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Mental Dreams (MAP GUIDE)
By Zaius, MD
Mental Dreams is an extremely huge map, and sometimes you may get confused to what you have to do! This guide is here to ake sure you don't get lost.
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Most Hammerwatch Maps do not need a guide, however this is not merely a Map, this is another Campaign, considered to be a "Third" campaign for Hammerwatch, as it is over 6 hours long!

It is also a very confusing and difficult map, so this guide is here to solve everyone's worries!
The Journey to Ghost Town
Beggining Off

You will find yourself in a odd looking place, just break all the boxes, and proceed across the long bridge. While crossing theridge you will be teleported into the next area, HAPPY LAND!

Happy Land

You are faced with a task to locate 10 Bronze Keys. It's very simple, just find the keys. They can sometimes be difficult to spot, so use the map to locate the keys, as they are shown on the map.

There is quite a lot of gold on this floor, (about 1000-1500). You can find a lot of Blue Crystals hidden within the trees.


After going through all 10 Bronze doors, you are faced with a large heart. To get to it, you have to walk around through the trees.

Upon picking it up, about 5 seconds later there will be a jump scare. So BEWARE

Ghost Depths

You will spawn in a jail cell, to escape it, you can simply attack the wall to the north of you.

If you want to break out the "cool" way, if you are playing Paladin, Ranger, Mage, Charge into the iron bars, drop a bomb on the iron bars, or hit the iron bars with a fireball cleave respectively to recieve an amazing award of 500 gold! (I know right)

After escaping, proceed on through the level. There wil be a Tick miniboss, and he drops a key when you kill it. Use this key to enter a bat section, which gives you a silver key to activate a teleporter, which leads onto a gold key, used to get into the next area.

Next you are faced with an NPC, asking you to kill all the enemies in the given area. Simply kill these enemies and proceed onwards.

You will be faced versus a large fireball trap, make your way through the large fireball trap and press a button. The button should have spawned a key at the beggining of the fireball trap, (You can see if you use the map), so through it and pick it up again.

Use the bronze key to proceed through. There is a breakable wall, hidden behind some vines. If you attack this wall, it will remove some Iron bars which are found in the area. Go through the iron bars, and press the 3 runes. One of these runes are hidden behind another breakable wall hidden behind vines, in the same area found as the runes, so keep an eye out for that.

Upon activating all 3 runes, fireballs will be shooting everywhere, and another key would have spawned at the beggining of the fireball trap mentioned prevoiusly. Pick up the key, and another key should have spawned near the same area as the rune. Once you picked up both keys, unlock the door to the vendor, and press a button inside his room, which allows you to proceed onto the next area.

You are faced with a button puzzle. Press the button, and move south to press the next button, then move north and press the button again. Repeat this until it says you completed the puzzle.

Now you are in a large fireball room, faced with many buttons. Press all these buttons, and an arena battle will begin. Kill all the enemies, until you are teleported to Ghost Town. . .
Ghost Town
Welcome to Ghost Town.

After the Npc's finish speaking to you, try speaking to all of them, and they will help you out and give you a key needed to access the next area.

Teleporter Hub
Keep walking west, and then north, until you are faced with a ruin like teleporter structure.

Welcome the teleporter hub, any odd strucutures you may come across with a teleporter will most likely teleport you here, which will allow you to fast travel between places you find. Just simply teleport back to Ghost Tow, and now you can fast travel to Ghost Town, whenever you find another Teleporter hub access.

Main Story Quest
Continue to walk further north, until you are faced with an altar and NPC's. Speak to these NPC's, and then you will begin the Main quest.

You can now leave Ghost Town, so the next area to go to, is Shaftlocke mines, which is found South East of Ghost Town.

Unlock a Level 3 Offensive Vendor
Return to where you spawned. Walk north into a staircase. You will now be in Ghost Depths again. Go through the level, and find the vendor you previously saw in the area. A cutscene will occur, and when you return to Ghost town, you will find him there.

Crystalite Ore Quest
You need a pickaxe to do this. Activate the quest, by the NPC found to the far East of Ghost Town. NOTE: He will not appear until you beat the Arches Trail.

Teleporter Parts Quest
You are now asked to find 4 teleporter Parts, this is a Main Story quest, as you need to do this, to complete the Main Story.

You can find a Teleporter Part in:
The Arches
Sha'Rand Temple Floor 3 / Anubis Lair
Arcane Library
Hammerwatch Castle

ShaftLocke Mines
You should have picked up a key from speaking to people in Ghost Town. See Ghost Town section if help is needed.

It's a really cool floor!
Use your key and open door blocking the mine. You are faced with many enemies, but simply kill them all. Some keys will spawn after slaying these enemies, and you will find many runes on the floor. Press all these runes, some of them may be difficult to spot due to the darkness of the level, but it should be ok.

