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Closer to Tabletop Wardancers
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Dec 17, 2016 @ 11:11am
Aug 11, 2017 @ 10:21pm
15 Change Notes ( view )

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Closer to Tabletop Wardancers

Mod has been updated and is now working with the latest version. ROR Wardancer version has been changed as well in line with the regular version. See below stats for details:

*A CALL FOR HELP* In order for me to try and model their other shadowdances from the tabletop, I need to be able to make their abilities modal rather than activated and on a cooldown. If anyone can help me figure out how to do this using TWeak, please reach out to me.

I decided to go over the stats of the Wardancers (my favourite units in that army) to better reflect their status in the fluff and tabletop, as it seemed odd to me that they were lower in the tech tree and costed less than Wildwood Rangers (15 points base and WS and I 6 for the Wardancers over 11 points and WS and I 5 for the Rangers). The changes I've made are as follows:

Wardancers (Dual Swords):
-55 Melee Attack.
-56 Melee Defence.
-AP damage increased to 14 and 8 bonus against infantry. Overall damage retained.
-30 Charge Bonus.
-1000 gold recruitment, 250 upkeep.
-Now recruited from the Tier 3 Asrai Melee Infantry building

Wardancers (Asrai Spears):
-45 Melee Attack.
-70 Melee Defence.
-Damage unchanged.
-20 Charge Bonus.
-1200 gold recruitment, 300 upkeep.
-Now recruited from the Tier 3 Asrai Melee Infantry building

Regiment of Renown
-85 Melee Attack
-85 Melee Defence
-Damage unchanged
-30 Charge Bonus
-1600 gold recruitment, 400 upkeep.
-100 leadership.

Compatability: I have found this to be compatible with Ryu's Wood Elves Revival mod, as the changes I have made take priority. I intend to test this with Lorehammer as soon as that mod has been updated in accordance with this DLC.

This is my first mod and for me to be completely happy with it I have some stuff left on my to-do list, in particular their other Shadowdances. Ideally they would be modal and only one can be active at a given time (plus a unified cooldown so that they cannot be switched at will).

The buffs to their melee defence was to reflect the Wardancer's ability to expertly dodge and parry blows in melee, however unlike the Wildwood Rangers and Treekin they are still unable to take a blow and will melt all the same when caught out in the open by ranged units and artillery or stuck in an extended grind. In other words: "A Wardancer has to be lucky every time; a Chosen only has to get lucky once."

At the same time, I didn't want to go too overboard with their stats so as not to completely make Rangers and Treekin redundant. Now, is this where they should be in custom and multiplayer games? Probably not, and I'm 98% sure CA gave Wardancers the stats they have now for fairly good reasons in light of the meta of the game (not to mention plenty of theory-crafters out there who could go about balancing them out better than I can). I welcome your input, tips, and criticisms.
Agiel  [author] Dec 18, 2016 @ 7:07pm 
I adjusted the price of both Wardancers in the latest update, so hopefully that should at least balance out their buffs. I intended them to be to Asrai melee infantry what Waywatchers are to their ranged infantry, and sought to make them go nearly or toe-to-toe with Chosen one-on-one. I have stressed that I have not touched their overall health and armour values so they remain very much vulnerable to ranged, magic, and artillery. As for their other Shadowdances it's something I'm looking into how to do (see the disclaimer at the top of the description).
kunny391 Dec 18, 2016 @ 7:50am 
I agree. The wardancers are pretty OP in campaign. Maybe you could make the spear wardancers focus on melee defense and melee survivability while making the sword wardancers glass cannons. Alternatively, just adding all the other shadowdances that were missing would be really cool.
Una Dec 18, 2016 @ 4:46am 
While playing the mini-campaign, I already thought Wardancers were one of the single most powerful WE units. I had 2 enemy WE units surrounded by 6 of my units in melee, and they just. would not. die. They held my 6 untis off the entire fight. Buffing them further is pushing it, imo.
Agiel  [author] Dec 17, 2016 @ 9:21pm 
Yes, I am using the "-" as a bullet point.
The Lich Dec 17, 2016 @ 9:18pm 
so everything that has a "-" symbol means you added something... not subtracted it right? You are using the "-" as a bullet not subtraction, correct? XD