimalist rendition of the Galactic Lighthouse's bright light. Painted on velour by J.Majoreff.

Ferlandian Scepter
Description: King Ferlandom's jeweled scepter. It has been frequently stolen but he always seem to get it back somehow.

Crown of Esquion
Description: Once worn by the magical princess of Esquion, before she left the Mariana cluster. So regal!

Broken Vinyl
Description: Looks like the great classic "Spacy Jones and the Mariners".

Compacted Discus
Description: Even more smooth music for your bounties! Featuring the great Gout-Ridden Scullywag on the Hammond Organ.

Description: An old cassette featuring the chants of Bleeding Gums Armstrong! It's terrible.

Mystery Disk
Description: This mysterious square is sure to be filled with secrets but we have no deciphered it yet. Kings and queens use them as coasters.

Description: An odd musical instrument, since only the person holding handset can hear the music it makes. Only for true melo-buffs.

Bottled Beverage & Sphere
Description: Mysteriously left behind in Captain Baroque's shipwreck. No one has dared to drink the content of the bottle. The Sphere accompanying it is a mystery for all.

Description: An object of worship or perhaps an obelisk of warning? Collecting relics brings such mystery!

Description: The most popular game in the galaxy! Famously created by the Winet Brothers, the whole fleet plays Jacks! You are very lucky to get one of these.

Ancient Cards
Description: A deck of cards. Not regular ones used to play "Pirate's Honor", they carry 4 sets of strange symbols. Collector's item!

Description: Archeologists around the galaxy are scrambling to unearth the coded message of these mystical tiles. A fine relic for any collector!

Description: Anti-grav statue depicting the block breaking form of a Wizorb practitioner.

Amulet Shard
Description: Part of an elemental amulet. Doesn't seem to be as powerful as it used to be.

Description: The weapon of a legendary warrior, from a now-forgotten time. VERY sharp.

Description: A solid, no fuss, no muss piece of wood. No one can find the type of tree it's from, though.

Baron Cap
Description: The hat of a fearsome military leader, found at an astro-haberdashery on the Lavigne satellite. Smells pretty bad.

Lawless Hat
Description: Stolene from the engineering museum on Boutainia. Was apparently worn by a great gungineer.

Philosopher's Stone
Description: Found in the ruins of an immense castle, this stone once had transmutation powers. Now it's just a really nice, polished rock.

Demon Statue
Description: A statue depicting Paz, an evil wizard's only friend. It was found by a royal explorer, Sir Cyr.

Copter Controller
Description: The control unit for some type of flying machine and its battery. It's told to have been the link between two friends, until the end.

Secret Blueprint
Description: Complex plans for a complicated contraption... to be built by Gwarlock? That doesn't sound good!
Note: This is the only Relic that cannot be found by normal means. The Secret Blueprint appears in the Tutorial level in a secret room which can be found on the top part of the room with the large picture.
Lore (Part 1)

The Quickhook
Description: The Holy Anchor. The God Hook. The Siren's Claw.
The Quickhook has had many names over the years. Forged by the Sirens to help courageous space travellers through their ordeals, it's lighter than air but stronger than the densest krontium! Wielded by a number of champions, whether it's Galadascar The Fierce, Meteor Mattie or The Laser Ranger, the Quickhook stood for good throughout the spaceways. How it came into Captain Flinthook's possession is a mystery.

The Lighthouse
Description: Built by the Ancient Sirens on the Anamor planetoid, the Galactic Lighthouse lighted the way for a brand new age of travel amongst the stars.
Its mightly lantern would warn navigators of dangerous asteroid chains, black holes or other star-born dangers. However, this safety came at a price. Once the Lighthouse was lit, the Sirens left the cosmos, never to be seen again. The Galaxy was safe... for a time.

The Ghost Gems
Description: Spectral diamonds. Eerie Emeralds. Scary rocks.
The Ghost Gems have many names! Mined from Lighthouse's shattered planetoid, they're amongst the rarest jewels of the galaxy!
A symbol of wealth and status, pirates are always on the lookout for more, believing they can lead them to the Keepers and their fabled powers over the Galactic Lighthouse.

The Chronobuckle
Description: The Chronobuckle forms the Time Belt, made to fasten Pan-dimensional Pants of the mysterious Time Gentlemen. On it's own, the buckle merely slows time down to a crawl.
It was found in the forgotten caves of Wooloo during an expedition that felt like weeks, but in reality lasted minutes.