After clearing the first area, you will be able to access the next save-point. Clear the next area, South of the spawnpoint, and press all the runes you find, and pick up the keys.

Do the same as above (It's a Hammerwatch Floor do what is needed).

Basically just complete the floor, and then speak to the NPC, which you were told to save.

The Rock

When saving the NPC, the Mine starts to shake, and a Rock was dropped. This Rock is located at the far South West of the floor, make sure you pick it up! You may now exit the floor.

You will now want to head over to Darkroot Forest.

Returning for a Quest
A pickaxe
Activation of the Teleporter Creation Quest

Mine out all the crystals you find in this floor, similar to what you did in the Arches.

There is a breakable wall with a pickwaxe, located by the exit of the slime pit. Break this wall and 2 crystalite ores will be revealed.

Darkroot Forest
Darkroot Forest is basically a Hub to go to multiple areas.

Twilight Glutch

If you want to access the Twilight Glutch (Which is the next area you should be going to, unless you want to do optional content for more gold), then just go to the South East of the Map, you can find it easily.

Darkroot Basin
You will want to go here, if you want to get the Superboots early on.

This area is great, if you want to farm lots of gold. The entrance is hidden. Go through the trees, north of the entrance to Ghost Town, and you should be able to access Hushwood.

Cincinatti Zoo
This is the best area in the game. Sadly you need a late-game item to access it. Make sure you have the Sign of the Beast, otherwise you will not be let in
The gold paradise
There are a few traps around the whole area, which are invisble. These traps basically scream at you, and spawn many of Obama and Hilary's creation, ISIS members. These ISIS members run at you and scream, and blow themselves us when they get near you, so watch out. Thanks Obama.

Other than that, this area is a free for all. There is no goal in the area, other than running about, finding hidden gold and chests, you don't really need a guide for that.
Darkroot Basin
So, you want the Superboots Eh?

Darkroot Basin is not a hard area. It is very ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ annoying.

You are faced with 2 walkable ways. One way leads to Alltala Trail, the otherway the the Arcane Library

Getting the Boots - Arcane Library
Walk east and upwards, across all the slime, until you come up with a weird arrow shooting enemy. Kill it and proceed on. You now have to walk a long way through super slime, which stops movement, so watchout. Reach the end, and you will eventually get to the Arcane Library.

Lodor Trail

Walk the another way at the beggining of the floor.

You need Super Boots, so make sure you got those.
Twilight Glutch
Very Dark Indeed

It sounds like you want to carry on the Main Story Quest

This area is very dark. You need to talk to one of the NPC's who will give you a Torch person, which will give you vision to complete the level

Completing the level can get difficult, but the beggining you can figure out yourself, as it is basically just linear.

Activating the Teleporter
Once you get to an area giving lots of light in a circle, a checkpoint, and a Lightgiver Spawner.
Now, there are runes in this area which you need to find, and activating all of these will turn on a spawner.

This picture, shows all the runes (Circled in RED)

The teleporter will spawn in the light area as previously mentioned, so go there, and off to the Temple of Notch you go.

Twilight Glutch (Deeper)
You need the sign of the Ankh to access this area, but if you do want to access it, simply walk north from the second safezone, (where you find the area giving lots of light)
The Temple of Notch
Confusing Puzzles. . .

First, to access the temple, speak the the NPC, he will ask you for a rock. Give him the rock you found in Shaftlocke mines.

The first puzzle, is a 3 x 3 combination grid.

Do it in order, 5, 4, 9, 1, 6, 7, 3, 2,

See the pictures below for help with the puzzles.
For the matching Puzzle, when they ask you for example "Why", make the shape Y, as shown below and drawn out. Basically relate whatever they tell you to the photos.

"Extra" = the X
"Hmm" = the H
"5 + 7" = the +
"Square root" = the BOX

Run away from the big Tick!

The best method to beating this section, is to hug the walls closest to whatever direction you are going in. It may take a lot of trial and error, but once you get the hang of it, it will become easy. You will get many lives at the end, so do not worry!

Killing the big Tick

He moves very fast, but only has one attack, which is a meele. You can just move backwards and hit him at the same time, and he will not be able to damage you. However he one hits anyone he attacks to beware.

As his health declines, statues will start appearing and attack you, so watch out for that.

Teleporter Hub
If you walk south of the temple, you will see a diffrently coloured wall, if you attack this, you will access a teleporter hub.

The Arches Desert
What a big place. . .
You picked up a pickaxe from the the Temple.

You enter the desert, and you will come across NPC's who need your help.
One will ask for you to kill all the enemies, the other, will ask you to mine out raritanium.

