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Transport: Train Heist-- One Down
By SneakyMerc
Havn't seen a walkthrough for the Transport: Train Heist.
This is for when playing on the One Down difficulty and this was a Solo run.
Good Luck
Hey all,
This is a walkthrough for the Transport: Train Heist.
My playthrough was on the One Down difficulty, and it took my 55min.
This was a Solo playthrough, I have some ideas where a second person could be helpful, but that also will increase the chance of someone making a mistake and raising the alarm.

This won't be a direct path explanation, more a general order of what should be accomplished.
A few comments to think about during this heist:
- Every guard has around three random circuits. Once you remove a few, their cirucits will start to be limited and be a little easier to guess.
- I ended up killing 3 civilians during the playthrough. You don't need to remove all of them, but a few tend to stand in places where you don't have many options to hide.
Character Set-up
Okay, character creation isn't set in stone but every perk I will talk about, came up in my playthrough.

Perks needed:
Aced Jack of all Trades (Needed for the multiple deployables.)
Aced Drill Sawgeant (Faster Drill)
Hardware Expert (Silent and Faster Drill)
ECM Specialist (2 ECMs)
Aced Nimble (Faster Lockpicking) (Needed for doors and the Rewire Boxes)
Aced ECM Overdrive (Open Train doors with ECM Jammers)
Sixth Sense
Cleaner (Extra Body Bags)
Inner Pockets (Increase Concelment on melee weapon)

Optional Perks: (Helpful but can do without)
Aced HVT (Your marks last longer)
Duck and Cover (Faster Sprinting speed)

The following is the way my character was built, some things are just my preference.
Weapons: Primary- I used the plainsrider bow but any primary with 30 concealment does the job, if you dont have the DLC for the bow, the akimbo Chimano pistols also have 30.
Secondary- Really any suppressed pistol with decent concealment, I used the Broomstick.
Melee: Any with 30 concealment (turns into 32 with inner pockets perk)
Two-Piece Suit
Deployables: (Two with Aced Jack of all Trades) Primary: ECM Jammers. Secondary: Body Bags
Perk Deck- Anything with Blending In
Lets get started
Okay, after you have your character set-up the only asset you need to buy is the body bags. Which always spawns near the original spawn point near the depot. The depot is where the Bag Truck will show up after you break into the vaults.

In the depot area there will be 3 wandering guards who never fully leave the area but will wander anywhere around the wood piles, the small platform next to the train and inside the small shop warehouse (This is more likely when you lock pick the two doors)

The area underneath the railway bridge is covered in vegetation and rocks, really you don't need to stay down here long if you spawn near the lake but just keep an eye out for the 2 consistent guards as well as at least one from the bridge that wanders down the starcase by the train tunnel.

General rules to follow,
- at the start kill civilians until you find a keycard, this will be needed along with luck to try and find all the vaults without using any drills.
-hide bodies in dumpsters until you get one of the vaults open (the open train cars don't offer perfect hiding places to hide bodies from the guards usual patrol patterns.)

-Only open train doors on the side opposite of the depot (facing the lake)
- its not NEEDED but I found killing three of the guards that patrol the lake side of the bridge gave you enough free time to get everything done, including a drill if you need it.
-Always unlock both doors in the warehouse in the depot, both to change the patrol patterns of guards patrol as well as give you options for running around the Depot
-Don't kill any of the guards in the depot or on top of the train or on the ground beneath the bridge, all are able to be avoided with some guile.
-Be as patient as demigods. There will be times you literally will just hide behind a box and get on social media waiting for the guards to just continue their cycle. Alright Now onto the actual heist.
The Heist
It doesnt matter at which starting point you begin at but the point by the depot gives you an easier start with the body bag case being right there and you can just avoid ever going beneath the bridge except maybe for your escape.

Pick up the Hard drive at the very beginning.

To prep for your heist you will need to unlock both of the warehouse doors to switch up the guard routes. If you spawn by the lake best way to get to the bridge is following the path up to the right and going up the staircase to the back of the train. There are at least two guards who patrol that area on the stairs and near the back train car so keep an eye for the them. A dumpster is there so you have a way of quickly getting rid of the evidence if you remove a guard or civilian.

Easiest way to move from one side of the train to the other is behind the train (opposite of the train tunnel) you can drop onto the tracks and while crouching there can avoid most of the guards though there is at least one civilian you stares down onto the tracks that you may need to remove. At this point you will have needed to open the doors in the warehouse and have acquired a keycard from one of the civilians. Use the keycard to open the train car neares the depot (Remember to only open the side faceing away from the Depot- towards the lake) If you are lucky then there is a vault in there. (Optionally this traincar is one of the easier to use a drill on without getting caught as long as you time it right (a drill with both upgrades takes 41 seconds) there is anywhere from 4-6 guards who rotate on this side of the train but 2 of them stay on the tunnel half of the bridge mainly. If there was no vault in this train car you now know that the second door has a vault. leaving you only 4 doors left.
Use the hard drive to start openning the vault.
--You will end up rewireing every control box during this mission-- Randomly assigned for different vaults-- This is just stealth and watching control patterns, this is where you need the faster locking picking--

After opening the first two traincars (only one if you were lucky with the first car) then you just need to make educated guesses with your ECM jammers, note it is easier to use the drills the further you are away from the staircase that leads above the train.

If you find the drill parts before the ammo you will need to transport those to the bag car first, this can be done by running around the back of the train and through the warehouse or using the zipline (guards do not notice the zip nor the bags flying across it)

Gather your ammo bags (20 of them) in the nearest train car you have open to the zipline. it will be much easier to send all of them across in that manner where they all can be well hidden as well as close to the drop off point than running them all individually.

When you are moving the ammo, it will be very easy to lose patience and move just a little too quick. Here is where you need to be as patient as possible, if you are careful you can do this whole portion without being spotted by hiding behind the tan crates near the train tunnel.
This will be the longest time, a second person could significantly make this faster by throwing the bags into the bag truck as you send them across.

After sending all of the bags across you can cut the fence furthest back in the depot. I prefered to move all my bags behind the double high wood pile but if not you can just time the guards rotations and throw all the bags into the truck. This is where i was nearly caught the most often and where having the Aced High Value Target lets you keep the guards marked longer than usual. After that just be as stealthy to your escape as possible and make lots of money!
GunYams Jul 12, 2020 @ 2:53pm 
Great guide, I have always had trouble on this mission.
Ninjaboss14 Jun 29, 2017 @ 9:31pm 
Very useful, i was finally able to stealth this level. In case someone is reading this and is unsure that its one down viable, it works.