Description: These strange gelatinous creatures produce maps that are both detailed and smelly. As far as we can tell, the maps are always connected to whatever the Mollusk has been fed.
Be careful: mistreated Mapping Mollusks have been known to send pirates to their doom when fed garbage or imitation jewels. Many Asteroid fields are littered with ship wreckage for this very reason...

The Lighthouse Fades
Description: "Our expedition braved the Field of Shards. The famed asteroid barrier was harder than ever to navigate without the Galactic Lighthouse's guidance--but we need to find out why the light faded. Leaving the treacherous barrier behind, we were met by floating ruins and a dimming lantern. The planetoid had collapsed, as if something had been plucked from its core. The friendly Keepers were nowhere in sight. We turned our ship around and left, into the barrier and a much darker cosmos."

Mermaidon, The Siren Galaxy
Description: From the vastness of space, they appeared. Space Sirens with a puzzle for all spacefaring civilizations. When decoded, ingenious navigators from a multitude of planets found coordinates leading them to a galactic lighthouse! Left behind by the Sirens. It was built to guide every ship of every planet across the galaxy.
The Sirens were never seen again, but shrines in their honor sit in every ship, in remembrance of their gift to space travelers...

Description: The mystery surrounding the masker pirate and the connection to the missing Lighthouse Keepers has borne many a story! Some say Flinthook is an orphan, the sole survivor of a meteor storm from the ravaged moon of Lazarr. Others think the masked pirate could be the Maximar Dynasty's last scion, who left throne, crown and kingdom for a life of adventure? Superstitious pirates tell tales of a shipwrecked sailor's undead soul, brought back by the Sirens to bring back order to the starways.

Space Pirates
Description: After the first navigators reached the stars, exploration gave way to commerce and was followed by PIRACY! Outlaws from different worlds with a taste of adventure, a disgust of honest living and regular hygiene banded together! Sailing under dark flags,pirates steal without remorse, eat with abandon and rarely wash.
They've have taken to call their own foul stench the "Free Man's perfume!"

The Cluster Clan
Description: Years of piracy lead to chaos in the cosmos! To better steal from the rich instead of each other, the three biggest corsair crews came up with a strange system to police their piracy. Each solar cycle, Admiral Goldfeathers, Baron Von Guu and Billy Bullseye fight for the rulership of the Cluster Clan! The victor rules the fleets for a full cycle. Some say the pirates leaders are racing to capture Keepers to use their powers to win the rulership!
Lore (Part 2)

Description: Many scholars think knowledge was the greatest wealth a person could have... and Barnaby Quasar agreed! Called the "Page Pirate" or "Book Bandit", this erudite swashbuckler raided ships for books, pamphlets and scrolls! He later donated his bounty across the fleet, hoping to bring the stories and legends of the Mermaidon Galaxy to his fellow pirates.
Sadly, most pirates prefer gambling, fighting and burping to actual reading and as such, Quasar's treasures go unread.

Blasma Pistol
Description: Small enough to tuck into your buccaneer's boot! Powerful enough to blast picaroons out of their shoes!
This laser weapon is custom-fitted with a rare Blazing Ruby, allowing it to have different types of shots!
Rumors say Captain Flinthook was given the unusual stone as a gift after saving Delfina Vulk, the Princesss of Anderove, from a forced mariage to the cruel Marshall of the Red Ring.

Tralavar's Boutiques
Description: Sprinkled amongst of all the Galaxy's swashbuckling ships, shops are an odd outgrowth of the piracy network amongst the stars. Captains decided it was a better way of splitting up loot amongst crews, especially since they got to keep most of it!
The shops are managed by Tralavar Ploom, a notoriously frugal crabellan. No one asked whether his penny-pinching came from his own economic ideas or his actual pincers.

Description: It's hard to get a crispy verdant apple or a cerulean turkey leg in the inky void of space!
Ships are specially equipped with 0-Grav Capsule, keeping food at a perfect temperature and floating!
A nasty side-effect from the Capsules' anti-gravity waves keep whoever is around them nauseous, therefore too ill to hoard the food! The perfect system!

Admiral James Goldfeathers
Description: A rare outcast from the Nestworld of Fleem, the Admiral once worked for the Mining Companies of Kward. He rebelled against their ruling classes using the very ships he built for them and took control. With his fleet, the Stonebeaks, he steals mineral resources from whole planets as he cackles, unopposed!
Stories from Fleem claim Goldfeathers' real name is Archibald Wingspan, a bird who left his village behind, ashamed of being unable to fly.