Mine out 5 Raritanium, and speak to the NPC. He will give you the sign of the Ankh. You can use this to access Sha'Rand temple, located East of the desert. You can follow a path to get there. You can also look at the map below.

All the Raritanium is circled in Blue on the map.

Teleporter Hub

If you follow the North Path, you will find a teleporter Hub.

Finding the Teleporter Part

You will need the Axe, to chop down the trees to access it. On the map below, you can see a square room with many trees in it, go there.

Sha'Rand Temple Floor 1
You have the Sign on the Ankh, right RIGHT???

Go through, and you will be greeted with two doorways, one to the Arches Trail, and one to Sha'Rand Courtyard.

Activating the Teleporter

You can find 1 teleporter switch in Sha'Rand Courtyard

You can find 3 teleporter switches in Arches Trail

This teleporter will lead to Sha'Rand temple floor 2, the hardest place in the entire map.

Main Story
You don't really need to beat Sha'Rand temple yet, so you can ignore getting the Teleporter runes. You can either head back to Ghost Town, now with a Pickaxe and Sign of the Ankh, or activate the teleporter. You have to eventually do it, to get a teleporter part, but it can be done later.

Arcane Library
Don't try to beat this floor JUST yet!
Super Boots
You probably managed to get to this floor early on, it's a late game area, but you need to walk through it to get the Super bots

You want to beat it??
Teleporter PArt
Hmm, maybe you are here for the teleporter part then. I assume you have an axe, so just find all the odd looking trees and cut them down. They are circled in BLUE on the map

Back in time
Oh, you are here to go back in time now? You need that information, so the time portal is marked on the map. It is circled in GREEN.

Sha'Rand Courtyard
Easy Questing!
Talk to the NPC, who basically asks you to kill all the enemies in the whole floor. It's a small floor so it's easy.

You then take him to the Teleporter rune, and he will activate it for you. Very easy, very yummy.
Arches Trail
Those Damn Teleporter Runes
They are very easy to find, but you know, some people struggle, so heres a map. They are circled.

Entrance to Ghost Town

You will be able to walk to Ghost Town from here, by turning a lever, pretty cool right? The levels are all linked up.
Sha'Rand Temple Floor 2
You will want to cry because it is very hard!
(Thats what she said)

Full of traps, puzzles, and more impossible traps, you will spend hours trying to beat this impossible, (but possible) floor.
Lodor Trail

Super Boots
Sign of the Akkh
Attack upgrades (The game gets harder from here)
Lodor Trail is in the name. It's a trail, however, there are no enemies in this area. It is just a medium length trail, before the actual area, so not much guidance is needed.

There are quite a few chests found in this area, so it may be nice to pick them up.
Alltala Trail
You are only here because you have the Super Boots, and the Sign of the Akkh, if not LEAVE NOW!

It's a relatively short area, however an arena battle awaits.

After fighting through the area, you will notice a Red floor teleporter. Use it, and you will see an NPC, only letting you pass if you have the Sign of the Ankh. Go pass, and a battle will begin.

The battle is not too hard, provided you have many upgrades. Multiple Lich may spawn, and once you slay all of them a boss spawn.

This boss is the standard Knight boss, but he is quite easy with the upgrades you should have by now, so kill the cheeky bastard.

After killing him, you are allowed to return to the previous area, but now another teleporter has spawned. Use this teleporter and continue on, until you reach Alltala; City in snow.
Alltala; Village in Snow
Welcome to the second town in this map!

This Town has some decent merchants. Level 3 Merchant of every single type, so if you need to upgrade some combo's, Defence, Vitality or Offensive to level 3, you can do it here.

Ok, I am here and I can't leave, what do I do?

You need to go speak to the president, who is in the largest building on the Map, it will be shown below.

After speaking to him, he will ask you to familarise yourself with at least 5 residents of Alltala, so start going around and speak to some people. These will are shown on the map in red.

Now you can leave the town!!

However, it is best to get the Axe, as this will allow you to enter more areas!

Hammerwatch Castle - The Raid
Only go here, if you managed to get an Army from Sky City

Hammerwatch Castle is found to the far East of Alltala

Vas' lodor Peaks
This area coming up is probaly one of the best areas in the game, very fun. However, it's best to make sure you are as upgraded as possible. You should also have the Axe.

Snowpoint Ruins - Getting the Axe

This area is very linear, so if you want to axe, just go here, go through the area, and YAY! You now have an Axe.
Snowpoint Ruins
You are here for the Axe, nice la.

An NPC will ask you to clear the Temple. Clear it then.

After clearing the temple, he will open up an exit at the north side of the temple, go through and walk through the rest of the level, and now you have an Axe!

This axe allows you to chop down bright looking trees, but I suspect you already figured that out.

No, I am here to go back in time.
Well then, the time portal is near the entrance to the ruins, you can't miss it.