Bad Billy Bullseye & Big Wool
Description: Commander of the Hardhorn fleet, Billy is one ill-tempered Ocularian. Deadly with a laser blaster but even deadlier with his bad temper! Even pirates don't want Bad Billy angry at them! Sailors say the swear words he uses could make the Space Sirens weep! The only thing that calms down his twitchy temper is hanging out with his pet monstermere, Big Wool.

Baron Von Guu
Description: Von Guu is a Fluidophorn, a liquid being who left his homeworld's hivegel a long time ago.
Jealous of the space travellers crisscrossing his planet and hungering for independance, he infiltrated a merchant ship, poured himself into a Shapesuit and took control of the vessel.
Now a fearsome pirate and leader of his own fleet of warships, the Liquidators, Von Guu gathers riches and power to achieve but one dream: have a flesh and blood body of his own.

Cartographic Cabin
Description: It used to be that maps on pirate ships were only used to keep track of the latrines' location but all of that changed with the arrival of Coxswain Forthright!
Mapping the labyrinthine corridors of vessels became a passion for the blue navigator and he's eager to share it with whomever visits his quarters.
Sadly, he must always look towards the spaceways to steer his ship, leaving him little time to pore over his beloved maps.

The Sirens' Gamble
Description: As you enter the shrine, will you pay homage to the Sirens or do you take their gamble?
Each siren idol is flanked by floating Scalestones, representing the gifts and curses of space itself. They hold strange energies, capable of affecting the pirate bold enough to touch them. Weakness or vigor? Life or death? Remember the stones' symbols before taking the Gamble!

Ghost Ships
Description: A ghastly sight for the careful navigators, a chance for filthy scallywags with no regard for their lives. The haunted ships offer cursed sailors a gambit: best their undead captain in combat and a mighty bounty is theirs! But what? Valdorian jewels? The lost scrolls of Dusso? A Space Siren's scale? Many pirates have tried to board the Ghost ships, only to find themselves shackled to its ghoulish crews forever...
Lore (Part 3)

The Lighthouse Keepers
Description: The Keepers are friendly creatures, bound to Galactic Lighthouse by it's builders, the Space Sirens.
Ever since it's planetoid collapsed, they've been on the run, chased by crusty space men and salty pirates who wish to bottle them up and use their mysterious powers for their own gain. Freeing the sprites seems to be the only way to rekindle the lighthouse's lantern and bring back safety to the starways... what could happen otherwise??

Description: Once a shy bookworm, Gwarlock made his name as a roguish adventurer across the obsidian oceans of space! A lover of the old Siren myths, he wields arcane forces to find the missing Lighthouse Keepers, eluding both foes like the Cluster Clan and estranged friend Flinthook! Does he plan to rekindle the Galactic Lighthouse or does he have much darker schemes under his hood?

The Black Market
Description: Only the most select of pirates can shop at the Black Market! A unique place where one can purchase special perks and XP cards. The market only accepts fongoolian doubloons, a rare, discontinued rectangular currency, called "Black Market Coins" by space ruffians. The market's mascot, Black Margot, is an octopoid hired by Trevoy Ploom, the crabellan sitting on her shoulder. Trevoy's exclusive shopping enterprise is a rebellion against his father, Tralavar, who heads a chain of shipshops throughout the fleet.

Letter to the Sirens
Description: When the mind or the heart of a pirate starts wearing down on them, it helps to "Have a chat with the Sirens." Homesick? Planetsick? Need to confess? A sailor just needs to write what's troubling them on a piece of parchment. Then, they roll it up in a bottle of Cormellian ale and throw it out the hatch, into the ocean of stars for the Sirens to read.
Of course, those letters are very private. Only a scoundrel of the highest order would dare to read them!

Captain Tusky Grimble
Description: Every spacefarer knows the tale of "The Shameful Voyage of Tusky Grimble". He once betrayed the trust of his crew by cursing one of his own sailors to call forth a ghost ship, hoping to win the unholy prize within. His own crew rose up against him and he was left stranded on the cursed vessel.
He now floats, captain of a cursed vessel, hungry to grab any soul in his path!

The Dueling Deaths
Description: Never seen apart, the Dueling Death have cut a swath through space mariners stupid enough to get on their ghost ship. Ancient carvings depict a time before the Sirens where these two figures fight their way across a now-lost kingdom, fleeing a hooded specter. It's suggested they've been cursed to these cowls, now only existing to claim more souls and spread chaos.

Vorace Horace
Description: Once one of the most refined palates in the cosmos, Horace stole from the finest eateries of the fleet... until his ship, the Bon Vivant got pulled into black hole! But the one-eye pirate's passion for the best of life pulled him from death itself! Now trapped aboard a ghost ship, he hopes to get his tentacles on one more tasty morsel of food. Sadly, his spectral form prevents him from eating anything but souls, which are horrible to his taste buds.
Achievements (Part 1)
Speed Tips
For the achievements that require you to quickly clear a Bounty, an extremely helpful Perk to equip is the Sawft Perk; this will speed up all combat in the game as it lowers all enemy health by 20%, including bosses! This is especially nice for Bad Billy Bullseye as you have to wait a certain amount of time before the bubble will appear to allow you to damage Big Wool again. Crit chance increasing perks can also speed up combat a great deal, and Perks that boost your overall speed and maneuverability can also be very helpful for quick raids. Knowing your Variants can help you to avoid ships with extra waves in Battle Rooms (specifically Platoon on Board and Battalion on Board), but most Variants won't tack on too much extra time to a raid. The only other tip I can really offer is that most of the time (but not always), the rooms that branch off the most tend to point you in the right direction. In other words, if you have just landed on a ship and ran to the nearest room, check to see how many rooms it branches into. You can save a bit of time by avoiding entering and exiting a bunch of unnecessary rooms.

Score Tips
For the achievements that require you to get a high score, it is very helpful to travel to the Nomad's Land and the Ghost Ships (where applicable). Both the Nomad's Land and Ghost Ships do not increase your Ghost Gem count, but they do count as an extra ship explored which is worth 2,500 points alone. Exploring as many rooms as possible on each ship is also advised, as there is no reason to rush. The time penalty is extremely forgiving, as you only lose 1 point per 2 seconds of gameplay. Personally, the only Bounty I absolutely needed to go to Nomad's Land for in order to get the highest score achievement was Bad Billy Bullseye; I just visited the Ghost Ship on the other bounties and managed to get their highest score achievements, though there's certainly no reason to avoid it.

As far as perks go, anything that increases the amount of money and relics you find can help a great deal. Furthermore, equipping the Bulwark Perk is extremely helpful for getting to Nomad's Land, as it grants a free shield at the start of each ship. The Bulwark Perk even stacks, if you've managed to find both! Finally, there is a bit of an exploit with Pufferfish and Combos that you can abuse if you have a lot of patience but simply can't get your score high enough for one of the achievements. If you equip the Double Combo Perk and find a room with the Pufferfish enemy in it, you can build up your combo indefinitely by shooting them, waiting for them to return to normal, and repeating this process again and again. I've also found that equipping a Hailshot Perk can speed this process up a bit, as each hit boosts your combo by 2. At the end of a run, your max combo will be multiplied by 10 and added to your score, so if you get a combo of 3,000, you'll have 30,000 added to your final score! It really does take a while, though.

Star Sailor
Description: You've reached Level 10!
Unlock: Reach level 10.

Quarter Master
Description: You've reached Level 25!
Unlock: Reach level 25.

Space Captain
Description: You've reached Level 50!
Unlock: Reach level 50.

Description: You've vanquished 100 ships!
Unlock: Complete a total of 100 ships.

Black Eye
Description: You've beaten Bad Billy Bullseye!
Unlock: Complete a full Bad Billy Bullseye run.

Description: You've scored 18000 against Bad Billy Bullseye!
Unlock: Complete a Bad Billy Bullseye run with a score of 18,000 or higher.

Description: You've scored 22000 against Bad Billy Bullseye!
Unlock: Complete a Bad Billy Bullseye run with a score of 22,000 or higher.

Silver Bullseye
Description: You've beaten Bad Billy Bullseye within 16 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run in under 16 minutes.

Golden Bullseye
Description: You've beaten Bad Billy Bullseye within 13 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run in under 13 minutes.

Plucked Goldfeathers
Description: You've beaten Admiral Goldfeathers!
Unlock: Complete a full Goldfeathers run.

Description: You've scored 19000 against Admiral Goldfeathers!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run with a score of 19,000 or higher.

Fast Plucker
Description: You've scored 24000 against Admiral Goldfeathers!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run with a score of 24,000 or higher.

Silver Goldfeathers
Description: You've beaten Goldfeathers within 19 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run in under 19 minutes.

Golden Goldfeathers
Description: You've beaten Goldfeathers within 15 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Goldfeathers run in under 15 minutes.

Liquified Von Guu
Description: You've beaten Baron Von Guu!
Unlock: Complete a full Baron Von Guu run.
Achievements (Part 2)

Broken Glass
Description: You've scored 30000 against Baron Von Guu!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 30,000 on a complete Baron Von Guu run to obtain this achievement.

Description: You've scored 35000 against Baron Von Guu!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 35,000 on a complete Baron Von Guu run to obtain this achievement.

Silver Von Guu
Description: You've beaten Baron Von Guu within 25 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Baron Von Guu run in under 25 minutes.

Golden Von Guu
Description: You've beaten Baron Von Guu within 20 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Baron Von Guu run in under 20 minutes.

Fall of Gwarlock
Description: You've defeated Gwarlock. But maybe there's a better way?
Unlock: Complete a full Gwarlock run without having defeated all of the Ghost Ship bosses.

Fiat Lux!
Description: You've saved Gwarlock! The Lighthouse is lit once more. Peace returns to the cosmos!
Unlock: Complete a full Gwarlock run after defeating all of the Ghost Ship bosses (Tusky Grimble, Horace Vorace, and the Dueling Deaths) and witness the true ending.

Description: You've scored 55000 against Gwarlock!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 55,000 on a complete Gwarlock run to obtain this achievement.

Oh Snap
Description: You've scored 65000 against Gwarlock!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 65,000 on a complete Gwarlock run to obtain this achievement.

Silver Gwarlock
Description: You've beaten Gwarlock within 65 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Gwarlock run in under 65 minutes.

Golden Gwarlock
Description: You've beaten Gwarlock within 50 minutes!
Unlock: Complete a Gwarlock run in under 50 minutes.

Rex Fractus
Description: You've defeated every Rex versions of the bounties!
Unlock: Purchase each main story Bounty's Hardcore mode from the Black Market (a total of 140 Black Market Coins) and then complete a full run of each Bounty in Hardcore Mode.

Relic Fanatic
Description: You've collected all the ancient relics!
Unlock: Find every relic in Flinthook. Since you can obtain Relic duplicates, this requires running a large number of Relic Shop Variant ships. Alternatively, if you equip two Pirate's Wish Perks, you can do full runs while grinding out Black Market Coins and opening as many chests as you come across as having this Perk equipped (twice, even) greatly increases the chance of finding Relics from chests. Regardless of how you go about it, it will still be likely to take many hours as at least one of the Relics has a very, very low chance to be found.

Description: You've collected all of the galaxy's Lore!
Unlock: Find every piece of Lore in Flinthook. Since you can obtain Lore duplicates, this requires running a large number of Librarius Variant ships. The fastest way to do this is run any bounty, repeatedly check for Librarius ships until one appears, grab the Lore, and then exit to the menu to repeat the process.

Perk Collector
Description: You've collected all the Perks!
Unlock: Collect one of all of the permanent Perk types. I ended up getting this achievement a little before reaching level 100, while also getting the rare, extra Booster pack from chests and Space Shells.

Black Reward
Description: You've collected all Black Market Items!
Unlock: Purchase all items from the Black Market. Quite possibly the most time consuming achievement, as you will need roughly 850 Black Market Coins. I ended up running Bad Billy Bullseye many times as it grants an average of about 9 or 10 of these coins per run while being the shortest of all runs. Also, after getting all of the Perks, you will begin to receive an extra Black Market Coin per duplicate Perks obtained from Booster Packs. It doesn't speed the grind up too much, but any little bit helps.

Bronze Infinite Raid
Description: You've scored 10000 in Infinite Raid!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 10,000 in Infinite Raid to obtain this achievement.

Silver Infinite Raid
Description: You've scored 20000 in Infinite Raid!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 20,000 in Infinite Raid to obtain this achievement.

Golden Infinite Raid
Description: You've scored 30000 in Infinite Raid!
Unlock: Achieve a score of 30,000 in Infinite Raid to obtain this achievement.

Rumbled Grimble
Description: You've beaten Tusky Grimble, who no longer haunts Goldfeathers.
Unlock: Obtain three curses while running Goldfeather's bounty and enter the Ghost Ship. Defeat this Ghost Ship's boss, Tusky Grimble, in order to obtain this achievement.

Stuffed Glutton
Description: You've beaten Vorace Horace, who no longer haunts Von Guu!
Unlock: Obtain three curses while running Baron Von Guu's bounty and enter the Ghost Ship. Defeat this Ghost Ship's boss, Vorace Horace, in order to obtain this achievement.

Dueling Deaths Unbound
Description: You've freed the Dueling Deaths from their curse! Gwarlock shall never control them!
Unlock: Obtain three curses while running Gwarlock's bounty and enter the Ghost Ship. Defeat this Ghost Ship's boss, The Dueling Deaths, in order to obtain this achievement.

Platinum Pirate
Description: Arr! You've obtained all of the achievements!
Unlock: Obtain all other achievements.